So I've had my rat about 2 years from a pet store that didn't tell me how old he was. His name is Morty (on account of the two week return policy when I bought him, it was my attempt at being funny.) Recently he's started drinking water less frequently, started eating less, and the past two days he has been lethargic and not doing anything. He's very fat. 1.23 lbs. I found that out at the vet yesterday. She said he's fine and healthy, but our town vet normally works on cats and dogs. She gave us pain meds to give him, and said to feed him soft food so he'll shit. But he hasnt eaten. And since waking up 5 hours ago, he's been swaddled in a towel, pissing himself, having trouble breathing, and crying. He hasn't been shitting. Every couple of minutes he randomly jumps. Vet's closed on weekend so I can't take him again. I'm pretty sure he's dying. I don't want him to suffer. I love him a lot. What do I do?
I think my pet rat is dying
Not to blow you off bud but
gonna have more luck there than here I think
Thank you. Panicked and didn't know where else to go.
I’m sorry user :( keep comforting him so when he goes he feels warmth.
he will probably die, if he doesnt start to eat and drink soon. keep him company.
lift the rat up and check its body for any visible symptoms?
He passed. Thank you for your help. I did everything I could.
Im sorry for your loss user, recently my bunny passed away while I was at school so I knoe the feel. Please give him a proper burial.
I hope you find peace in knowing he's not on this bitch of an Earth anymore.
May your next pet live longer and healthier.
Serve him on toast.
I'm giving him my favorite towel, (the one he died in,) and a piece of my jacket. We're getting him ready.
Thank you.
God your vet is a fucking idiot.
If you can, get him to an emergency vet clinic. They are open 24/7 and arent as expensive as you think. Take Morty there asap and tell them EVERYTHING. The loss of appetite, no thirst, random jumping, pissing himself, etc. Have them do tests asap.
If he does pass away, I am so sorry OP. It seems like he was a very happy and spoiled rat. He was happy to have spent those 2 years with you, and i hope it all turns out for the better and that he lives 2 years more. Take him to the emergency vet clinic asap
Good luck to you and Morty
Just remember the best years of his life were with you and he thanks you for it!
I’m sorry about that. I’m sure he’s grateful to have someone take care of him in his last moments.
Sorry I'm late responding, everyone. Gf got home, we boxed him up in the nicest box we had, and buried him.
poor morty, hopefully he will pull through
To rat heaven, he goes.
You should have given him some warpostone OP.
It's ok, he's with the Great Horned One now.
I’m sorry user. Every being on this earth has a soul and I hope one day you will reunite with your little friend in heaven.
Same heaven as us bud.
Thank you so much. That means a lot.
You did everything you could, you took him to the vet and looked after him constantly in his final hours. You must have been so comforting to him and I'm sure he loved you just as much as you loved him. Wishing you all the best
Anytime, God bless. Jesus will help you along the way, I promise. I used to be a nonbeliever but once I shed my ignorance and tried my life changed.
This life is far from perfect, it’s more equivalent from hell. Your little buddy is waiting for you :)
*to a hell
I'm sorry friend.
Godspeed Morty. May his soul rest in a better place, where there is no more pain and suffering.
They only live about two years, Op. This is normal.
If you got a mig set up at home, then put the little guy in a shoe box and pipe some CO2 in with the lid closed. He’ll go meme’s and that’s it.