I have a question, does Jow Forums care about brazilian whites?
Brazilian Whites
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I care about unicorns too, and perpetual motion.
that doesnt look white to me, what the fuck is that mongrel face, doesnt look european at all
Tea sure
Brazilians are fine so long as they don't engage in the depravity their fellow south Americans are prone to
I care about all my monkey brothers.
Seriously, it would be cool, if Brazil could become one of not many livable places on Earth.
Whatever you say, space man
you might be blind, Pepik, if that doesn't look white to you
Jow Forums doesn't care about romanian whites, but about your brazilian 1% negro criolos?
>1 post by this ID
Yes, they should be air evacuated out of that jungle to a safe and sane nation where people don’t have to live behind broken glass topped walls to keep the filth out. Except the ones who have already adapted to the endless degeneracy you worship there.
that's because you are a retarded slavshit lmao.
Slavs don't have western european faces, we all look retarded compared to them. Slavs differ from the germanics and iberians both facially and in behavior.
This is an objective question open to subjective answer, what else you want me to post paki?
You should just move to Serbia, Hungary or some other place nearby
I forget brazil even exists half the time, what do you think?
No. Brazilians are retarded anyway, as are most other south americans.
This thing, maybe, only. I m not quite sure yet.
serbia and hungary have same racial composition as romania from my pov.
Best bet would be gathering them and try to secede altogether I guess
>mfw I have a 0 followers instagram account to stalk thousands of white brazilian thots
I can't stop stroking my honker, lads. Send help.
what's ur handle so i can see who you are following
>Volta pro mar de mijo anão
Nobody here gives a shit about Brazil
I’ve noticed there’s a fetish’s for young white women in Brazil and those thots just love to post man
help is on the way user!
Brazil has deported (((New Christians))), lazy portuguese ex-"nobility" and descendants of criminals, southern european rednecks, german Cletuses, ... all of them are considered human garbage in Europe.
Start here
I don't even go there, cunt.
Eu me importo em fuder as branquelas. Os branquelos podem ir pra vala.
only %0.1 of brazil
Tu fala de uma forma tão negra que conseguiu de alguma forma me deixar com mal estar
Beleza. Se mata então, otário.
i don't care what anyone says
i like you brazilanons
Jow Forums is a board of peace and loving.
My ex was white and Brazilian.
Well, I mean, I like THAT one...
>italian looking
Sure thing, Cleetus
they're shit cunts because portuguese is a gay language
Shut the fuck up. English is a barbaric language that can't hold a candle to this beautiful Latin descendant.
>a literal abo
lel go shoot up a mosque
Shit, without all that stuff in her ear she would look perfect
She’s probably paler than you.
She is. I'm caboclo.
Wtf is wrong with piercings
Redpill me on the bundas of white brazilian girls fellow br user.
It's just something that most southerners see in a daily basis user.
New scientific research has discovered that Brazilian Amazonian indians on the peruvian border are actually racially Aboriginal/Australoid rather than the Mongoloids common to most of the Americas
Oof and grosspilled.
Yes, but you are very-very outnumbered by whatever weird thing most Brazilians are!
That is a fucking half nigger male LARPing as a white female, I feel sick just thinking about it
>t. pardo
Theyre massive
Not really because theyre big, but because most people in brazil barely wear clothes. That makes it so youre always seeing ass on a regular basis which gives you the illusion that their asses are great.
Most guys walk around in sleeveless shirts, t shirts or even shirtless with shorts and flip flops. Chicks use ither leggings or those jeans shorts that show has half their ass hanging out.
If youre white though, GO TO BRAZIL. At partys an average BR chick will approach you very subtlely with “Hey, wanna make out with me?”
Signed, Blue eyed blonde Brazilian
Kkkkkk precto
more white people than Belgium has
I'd say 15-20%
>brazil is tucson, arizona with fewer old people/uggos and more niggers
She ain't white, She a Ginger.
>Doesn't realise English is a Latin & German hybrid language...
yikes! haha
That girl is a cute little nigger lover.
>>Doesn't realise English is a Latin & German hybrid language...
No, it's a Germanic language borrowing words from Latin.
We need more chad Mexicanos instead of these liberal shits who cross our border and demand tax money.
I can find more words in common with French than German
Like I said a Hybrid language then!
English > Latin:
I want > volo
you want > vis
s/he wants > vult
we want > volumus
you (all) want > vultis
they want > volunt.
Also I noticed my mistake.
Actually I met about 300 Brazilians when I was living on campus accommodation and I'm still pretty good friends with a whole bunch of them.
Nice people and fun to hang out with.
English is basically an orc language that borrowed some words from Valyrian
>is largest nigger country only after nigeria
It's not hybrid. Hybrid is something akin to deriving from two different languages. English just absorbed particular words, and very very few grammar things, but it has no derivation from Latin itself. Portuguese, on the other hand, comes from Latin.
I care about all of my brothers and sisters in the diaspora.
What could go wrong...
That kid is a champ
Is that a bird
i have no problem with latino whites, even mexican ones
i actually don't have a problem with red pilled spics because iv known bro-tier brown spics in the military, but niggers and jews still deserve the rope
We need to deport all the beaners and watch mexico turn into brown california. Deport the californians too.
I have nothing against Brazilians of any genetic background. But you're too far away for me to take it to the next level and care either way.
most important
>1150–1200; Middle English wante < Old Norse vanta to lack
Most English words that come from Latin are not needed, you could take them out and still be able to write great works. The previous sentence for instance avoids using Latin-originated words.
English and Latin grammar are very similar. Not as much as Spainish but still similar
Are you bloody blind? Fucking Czech cunt give back the land you stole
What your @?
not that much
t. white brazilian
I'd care about her. Sauce?
Well, yeah, if they look like that. No but really, are there whites in Brazil? Thought you all were mutts.
I absolutely do care about her. Come home, white girl.
What thebfuck is that thing
Doesn't change the fact that English is at its foundations a Germanic language
No its not lol
Absolutely zero declensions and minimal conjugation.
Grammatically, English is one of the least similar European language to Latin.
Most of the Latin influence is to its vocabulary
I care about everyone that's not a nigger or jew
Are you fucking retarded?
'Want' comes from the old norse 'Vanta', not Latin.
And as your example shows, Latin has huge differences in conjugation between the first/second/third person singular/plural, let alone conjugation between tenses, whereas English verbs are pretty much always the same
That guy would easily assimilate into chimpanzee society.
Lots of northern Italians, Germans, Swiss, Polish, Russian and British moved to Brazil throughout the 19th and 20th century. They made colonies in the southern states where there was few to nobody living in. Same thing happened to Uruguay and Argentina, and to a lesser extent Chile.
El Abominacion de las Americas
Are there genuine white nationalist movements in Brazil, or are the Europeans there happy to mix in with all the other mudbloods
Hello fellow White Nationalist