Can I find a trad wife at the Jehovah's Witnesses?
They seem more geared towards marriage than mainstream Christian denominations.
Redpill me on Jehovah's Witnesses
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Yea, you definitely can. But you'll be in a retarded cult. And your brainwashed wife will take your brainwashed kids away if the cult ever turns on you.
>What is a better Christian alternative then?
catholicism produces the best women unironicallly, good mixure of madonna and whore complexes. protestant is too much whore or too much madonna
Try the Plymouth Brethren. They can be anywhere from ultra-traditional (but giving you space) to frighteningly controlling and cult-like.
The exclusive (or closed) Bretheren are the cult-like groups to avoid.
What is a better Christian alternative then?
We don't have any based denominations such as the Southern Baptists. The liberal and lily-livered Church of England fully support lgbt and transgender rights and Catholics are no better. Neither encourage marriage between members of the congregation anymore.
My mother is a Jehovah’s Witness. I’ve gone to Kingdom Hall with her and there’s a lot of trad women there. They’re just married a lot of the time but I guarantee if you attend regularly and make you will be introduced to someone’s daughter because they prefer to keep their families traditional. But you’re gonna have to go to Kingdom Hall like once a week since they won’t take kindly to vultures. You gotta go all in, broski.
Latin Rite/Traditional Catholic, SSPX, or Orthodox
A shady cult/herecy.
I have 2 personal friends who are Jehovas Witnesses, and i can honestly say that while they are very intelligent and top of the persons, the stories ive heard and rituals they do are so imaginaly stupid, that stay away from them.
You cant have holidays, you cant get blood transfers if you get into accident, if you get raped or robbed or have friends outside the cult, they might shun you and atleast avoid.
It is a Cult, not a religion.
I'd be happy going to a Kingdom Hall once a week. That comittment is the same as in any denomination.
What would concern me however is being expected to go knocking on doors and having to hand out Watchtower booklets to passers by in the street. Is this aspect of being a Jehovah's Witness seen as obligatory?
All religions are cults lol
red pill yourself and goto one of their churches faggot
They aren’t required to do that. If you don’t want to do that you don’t have to. I never did that when I was there. But some people adamantly wanted to. They also allow people the opportunity to speak at their gatherings, but again it’s another optional task.
Naturally I can’t speak for every Kingdom Halls rules because I have only be to like... two or three but I’m pretty sure you can get by without doing any of that.
Go to Scotland, Free Church
You can do whatever you want outside of any church if you think about it. It’s not like any church can access your medical records. The holiday thing is true, but again you can deviate from practice as you see fit. I’m not saying that in defense. Just pointing out that nobody is watching you 24/7 (except Jesus apparently)
It sounds more lax than I thought. Nice.
Why did you leave the church? Did you not want a trad Jehovah's Witness wife?
Anymore info about the Plymouth Brethen? What are their congregation numbers like?
No Christmas presents for them!
I know a former Jehova's Witness member (he was brought up in it)
He is out of it and a fulltime druggie/alcoholic who watched Illuminati vids on Youtube and rants on about all kinds of /x/-tier shit, aliens included.
From one cult to another.
I'd advice against having anything to do with those nutjobs
These videos ARE from one of the strictest sects of the bretheren (you might want to do your homework before you jump in). But I think they give a good idea of what the Plymouth Brethren are like.
I have conflicting feelings about faith and religion. I’ve become increasingly nihilistic and wouldn’t want to poison anyone with my dogma. I can’t defend my nature, but I can choose to keep my toxicity away from the undeserving.
They are pacifists living in the safety of their host nations. They refuse to touch a gun, but still they rely on their hosts to do it for them. They couldn't exist without their hosts, yet they practice a different religion and have different customs and laws. They are hypocrites and parasites. They are much like Jews in that regard. But where one is a malignant cancer, one is a benign tumor.
WRONG. If you’re injured you’ll be visited by elders trying to “emotionally support you” but in reality they’re there to check if you get a transfusion
I met this one very cute JW chick, she was handing out booklets to passers by with her mother. She was dressed very modestly and looked not like your average western whore. Do I have any chances with her? They have invited me to on of their meetings in their church. I'm now thinking whether to go or not.
No. You don’t. The whole cute JW thing is hilarious to me as an insider lol. You’ll be “spiritually weak” for at least a year or two. Most of those girls are snatched by the sons of heritage JW’s (born ins)
>Most of those girls are snatched by the sons of heritage JW’s
Then fuck them and their meeting, I won't ever let in any of them anymore when they come to my house
Except true christianity has no mandatory rituals and is about loving everyone. Definitely not a cult
>and is about loving everyone.
If you love everyone, you love none.
Like anything, you can keep your hospitalization hush hush. Of course, yes, you’re right about them visiting once they find out you’re there. Usually under the guise of “well wishes”. But hey, I’m a nurse. We don’t tell anyone what procedures are done and packed RBCs take four hours to infuse, so if you hide out until it’s finished you should be okay.
That implies theres no difference between love and hate.
It is only technically optional dude. You will be nagged at and shamed for not doing those things. Not to mention conventions, the shunning, the changing doctrine, and the 2 witness rule. All reasons to never join. I see why on the surface they seem like a comfy traditional organization, but the deeper you go the more controlling and brainwashing they are. Besides even if you did manage to stay on the fringes of the congregation by not preaching or giving biblical talks, you would be branded bad association and your chances of getting a qt virgin get considerably lower. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of this cult.
Jehovah’s witnesses are generally crazy and irrational. My dad’s a witness and it’s not a positive thing. Stay far away before you get sucked in
They use those Watchtower magazines to brainwash cunts how to interpret the Bible.
They are very sneaky and take their time recruiting people and once they get them sucked in they never let go.
They prey on lonely people and use girls as bait when they are door knocking as a tool to lure guys in
One of my uncles married a Jehovi and they brainwashed an ex girlfriend of mine and turned her against her friends and family
It implies that the axis of love and hate ceases to exist, if every observation falls to exactly one point on the axis. Big and small make no sense, if everything is the same size. Rich and poor make no sense, if everyone is equally wealthy. Love and hate make no sense, if you "love" everyone.
They're a fucking cult. And annoying to boot.
I had to take over the top measures to get the local JWs from coming to my fucking house
Well this is true also. I had totally forgotten about the conventions when I originally typed out my first comments. They’re very unusual things, but I’ve never attended. All religions have a merit based system though. Those who do not donate to their church and what have you been experience the same thing. It’s all so tiresome. You could attend any church and stay minimally involved, but eventually they all want their pound of flesh.
Trash. Like any other heresy. I'm glad they get extremely harassed here.
This. THIS
Most of my family is/was JW. Memorial is coming up on april 19th, go check that out. They're a bunch a pacifist bitches though, when i was young i asked my dad if it was ok to shoot someone if they were trying to harm us. My dad said he would NOT shoot an intruder that was trying to harm us (his family). It was at this point I started becoming seriously disinterested. Also my grandfather was an elder, all the while abusing my mom and grandma. They knew about it and did nothing. And they never want people to go to police, everything must be solved in house.
Yea also if you don't Knock on doors and preach the good news you'll be considered spiritually weak. You gotta go full in or its not worth your time
Yup, this is true. My family is mostly fractured because I want allowed to see my relatives because they are "worldly" I didn't meet most of my cousins until my parents divorced and my mom left the religion.
Yeah my mom is the same way. When I was a kid she told me to pray if someone was trying to hurt me. I always thought that was just her but later learned it was a common theme
What would happen if someone shot up a Kingdom Hall? Asking hypothetically, but unironically, because I never would be a terrorist. Do you think it would make ppl support the religion... or look into it more and then find out it’s batshit insane? Genuinely curious.
They would get sympathy if anything at all. They are pacifists, and are not a threat to anyone. They are batshit, but they are not aggressive, if they come to your door, you can simply tell them never to come back and they won't. They're only interested in mindfucking their followers.
They sincerely believe that they are the one true faith. An attack like that would make them feel that they are making a genuine claim in that matter. And of course it would be satans doing. These people have made numerous claims that the world is ending.
>2 witness rule
What's this? I stopped going regularly when i was about 12, so about 20 years ago. Is this new?
Well, it would be a truly bonding experience for all jaydub mockers, which is most of the world.
Hell, you would probably have American Muslims and Christians share some good anecdotes about owning them.
They (JWs) require two witnesses for testimony in absence of a confession. So if one church member accuses another of a sin (e.g sexual assault) and doesn’t admit it, you need two witnesss to testify in order for the church to take action.
50% of the women aren't virgins in the JWs. Most just ride the cock carousel and then get super religious to find a christian male. Also if you want to marry the virgin women you need to be serious about the religion and get baptized so they can shun you if you ever think about leaving.
How many sects of Brethren are there?
Spoken like a true exjw degenerate
A pathetic imitation of the one true church.
Mehhh. Maybe. The ones that follow the doctrine to a T won’t have sex before marriage.
Based and jehovah'-pilled.
What’s so batshit about them? My entire family is Jdub. I’m disfellowshipped. Keep hearing idiots say they’re batshit but it turns out that theirs no substance to their claims
If you join the Jehovah's Witnesses how soon can you start dating a Jehovah girl with a view to marriage?
Ex-JW user here. Forget everything you ever heard about Jehovah's Witnesses women. Your chances of finding a good trad wife within their ranks is just as much as the ones of finding one outside of it.
JW women are just as affected by feminism as women outside of it. They are mostly you-go-grll women except they fancy themselves as some form of moral saints that are completely superior than you because of the religion. They can't cook, they can't clean, they can't fuck, but they surely can nag, and they think they are God's gift to mankind. Pretty much the same as leftist libtards but for entirely different reasons.
You're better off searching for some vegan crossfitter. At least she will be fit, cook well, and the sex will be amazing.
That's liberation theology. kys.
That's not true. However, I do agree that a lot of people that ARE crazy and irrational are attracted to it. I think it is the whole brotherhood and acceptance thing.
No, you don't. All you had to do was to tell an elder you don't want to be visited.
the cult known as JW will let their family members die that need a blood transfusion. stay far away from their ideologies.
Not going to the police is a mistake. There is no rule about that. There are a lot of rules people talk about that don't really exist, but people seem to believe that they do, and a lot of people practice it.
I've seen my share of sick elders that did very insane and evil stuff claiming it was some rule that we had to obey, but it was just them being evil. This is one of those.
>If you join the Jehovah's Witnesses how soon can you start dating a Jehovah girl with a view to marriage?
After you get baptized. It takes about a year to get baptized.
This is something out of the mosaic law and a good rule to avoid false allegations.
There isn't. Most of those people clearly had no contact with JW's outside of having them knock on their doors.
yet another jewish cult
Orthodox is based.
Blood transfusions are on par with vaccines. It is the same thing, really. A lot of people will also let their children die rather than giving them their shots.
I've been a JW most of my life and so has my family. I'm an atheist now but still attend. It's a cult that sucks. Mainly because of shunning.
You can't leave or everyone you even loved, as in family and friends, will consider you dead to them, so you can never leave. You can only marry another JW. You don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas. You don't smoke. You are discouraged from pursuing higher education. You can't take blood transfusions. My mother nearly died because of this.
To marry a good JW woman you need to have a high status in the congregation, which means spending all your time doing religious bullshit. They demand to control every aspect of your life. You aren't even allowed to grow a beard. So yeah, not your run of the mill Christians.
Also, you are definitely not allowed to do anything political, take political sides, vote, etc. You'd be better off with a more run of the mill conservative protestant religion.
Orthodox Christianity is the only real Christianity
It's literally a cult founded by the Rothschilds to recruit brainwashed shabbos goy for middle management positions
This. Was also raised a JW, and they got so much biblical truths horribly wrong. Effectively, they deny the new covenant to 99% of their members. Paul's letters and much of the New Testament Greek scriptures apply only to the 144,000 - ie 1%.
>TL;DR the new covenant isn't for you goy
How many times do your predictions of the end of the world need to be btfo for one to be considered bat shit? What are they on rewrite number four now? Four times already the youngest religion has moved the goalposts of armageddon. Every time these idiots sell all their shit including their houses, stop farming, give up on the real world only to realize their leaders are completely full of shit. Yeah, their batshit, most of my family is batshit. They're talking about the end again now, they'll just keep moving the goal posts over and over again every time it doesn't happen.
Orthodox. The true faith is and always has been gnostic but it was so heavily repressed by the Papists it doesn't exist an an institutional movement anymore. Marcion was right.
One of my relatives is a prominent figure in the church through marriage and I'm a sick fuck which seems to run in the family with a morbid curiosity for religions and clubs that get culty. If I was a worse person I'd be making a lot more money selling you a different answer than stay far, far away.
You can marry people outside JWs. It is discouraged but they won't shun you for this.
There is no rule against growing a beard. Really. You can look into every book. There is no rule.
Out of curiosity user, do you feel your family is genetically predisposed to what's going on with JW, or conditioned to know it and pass it down with high pressure? My side of the family was disconnected from the side with a big JW figure and I was homeless for a period of my youth where I reached out to the side I've not met and got flown over for a couple months. I believe there are people who are highly motivated and lacking in empathy within the church, and those who are subjects of their influence myself from my experiences.
cult of heretics
not even trinitarian you may as well just convert to islam
Why don't you find a nice Anglo girl who has traditional values. Maybe someone from a small town.
Jw are a cult whose members are brainwashed asf.
How does courting work for Jehovah's Witnesses?
Why are you disfellowshipped?
They keep having to change their end of the world predictions so everyone doesn't just bail. It's pretty lulzy.
I was talking to a JW girl who sent me nudes and wanted to fuck me but got all pissed off when i said im not a virgin and blocked me like ten times and kept coming back but now im stuck on blocked. How to get her shes a blonde qt
there is truth in this.
Im an XJW. The people are nice enough, but they take being nice to the point of being a flaw. Plus everything is a sin, like even liking "the world" is a sin. No outside friends, must try to convert EVERYONE you get close to (ie family and work friends). A lot of pretend to be happy bullshit...its like a sitcom in real life. I hated it.
I grew up in the Romanian Pentecostal church. Every girl is wife-tier in the church. Most of them wouldn’t marry a non-Romanian or a convert though. You jobless, porn-addicted incels wouldn’t fare well with them.
You ask their father for a permission to date his daughter and most of it will be done under supervision doing pretty bland stuff.
What if the father says no because you're a neet convert?
If the woman is in her mid twenties, would she still need to be chaperoned? Are couples usually paired off with similar ages?
It depends on the country but you are highly discouraged from growing a beard and in the book for elders, it says people with beards can't hold positions in the congregations in countries where having a beard is not seen a professional (i.e. Europe, North America).
You can marry a non-JW but that's a minefield because you can have penalties, like not being allowed to answer in Watchtower study or any privileges in the congregation. The elders will question you about your relationship with the non-JW, and if they suspect you've had sex, you are done. Also, some will choose to shun you anyway and it's really shitty to not be able to do wordly stuff with your loved one, like birthdays, especially for the kids
Imo A bit of genetics, in the aspect of weak minded or impressionable people looking for answers, but mostly conditioning and pressure. For example my grandma when she was young lost two brothers in the war, and her mom died of a stroke a couple years later. I believe she went looking for answers and they gave her the ones she wanted to her. Then once she had kids it's in their daily lives from birth, and going outside the fold will alienate you from everyone you know. Not sure how my grandma in my dad's side got involved but my dad was indoctrinated since birth too. My mom and dad met at a convention and from there they were highly pressured to be together. Once i was born, my mom was determined not to have me live the shitty childhood she was raised in and my dad was a bit of a rebel too so they phased out of the religion over time. I still go to memorial with my grandma every year just to make her happy.
It must be Bible based.
Father's call.
They aren’t Christians and therefor are not a Christian denomination.
Give me a quick run down on this
Honestly, I'd never had a relationship with a devout JW. I've had some but with girls that only pretended for their parents, so there were no rules with them, other than don't get caught. There are lots of JWs in the cult that stay in just for family but don't really believe it.
As for normal courting, I guess you'd have to be considered "spiritually strong" by being an active member of the congregation. You can't spend time together alone. You can invite a girl to go to gettogethers and stuff but only in groups with others. You can't show much affection in public other than holding hands. No sex before marriage. Just imagine the most conservative type of courting possible. That's what courting a JW is like.
Christianity is not about loving everyone.