Enough with this fucking kike

I'm sick of his fucking MAGA seders. Who's the alternative?

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Do we need a president anymore lmao

we need a führer

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>Who's the alternative?
Hillary. we know you stormniggers are with Her now.

the alternative is the chad Patrick little who has been protesting outside AIPAC and naming the jews in public, he is running for 2020.

check his youtube channel where he livestreams his public appearances where he names the jews


no, you need a bullet, stormnigger. you're the shitbulls of the hwite race, and it's past time you were put down.

fuck off mongrel. the concept of loyalty to one's people means nothing to you because you have no people. your mother was a coalburning niggerloving whore race traitor.

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tulsi unironically

Yang, but you motherfuckers never cared about sane economics and your racist bullshit will hold you back

kek you NEETsoc stormweenies cheerfully jumped on the bandwagon for some soulless bugman promising you free tendiebux. not to mention you 14.88 IQ weenies screeching autistically about "Zion Don" and "muh MIGA" are too fucking stupid to understand how the US gov't works (protip:all spending, including the $38 bil for Israel, is controlled by Congress). not to mention you retards make yourselves into a Saturday morning cartoon villain that the left can trot out to scare the normies. do the hwite race a favor and kys. the average hwite IQ might actually go up to mythical Ashkenazi levels

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Anarchocapitalist revolution, obviously

The only way to avoid fuckers in the government is to end it completely

oh, yeah, the privatization of tyranny has worked out really well, hasn't it?

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Suck a dick and get gassed kike.

Lol. Pretending resources are infinite is "sane", but believing in biology is "bullshit"? Gas yourself, you Discord tranny kike.

This, unironically.

not who, what. and u know what.

Far better than public tyranny. Congrats on being a Paul Ryan/Nancy Pelosi shill though.

t. Seething Schlomo

What's the alternative to Trump?
Anyone with an IQ just above 90 suits me

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>fuck off mongrel.
>Suck a dick and get gassed kike.
Why does Jow Forums hate the vocative comma so much?

death to the ruling class

get fucked OP
>in all fields

they're low IQ stormniggers hanging onto the delusion that being hwite guarantees them a 100 IQ

Pat Little

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>socialists supporting a socialist
And you're surprised by this?
We're talking about a group of guys that say that the Nazis weren't socialist because they were actually capitalists, and then they call capitalism a jewish trick the next day.
Inconsistent and failed ideology is inconsistent and failed.

>And you're surprised by this?
not at all, see

It's either Trump or all-out Civil War.

Pick one.

>wants to pay reps for niggers

lmao fuck off

He's not a kike though.
Anyone call him one can immediately be written off as an idiot.

>Who's the alternative?
Yeah, that's right goyim. Keep voting. Whatever you do, don't stop supporting the zionist occupied government.

>He's not a kike though.
Might as well be. Supports the Jews and Israel unconditionally. Sold his children to the Jews.

No, the other user is right. America has no place for nazis. Either lose the cringy stormnigger beliefs and assimilate with society or go back to Germany where you belong, nazi

>America has no place for nazis.
White National Socialists have more of a right to America than every other non-White race. The USA was founded by and for White people.

> Either lose the cringy stormnigger beliefs
As opposed to cringy cuckservative beliefs?

>and assimilate with society
Society is a racial construct.

>or go back to Germany where you belong, nazi
Germany, like the USA is a White nation.

One option of course is
He is fsr from our guy, but throwing our support behind him simply for the fact that he has mentioned whites by name would prove a point to others the power of white identity politics.
Plus, whites having an extra 24k per year per family would help us have kids.


Yang-Yang has like 1% options of winning any Democratic primaries. So f*ck off shill

The second Biden enters the race, all the meme candidates (like Yang) chances sink to the bottom.

inb4 4d chess brainlet

but he is getting ALOT of votes.

what if he is just securing his term adopting a bit nice guy fash.

win the election then WAM!

starts doing the going over. rounds them up in a socailly acceptable I.E. there arent enough jewish transgenders.
we need to encourage jews to pursue their dreams in their homeland.

>White National Socialists have more of a right to America than every other non-White race
Literally, nobody says this aside from untermensch nazis and pol incels, but I'm being repetitive.

I unironically am just because I want to see what happens.

Even if he won you're never getting your 1000

I don't mind him kissing jew ass so long as he keeps muzzies and beaners out. I also enjoy imbeciles like you raging. Win win.

>Literally, nobody says this aside from untermensch nazis and pol incels,
Well, you're anti-White and support White Genocide so of course you believe White nations belong to all the races of the world. You also support massive non-White immigration to White nations. Just as long as it's "legal" and "vetted".

You of course deny the reality that race is the basis for civilization. And you'll gladly give up all your political power and control to continue to deny that fact.

Found the Yangfag.

Patrick confronting jews at AIPAC 2019. One hour of redpills and greatness.


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If you hate trump so much why don’t you make a Facebook post about it?

Gfy nigger we’re MAGA in here bitchmade

my man

I'm still with trump because nothing salts leftists harder than the don. All our politicians are kikes in their own way, but trump is instrumental in making the left look incompetent and delusional.

Discord trannies attempting to render Jow Forums ineffective for 2020 is actually kind of cute.

Well, with the funds originally intended to be paid to Israel as foreign aid.

Still not one of his better ideas imho