I am unironically considering suicide for the first time in my life because I won't be able to clear this semester and other reasons. Can you talk me out of this, friends. I don't know what to do, how to fix things. Nothing is going right. I can't just drop out and get a blue collar job because that is not enough to lead a decent life with food on the plate in my poor third world country. I can't repeat a year because my parents can't afford it.
I am unironically considering suicide for the first time in my life because I won't be able to clear this semester and...
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i also failed getting a diploma due to being retarded (drugs, vidya, social autism). had to do some shitty jobs for a while to keep me afloat. then out of nowhere i found a job that i actually like and is sufficient for a decent yet humble lifestyle. still did the degenerate shit as before but quit most of the habits during the last few years so my general situation vastly improved.
hang in there, get through the shitty times and work on improving your situation step by step.
once you hit the bottom you can't descend any lower, the only way is uphill from there. it's not easy or happens instantly but life will grant you opportunities to improve your situation.
don't take the easy way out, that's cowardly, especially with your reasons. people have endured much worse and still made it somehow.
Depends on the blue collar job nigga, the trades pay amazingly well.
Do you have a pet
Just drop out and go to a community college.
I know it seems like you have no way out, but things WILL work out even if you end up not getting an amazing job. Its better off than being dead
I had to drop out of my dream college that had a 12% accentance rate because i couldnt afford the $70k+ per semester. I went to community college and found out i was getting pretty much the same eduction for waaaay cheaper. Like $35 a semester cheaper. The professors were all from highly prestegious schools. The very ones i wanted to go to.
I got a job before i even got my associates degree, making $2900 a month.
Its okay to drop out. The world isnt going to end. There are other options. Any of them better than being dead
For fuck sake, pull yourself together.
I failed college 4 times. 4 times. It was humiliating.
And I'm now 26 and an architect because I went back again. And again. And again. Until I fucking passed.
You do the same and not only will you make it in the end, you will be better for the challenge. It will instill you both faith in yourself and satisfaction with your life.
It is achievable. It is in your hands. Fight.
PS go were you can afford or do what you can afford. I worked and paid my tuition fees. Emigrate if you have to. Just don't give up - not giving up IS what gives you satisfaction. Every day it gets harder and yet every day you don't give up. Tell yourself that.
Never quit, you have no idea you can pull yourself out of if you just put in the effort
>be highschool dropout
Didnt have any motivation in life and almost killed myself. Then i decided i would major in criminal justice and become a parol officer. Have faith anons. If you dont have a purpose, give youself one.
over a fucking semester? come back to me when you have a real reason to kill yourself.
The jobs for high school graduates here pay 150 USD a month at best.
I already go to a third rate college which is like the equivalent of community college in the US. But that's not a problem. I will get a job if I manage to graduate even from this college.
Thanks for replying, guys. I feel somewhat better now.
Just do it
I was in the same place as you, OP. Not sure how education in the US works but I had to put on three extra semesters for my Bachelor's. I was at a point where I was so messed up that I nearly jumped in front of a train, but didn't because I felt like something physically held me back. And now I'm about to finish my Master's with above average grades.
It's easier said than done but don't let academic failure get to you so hard. In times where everyone keeps babbling about how important super good grades are, it might look different but you're more than your degree. And failure is part of every process where a lot of work is involved. If you can, repeat the semester. No one gives a flying fuck how long you needed for your degree further down the line. Seriously. And if you feel like dropping out, learn a trade. Some regions might not pay it well but you can still move to a place that does. Besides, moving into a new environment is a great opportunity to leave the past behind and reinvent yourself. And as a general rule of thumb, when you're in a crisis, surround yourself with friends, family and things you enjoy. It creates a sense of belonging and will help you get up on your feet again.
Whatever you do, don't become an hero, OP. Where you're at is not the end of the world. Keep going, I'm rooting for you.
Thanks for replying. I feel a lot better now. I am not in the US, I am in India. I can't repeat the semester, so I'm just going to try my very best to clear it.
Why are you people giving advice to an Indian? The world would be better off with less of these parasites
Do the best you can, user. Offing yourself takes you all the futures where things get better. I'm sure that in a few months of figuring things out and readjusting your plans, you'll look back at the bad days and ask yourself why you were ever worried.
Worst case scenario without suicide: You flunk a bunch of classes and take longer to graduate. At this point in your life the one thing you have more of than anything else is Time. Losing a year or so now will not matter in the slightest five years from now.
Your fault for even attempting college to begin with. College is HighSchool 2.0. College is just a stressful waste of money and time that is constantly pushed on girls so they ruin the fuck out of themselves psychologically by becoming a leftist retard, economically for a decade or so, physically through stress and then bad lifestyle choices at night. And in every other facet imaginable. Then they expect and hope for a husband to scoop them up just as they lose fertility, a crippling thousands in debt and zero morals to be seen and they never get a hubby because of this because of course they expect a man who makes more than them and they just HAD to be a prescription selling dermatologist. Why? Because it's fucking dumb and a waste time and soul.
Boys in college are the same way just to a lesser extent. Except the only reason it still works is if they truly chose well then they are gonna do fine in the field they chose. But they typically would find more fulfillment in just skipping college and working their way up in the world. In your case you simply failed a course.
Don't kill yourself, I shouldn't even have to say how dumb nihilism is. Every person is supposed to go through depressing trials like this in their teens-young adult life to help the psyche gague the value of life itself, and of it's different aspects. Aka, what really matters to you... A fucking family. There's your motivation forever, work tirelessly and valiantly so you can harness your creative force with a quality woman and bring up better people than the filth you see around you into the world. Become a father in a responsible manner and you'll never regret it unless you're a literal soulless bum.
You're welcome.
>college is just a stressful waste of money and time
imagine thinking this.someone didn't graduate apparently. cause doctors, lawyers, scientists etc all need to go to school to get where they are. it's only a waste of time if you're pursuing a gender studies degree like 70% of students do but still.
OP, don't worry, you'll be fine. does your school have any sort of programs for people like yourself who fail too many things and get kicked out? I know my school does, and if you can get through that little program they let you back in. a strong social community can help. even for autists like myself, the social community of students in your faculty, in your residence, or even in clubs you join can help you through tough times. you can work it off for a while to pay off your debt and then go to community college for a trade. it's better than nothing and sets you up for a humble career.
Most decent jobs you don't need college, and who in the fuck wants to be a labshit or a lawshit kike for a living?
I never wasted my money on college and make ~25-35 an hour with my personal training job on and off and 29 an hour doing security. Suck my dick Bookworm numale.
OP don't listen to this faggot.
You are retarded, I went into college at 22 thinking it will be easy peasy since I worked 6 times per week sometimes in physically demanding job.
It was the opposite of that (CS college) and the opposite of people saying how much CS is a meme college. I was a faggot like you, but you have no idea how much dedication and thought/energy goes into college. I've had plenty of day where I'd wake up 4AM, go to gym, start my classes at 7AM and then worked on assignments and studied until 11PM in evening.
It's incredibly time consuming and hard, if you aren't going to the biggest meme college you heard of and actually want to learn.
>Bookworm numale
You are fucking stupid beyond belief, if you think this is average college student.