Don't let this one get archived translation

: we discuss about translating Brenton Tarrant's manifesto in various languages. It has already been translated in a few languages.

Original document:

Translations currently available:
SPANISH: (need proofread)


For this one, we have the next but we need to format it. Would be nice.
(Someone said he would do it yesterday, we're waiting now.)

If any of you fags want to start a translation in a language you speak, or collaborate for an ongoing one, feel free to inform Anons here or preferably in the dedicated infinity thread:
(replace the X with 8)

Versions currently being worked on:
—Polish (2 Anons on 8ch)
—Italian (2 Anons doing the first 50 pages so far)
—Lithuanian (1 translator here and 1 on 8ch, I invite the 4ch volunteer to post on infinity to cooperate)
—Latvian (looking for help)
—Romanian (some work done but need somebody to continue)
—Arabic (unsure)
—Hebrew (unsure)

We still need a few languages, such as Serbian/Croatian/Slovenian, for which I'm not sure anyone has started a translation yet.
You can discuss, but try to stick to the translation and be productive and efficient!


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Other urls found in this thread:


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It is a little cucked on some points. His stance on Jews, Gays and Turks seem cucked and like something a Jew would write.
Manifesto seems like Jewish export ideology for the Goyim. And indeed the whole Counter Jihad movement is exactly that.

So include a translator's note. The only thing cucked about the manifesto is what it lacks about the JQ, everything that's in there already is rock solid.

He literally presents same views on Jewry as Hitler did. Expulsion of all Jews from Europe and being okay with them living in separate space as long as they don't commit subversion against white countries. That is very surely Jewish, right.

On Turks he has very strong stance too, see whole thing with Hagia Sophia.

Take your tripfaggotry, memeflag and shilling elsewhere.

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this threads smells like gefilte fish and bagels

Jews always subvert other countries
Does not matter if they are in the country or not
My 5 year old knows this, you should know this and obviously Tannant was a retard

That’s because you've come.


>Jews always subvert other countries
That is the whole point. Are you a brainlet?
Nevermind that question.

is that an attempt to write english?

Making whites aware of their group identity must happen now, before whites are completely diminished and scattered. acceleration can create tension points around which people self-segregate and that's important for building groundswells of support and recruitment.

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Send them away they still subvert
Only way is to shoot them into space

God bless for people getting mass redpilled on white replacement

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Can someone proofread the spanish tr?

That is the point, again. Anyone with views on Jewry as Hitler had is a-okay in my book. Not to mention SS division heraldry, Iron Guard symbol, 14 words, odal rune and others. Tarrant is as our guy as it can get.


I am shocked there is no klingon version in the works.
So many faggots on 4chins I expected it would be the first version to be made

BT and Hitler has the same view on jews?
Not at all
The only thing they have in common is wanting the jews removed from europe.
BT thinks the jews are cool
Hitler considered them the lowest life form
BT is ok with homosexuals
Hitler wanted them exterminated
please do not compare BT to Hitler ever again

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>BT thinks the jews are cool
Post proof
>Hitler wanted them exterminated
Hitler didn't wanted to "exterminate" anyone, you kike. They persecuted homos and their ilk, but that was it. Most of them even didn't end up in camps anyway.
>please do not compare BT to Hitler ever again
Literally double-digit IQ.

page 15 he states he is not anti-semitic
so he is cool with the jew
Hitler was anti-semitic to his core

BT is anti-muslim
Hitler preferred muslim to jews
>The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France
look up this speech

No homosexuals in camps?
pic related. Pink triangles were to identify faggots.
even when the camps were liberated nobody had respect for them not even the allies.
you are a retard

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I translated the navy seals copypasta to spanish, but it needs some proofreading, and also I use pronouns we rather use in Mexico (usted, tu) instead of Spain (vos, vosotros) since I wasn't comfortable enough to do it myself so maybe another hispanic user can fix it. Anyways

¿Qué carajo acabas de decir sobre mí, pequeña puta? Te dejo saber que fuí el mejor graduado en mi clase en los Seals the la Marina, y he estado involucrado en numerosos redadas secretas a Al-Qaeda, y tengo mas de 300 muertos confirmados. Estoy entrenado en guerra de gorillas, y onions el mejor franco-tirador en la enteridad de las fuerzas armadas de EE.UU. Tú eres nada pero otro blanco para mí. Te eliiminaré a la mierda con una precisión que nunca antes se ha visto en esta Tierra, tenlo por seguro. ¿Crees qué puedes salirte con la tuya diciédome esa mierda? Piensalo de nuevo, puto. Mientras estamos hablando, estoy contactando mi red secreta de espías a través de los EE.UU y tu IP está siendo rastreado en este instante, así que mejor preparate para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta que eliminara esa pequeña cosa patética que llamas tu vida. Estás jodidamente muerto, niñito. Puedo estar en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento, y te puedo matar en mas de setecientas maneras, y eso solo con mis puras manos. No solamente tengo entrenamiento extensivo en combate desarmado, pero tengo accesso al arsenal completo del Cuerpo de Marina de los Estados Unidos y lo utilizaré en su completa totalidad para limpiar tu miserable culo de la fas del continente, pequeña mierda. Si solo pudieses saber que tipo de retribución impío tu pequeño comentario "chistoso" iba a dejar caer sobre ti, quizas hubieses retenido tu jodida lengua. Pero no pudiste, y nolo hicste, y ahora estás pagando el precio, maldito idiota. Voy a cagar furia todo sobre tí y te ahogaras en ella. Estás jodidamente muerto, niñito.

The term "unholy" doesn't have a direct translation, btw, someone fix plz

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>translating a meme
You need a life user

Just noticed the söy got filtered to onions, whoever is arranging those translations should take mind to correct that bit. Also I just noticed some grammatical mistakes kek.

>page 15 he states he is not anti-semitic
>so he is cool with the jew
You are either really really stupid or shilling. There is a huge fucking way between those two. And since he explains it more in later parts (ie.: okay with them in their own separate space and expulsion of all jews out of Europe), then you can seriously expect anyone fall for this.
>BT is anti-muslim
He states exactly the same thing on muslims (okay with them in their own separate space) as on Jews, but now he is anti-muslim? You are making no sense.
>The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France
Yet French were considered Aryans. What does this have to do with the debate?
>No homosexuals in camps?
Learn to read. I wronte MOST OF THEM. Not ALL. Difference.

>you are a retard
You are proving exactly the opposite.

It's the correct way of doing it. It was also fun to translate too.

¿Qué carajo acabas de decir sobre mí, pequeña puta? Te dejo saber que fuí el mejor graduado en mi clase en los Seals the la Marina, y he estado involucrado en numerosos redadas secretas a Al-Qaeda, y tengo mas de 300 muertos confirmados. Estoy entrenado en guerra de gorillas, y onions el mejor franco-tirador en la enteridad de las fuerzas armadas de EE.UU. Tú eres nada pero otro blanco para mí. Te eliiminaré a la mierda con una precisión que nunca antes se ha visto en esta Tierra, tenlo por seguro. ¿Crees qué puedes salirte con la tuya diciédome esa mierda? Piensalo de nuevo, puto. Mientras estamos hablando, estoy contactando mi red secreta de espías a través de los EE.UU y tu IP está siendo rastreado en este instante, así que mejor preparate para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta que eliminará esa pequeña cosa patética que llamas tu vida. Estás jodidamente muerto, niñito. Puedo estar en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento, y te puedo matar en mas de setecientas maneras, y eso solo con mis puras manos. No solamente tengo entrenamiento extensivo en combate desarmado, pero tengo acceso al arsenal completo del Cuerpo de Marina de los Estados Unidos y lo utilizaré en su completa totalidad para limpiar tu miserable culo de la faz del continente, pequeña mierda. Si solo pudieses saber que tipo de retribución impío tu pequeño comentario "chistoso" iba a dejar caer sobre ti, quizas hubieses retenido tu jodida lengua. Pero no pudiste, y no lo hiciste, y ahora estás pagando el precio, maldito idiota. Voy a cagar furia todo sobre tí y te ahogaras en ella. Estás jodidamente muerto, niñito.

Just fixed some mistakes I noticed, someone should still proofread it.

>¿Qué carajo acabas de decir sobre mí, pequeña puta? Te dejo saber que fuí el mejor graduado en mi clase en los Seals the la Marina, y he estado involucrado en numerosos redadas secretas a Al-Qaeda, y tengo más de 300 muertos confirmados. Estoy entrenado en guerra de gorillas, y onions el mejor franco-tirador en la enteridad de las fuerzas armadas de EE.UU. Tú eres nada mas que otro blanco para mí. Te eliiminaré a la mierda con una precisión que nunca antes se ha visto en esta Tierra, tenlo por seguro. ¿Crees qué puedes salirte con la tuya diciédome esa mierda? Piensalo de nuevo, puto. Mientras estamos hablando, estoy contactando mi red secreta de espías a través de los EE.UU y tu IP está siendo rastreado en este instante, así que mejor preparate para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta que eliminará esa pequeña cosa patética que llamas tu vida. Estás jodidamente muerto, niñito. Puedo estar en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento, y te puedo matar en mas de setecientas maneras, y eso solo con mis puras manos. No solamente tengo entrenamiento extensivo en combate desarmado, pero tengo acceso al arsenal completo del Cuerpo de Marina de los Estados Unidos y lo utilizaré en su completa totalidad para limpiar tu miserable culo de la faz del continente, pequeña mierda. Si solo pudieses saber que tipo de retribución impío tu pequeño comentario "chistoso" iba a dejar caer sobre ti, quizas hubieses retenido tu jodida lengua. Pero no pudiste, y no lo hiciste, y ahora estás pagando el precio, maldito idiota. Voy a cagar furia todo sobre tí y te ahogaras en ella. Estás jodidamente muerto, niñito.

forgot to add, this version has some slight corrections

Hitler was anti-semitic to his core
BT was not anti-semitic in his own words
They do not have similar views at all on jews
stop trolling

Opinion discarded.

Not spanish, but here's how I translated it.
Che cazzo hai appena detto, stronzo? Voglio portare alla tua attenzione il fatto che ero il migliore della mia classe di Navy Seals, e ho fatto parte in numerose incursioni contro Al-Quaeda, con più di 300 uccisioni confermate. Sono addestrato in metodi di gorilla e sono il migliore cecchino nell’esercito americano. Tu non sei altro che un altro obiettivo per me. Ti distruggerò con una precisione mai vista su questa cazzo di terra, credimi. Pensi di potertela cavare dicendo queste cose su internet? Hai torto, idiota! Mentre stiamo parlando il mio network segreto di spie negli Stati Uniti stanno rintracciando il tuo indirizzo IP, quindi preparati per la tempesta, verme. La tempesta che laverà via dalla mia finestra quella macchia insignificante che tu chiami vita. Tu sei già morto. Posso essere ovunque, in qualsiasi momento, e posso ucciderti in più di settecento modi con le mie sole mani. Non solo sono estensivamente addestrato in combattimento corpo a corpo, ma ho anche accesso all’intero arsenale dei Marines e lo userò tutto per spazzare via il tuo lurido sedere dalla faccia della terra, pezzo di merda. Se solo avessi potuto sapere cosa il tuo “sagace” commento stava per causare, forse avresti preferito tagliarti quella cazzo di lingua. Ma non sei riuscito, non hai voluto, e adesso ne stai pagando lo scotto, idiota. Cagherò così tanta ira su di te che ci annegherai, lo giuro sulla mia vita. Sei già morto.

>in metodi di gorilla

Why even include this in translations
How many normies know about this meme?
It serves no purpose
You are translating an inside joke

In spirit of BT, the lad who memed his way through a massacre, we have a duty to translate his shitposts for all the world to understand.

the joke is lost to normies
it will confuse people

>cognitive dissonance, the post
Stop shitting into your own mouth, you dummy. You can't even read properly, why the hell are you even trying to debate something.
>They do not have similar views at all on jews
Three pillars of Third Reich JQ policies - expulsion of all Jewry out of Europe, establishing a separate space for kikes, and punishing those who already committed miscegenation. Tarrant's manifesto easily fill first two, while third remains without answer. Why are you this illiterate?

Also explain while Tarrant holds same approach for both Jewish and Muslim question, but you only said that he is magically "anti-muslim". You can't, because you are unable to understand text beyond it's face value.

You just add connotations to memes, so normies are not dissuaded by a text that makes no sense to them. That is at least how I'm translating it.

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His memes certainly got through the muslims though.

>when 2 people post 2 images you've made months apart with in 5 minutes of eachother.

wow okay.

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Because then I can see this happen on italian television.

God bless you anons

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Oh, somebody already beat me to the Spanish translation. Should I continue with my version or proofread that one?

Proofread it ofc. Perhaps add notes?

sorry but I cant take you seriously
BT is not anti-semitic
Hitler was a proud anti-semite
this is a fact

The copypasta isn't translated, maybe you can do that?

You could translate it into rioplatense but that's kind of senseless.

Not only is he cucked on the JQ and other important issues, his manifesto is a boring, rambling, and poorly edited blog post full of meme facts which are easily debunked.

Tarrant is a brainlet manlet and he literally only appeals to brainlet manlets like him. Why bother translating since only 46 people will ever read this garbage in the first place. Christchurch is already forgotten.

Are you actually sentient? I am speaking to a bot?

if it makes you happy
have fun

Please kill yourself you foliagenigger.

What are your thoughts on white replacement?

The kikes always hide their flags. Your kind will get fucking tortured to death. Not just killed

Sorry, I was busy, couldn't bump
Am back now

This. Traitor before the enemy itself.

Canadian proxy nigger lover. Millions of us will be following Tarrants lead before we die. Just wait and see you fucking dissenter

Look the jew with his hidden flag again

Color us shocked. Bullets in my hand with your name on it

>inb4 you're v&
Nice knowing you user

Page 15 the guy says he is not anti-semitic
true or false?

Amazing pic. Top-tier tastes.

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He said "semites" should leave Europe as other invaders.

>O-o-o-once normie whites realise they're being outbred t-t-t-they'll surely sacrifice their comfort and a-a-a-amenities to rise up r-r-right?

You supposedly woke right wing faggots with literally nothing to lose aren't doing shit. You really think a bunch of whites with good jobs and kids to look after are going to fight? Especially when they know a bunch of barely employed young white men with no real responsibilities just sat around memeing at each other while waiting for normies to go out and do all the work?

Get a fucking clue you losers.

Are you literal retard? And I'm not even memeing now. You didn't read what I told you already here: and ? Or you are just physically unable to understand those.

Well truth be told, there hasn't been a single jew that hasn't subverted or harmed white people since Bobby Fischer.

that is not the question

Why didn't you answer my question user?

>facts which are easily debunked

you can't even answer a simple question
have a nice evening

>>You supposedly woke right wing faggots with literally nothing to lose aren't doing shit. You really think a bunch of whites with good jobs and kids to look after are going to fight? Especially when they know a bunch of barely employed young white men with no real responsibilities just sat around memeing at each other while waiting for normies to go out and do all the work?
Well that's precisely the point of accelerationsim user, to make people willing to revolt against elites by forcefully getting them out of their comfort zone and their comfy lives, because as long as everyone has a comfy life no one will truly care about what's happening out there. Hard times create strong men.

>is he anti-semite
>wants semites out of Europe
He is anti-semite in Europe, just like he doesn't mind Muslims in their own countries. Simple.

Think we'll end up making an exegesis of the manifesto for all the morons out there.

Don't worry, I put a note there to explain the joke

It is a translation, you don't get to decide what you include or not, you translate.

good idea


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>facts which are easily debunked
>easily debunked
That's an oxymoron, retarded snownigger. A fact can't be debunked.
Perhaps you subconsciously know everything in there is true? It's okay, you're not alone.

you are a dedicated translator
In my case I showed this manifesto to a few people who were curious.
The number of questions when they get to that part is confusing to them
Unless you put a note like Italian user it is detrimental to the reader

as for him being anti-semitic he says he isn't
I don't see where the debate is

Ima translate to Hebrew for the lulz, will report back.

Yeah, a note is a good idea. Here's a note (for whomever wants to look up the archives to fix the spanish translation).
* Este texto es en realidad una copia de una broma que ha estado circulando en internet por un tiempo. La broma es la exageración y estilo dramático con la que el autor del texto se expresa contra otra persona que debió haberle insultado anteriormente, en su totalidad el texto debería tomarse como sarcasmo.

Somebody with a brain!
Amen brother
The point of him not being anti-semitic is fact and not debatable.

He chose his words wisely.
He says he doesn't mind people living in their own countries, his point is to explain that Whites are invaded and replaced in their own lands. Thus he explains that Jews in Israel or Muslims in Pakistan are OK.
The main idea that he wants to convey is the racial substitution through fertility rates. He considers Semites as foreigners in Europe, thus that's enough to make him an "anti-Semite". But to simplify things he says that "jews are fine… as long as they don't subvert", obvious reference to all the kikes that subvert our nations. A development on this issue would have -sadly- lost normies, while his reasoning, memes aside, is very easy to follow.


True he said no to the question, but its likely he did so headlines wouldn't be plastered with "Anti semite kills 50", which would immideatly discredit him in the eyes of the masses. That's up to argumentation.


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I don't know how we could get a safe proofread of the Hebrew translation, couldn't believe a kike. Will have to use a translator I guess

I was thinking about translating it, but I feel like it would be pointless

pls do

It could take a while though, since I'd have to find the time to do it

Made some more corrections

¿Qué carajo acabas de decir sobre mí, pequeña puta? Te informo que fuí el mejor graduado en mi clase en los Seals the la Marina, y he estado involucrado en numerosas redadas secretas a Al-Qaeda, y tengo más de 300 bajas confirmadas. Estoy entrenado en guerra de gorillas, y onions el mejor franctirador en todas las fuerzas armadas de EE.UU. Tú no eres más que otro blanco para mí. Te eliminaré a la mierda con una precisión que nunca antes se ha visto en esta Tierra, tenlo por seguro. ¿Crees qué puedes salirte con la tuya diciédome esa mierda? Piensalo de nuevo, puto. Mientras estamos hablando, estoy contactando mi red secreta de espías a través de los EE.UU y tu IP está siendo rastreado en este instante, así que mejor preparate para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta que eliminará esa pequeña cosa patética que llamas tu vida. Estás jodidamente muerto, niñito. Puedo estar en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento, y te puedo matar en mas de setecientas maneras, y eso solo con mis puras manos. No solamente tengo entrenamiento extensivo en combate desarmado, pero tengo acceso al arsenal completo del Cuerpo de Marina de los Estados Unidos y lo utilizaré en su completa totalidad para limpiar tu miserable culo de la faz del continente, pequeña mierda. Si solo pudieses saber que tipo de retribución impío tu pequeño comentario "chistoso" iba a dejar caer sobre ti, quizas hubieses retenido tu jodida lengua. Pero no pudiste, y no lo hiciste, y ahora estás pagando el precio, maldito idiota. Voy a cagar furia todo sobre tí y te ahogaras en ella. Estás jodidamente muerto, niñito.

it's ok

Woah... I just realized that more people would be convinced he was a Mossad shill if he trashed Jews more in his manifesto. "They're generating an excuse to stamp out anti-semitism. They're delegitimizing anti-semites"


It is a meme. The whole thing is nothing but a big meme.
>spyro the dragon - ethnicity, keked
>Candice Owen - inspiration, top Kek!
>Navy seal - copypasta, kekekek!
Genius, he's fucking with everybody and irritating us all!
>his manifesto is the Best shitposting in history of Aussie shitposting
Which means a lot, cause those madlads are the best trolls!

So yeah good effort from you guys, but I agree with our cynical friend over here, there was no need for that. I do actually think by translating it, it will even lose some of its meaning.

do it for ebba

Seals pasta won't lose it meaning - you just have to translate it into same over the top hardass style and add annotation in the bottom of the page. That way you won't lose joke with those who know and those who don't will understand it and see him as a cheeky fucker. Especially if you add some mentions that media fell for it to that annotation. It's a win-win. Between the lines, every joke and sentence like that is also making him more human - which is something also good, considering normies will be reading it.

Rest of them like Spyro or Candace Owens just need little annotation too, nothing big. Simply factual.

I'm in the "no notes" team, I think memes are obvious for people to figure them out by themselves, and if they don't then they'll feel brainlet and perhaps look even more into it, realize he had a sense of humor, etc. (because normies think racists are "uneducated" and "dumb"). But it's debatable.

>Just wait and see

The right wings motto right there. Just wait and see wait and see wait and see


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Friendly bump.

>Argentinians need a new flag
Everytime I see one of you anons post, I'm thinking Israeli at first...
Until I look closer and see there is no pentagram

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Funny thing is this was the first meme to come after the shooting. In the very same thread 30 minutes after the shooting happened. This is a piece of history bois

I can help with the translation in Romanian

Alright , I'll post it here when I've finished
I will