So, imagine you can get rid of all the niggers/jews/chinks/beaners/mudslimes etc. Do you realize that is BILLIONS of people? How the fuck are you going to kill them all?
Gas chambers - there were countless posts about how Germans couldn't physically remove 6 gorillion kikes. But if you were properly trying to build crematoriums it still wouldn't be enough.
Nukes lol - yeah, you know that would fuck up the whole planet. For whites also.
Conventional warfare - you will run out of bombs and bullets even before your economy will collapse because of militarization.
The only possible way is race bilological weapon, but it will take decades to properly identify "white genes" without risk to exterminate the whole humanity at once.
Convince whites Earth is lost and the new plan is colonizing Mars. Ship off whites to the void of space and let them die a slow death.
Ian Stewart
It would be done in many ways be it conventional warfare or not. If these people cannot live without Whites gibs what to stop us from starving them? It would take 10 years and most of the planet would be wiped out with few European casualty.
Camden Richardson
>Mass genocide is impossible Then they have nothing to worry about
Jayden Martin
Cut gibs to everybody, bioweapons...
Brayden Perry
Nobody is talking about genociding them worldwide. We just don't want them in our majority white countries. They're free to rot in their own shitholes far away from us.
Elijah Parker
I'm fine with the nuclear option. Either we survive or the world dies. This is in line with my world view. If we have to die off then I want all life on earth to die with us.
Angel Perez
Leave it up to the Russian to suggest mass extinction levels of genocide.
Self-segregation would be Easier.
Jason Rivera
> but it will take decades to properly identify "white genes" without risk to exterminate the whole humanity at once.
This has probably been a thing for awhile but realistically, provided we solve the run-away greenhouse effect and stop the impending ice-age (Which would allow our planet to sustain this large of a population). It will be gene altering eugenics and AI-infused biology, so in the end I guess Hitler won?
OR --
Ice-age in the next 100 years.
William Evans
Sebastian Miller
combination of the two. expel, stop supporting, gas.
Hunter Robinson
more co2 = more iceace?
Are you sure about this?
Levi Gray
How can you speak about starvation if niggers can just pick up bananas from the ground? That will just reduce the population. Same with asians.
Oliver Phillips
It's the methane in our cryosphere that will cause an ice-age and the co2 was the precursor to heating up our oceans, so kinda yes.
Are you denying our receding cryosphere or that co2 is a factor?
Brody Fisher
You should know that starvation is most effective.
Austin Gutierrez
remove the food supply/network that distributes it and you basically have killed most of them within 2 months. Target the major infrastructure nodes. The trains, the roads, the farms as well. Cripple communications. Use satellites to see if they swarm into large clusters and bomb them.
there, solved it for you.
Nicholas Reyes
I deny everything.
Austin Russell
Just conquer their country conventionally and install a full-female feminist government. The whole ethnicity will be gone in less than 2 generations
Anthony Campbell
Just stop giving them our tech and gibs. They'll return in their natural state
Carson Bell
Have you learned anything about your history Boris? STARVATION, sterilization and preventing the migration of undesirables. If you're looking for something a bit faster you isolate them and exterminate them from one town at a time while offering the land for free to the desired race.
Benjamin Barnes
Do you deny previous ice-ages?
Nicholas Parker
I deny everything.
Adam Myers
I agree with the current state of the world mass genocide would be impossible. However, if we as white nations (Europe in mind) can start an isolationist movement, ergo we only communicate, trade and help our fellow white nations while expelling the foreign population, it would take less than a decade for the African continent to starve down to about 10 to 15 million people. The asians would be in disarray because we would not buy their products, civil unrests will destabilize their nations and also hunger will kill off 75% of their populations. After that we can wipe that shit clean
Ian Murphy
How'd you come to that conclusion?
Matthew Baker
It merely poses an engineering challenge. Fortunately that's one thing we excel at. If we can dream it we can build it.
How can they pick bananas of they ground if they are under constant assault WITHOUT s o y boy faggots acting as doctors to help them? They don't even know how to farm you mad head lol. Just bomb the fucking farms and devastate the wildlife.
daily reminder: mass production of goods it's a western invention
Parker Jackson
can i go ?
Landon Flores
Everything that needs to be done to make white countries good homes for white people could be enacted purely through good governance achieved through fair democratic means. The fact that we're giving it away when we absolutely don't have to is what is so horrible about the situation.
Blake Harris
Killing all nonwhites on the planet? Not possible, or necessary.
There are peaceful solutions like race-based tax disincentives which discourage nonwhites from living in white countries. Those could be put in place through the normal government channels in most of Europe, though probably not in the USA. There have been several modern instances of great migrations where one group of people leaves a country all at once. Look at when Turkey and Greece separated, or India and Pakistan/Bangladesh. And then there are other countries which have policies which slowly encourage other groups to leave, perhaps by favoring the main group.
Liam Adams
23&me. Except it’s only quite people who use it. We’re fucked
Blake Johnson
>Do you realize that is BILLIONS of people? How the fuck are you going to kill them all? just stop sending aid to african countries, that's literally how easy it is
Leo Martinez
stop mailing them food and medicine for starters
Jayden Campbell
I don't want to genocide anyone, hell I don't want to kill or harm a single person. I want our treasonous politicians to stop importing over a million new muslims adhering to a completely different, competing social order to my continent every goddamn year and I would love to see them all put on trail for this horrible crime against civilized western society.
Michael Cooper
and quickly struck down by anyone who believes they are "racist laws"
Brandon Williams
>gorillian my fucking sides
Grayson Turner
Build a superintelligent AI and have it exterminate all of humanity.
Why not just use the same policies that have been used against whites for the past 60 years? >sociological fertility reduction promoting racial hatred, racial guilt, squeezed out the workforce, feminism, homosexuality, transsexuality, child free lifestyle >physical fertility reduction: porn, promiscuity, High Frequency radio waves, mass vaccination,
No dead bodies, no guilt, no accusation of crimes against humanity.