A boy hurt my feelings once in 1st grade. This was in 1996. I brought Lassie to school for us to watch...

A boy hurt my feelings once in 1st grade. This was in 1996. I brought Lassie to school for us to watch, and he refused to watch it because it's a "girl's movie." He raised a stink about it, and the teacher sent him to the principal's office. I was a very sensitive and timid child, and it took a lot of effort on my part to work up the nerve to bring a movie to school. He really, really hurt me.

The other day he sent me a message on Facebook apologizing for what happened. I don't know if I should forgive him. He was 6 years old at the time and was never mean outside of that one incident, and now we're both 29. But my heart is bruised really easily and never recovers whenever someone hurts it. I don't know what to do...

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Obviously you should have sex with him.

6 years old?
I thought people remembering stuff from that young an age was an anime thing and not something that actually happened.

what the fuck.

5 is usually the age where memories begin solidifying.

most people have memories starting from ages 3 or 4

White women love fucking their bullies. Why not suck him off and get some sex? Hmm? Roasty?


I'm in my 20s and middle school is as far as my memory goes, even that is fuzzy. Damn, hope I didn't wrong anyone.
forgive him OP, kids are barely conscious

Look Op he probably had a brother or father who beat his ass and called him a fag if he looked at anything girly. Little kids are sensitive. So when you brought your movie to school he couldn't watch it without feeling like a social outcast to his father and brother.

>A boy hurt my feelings once in 1st grade. This was in 1996.

This was a non-incident from 23 fucking years ago. The fact that this is a question for you speaks volumes about what a shitty person you are inside. True "sensitive" people would have been sensitive to others in these situations, what you describe is just selfishness/self-absorption. This "my heart gets bruised easily" shit and hanging on to something from 23 years ago is egotistic at a mental illness level.

Get yourself to therapy, please.

This. Jesus christ OP, I hope this is a pasta I'm too new to recognize.

It wasn't a non-incident to me...

Yes, I have been diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder, depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I've gone to a few different therapists, but they ended up making me angry for one reason or another, and I'd always stop seeing them after a heated argument.

And there's multiple flavors of sensitivity. Empaths absorb feelings from others and try to take care of them. I'm not an empath. I'm incredibly emotional, but in a way that's far more selfish.

My first memory I was 2 months shy of two years old

I mean, you're not getting any better answers than You are being ridiculous, OP

Have sex

>post low quality bait
>get serious responses anyway
You guys are fucked.

Bump in case any other girls are around. I don't think cavemen - oops, I mean guys, can really understand. Males can't understand why anyone would ever be upset about anything that doesn't involve lacking food.

you dont have to forgive him. if he ruined your childhood tell him to fuck off.

It's entirely, 100% up to you. I shut down pretty much everyone who ever tried this with me because I let most of them know on the spot that they were being shitty and they kept at it. And don't give me 'it was easy because you were already down,' maybe offer a hand instead. Not that they'd fuckin' know anything about that.

Anyway, it's up to you. You have to decide on your own influences if this would get you anywhere or do anything for you. You can just say some vague platitude or say 'thank you for the consideration' and block or whatever else. You can ghost it entirely.

I chose to tell them I had no fucking idea why they'd spend all of middle and high school shitting on me and then, all of a sudden, want to talk to me now that high school was over. I told them that, I got the 'I never knew I was doing that' and that was when the conversation ended on 'I wasn't exactly subtle about letting people know what I felt about that kind of thing'

Fuckin' Kummer. You had all your chances and you decided to take them at the exact time I started coming into my own and pursuing the girls *I* wanted instead of waiting for them to come to *me.*
Switches and doors, man. Switches and doors.

OP said that he was never unkind to her outside that one isolated incident when he was 6. Bit different from routine bullying.

girls just dont have a backbone, why do u care so much what that guy says, the other people in the classroom watched the movie and u get upset because of 1 guy.

where are you from user?

Texas c:

Not before marriage

What do you gain from holding a grudge on a six year old bully?

are you a girl?

One of the funniest things I've read all month thatisnt some features drunk bullshit.

You should blame your parents not him for raising you in such a bad way, and then go to a psychiatrist to guide you to better metal health.
I wish you a happy life.

>better metal health
Rock on, Strongbad.

Wew, with a list like that, you're almost certainly a scourge to society. Never go outside, please.

Thank him for his apology and either forgive him or not, as the mood strikes you at that moment. And then get on with your life and think about it no more