Why are there so many pro russian shills?

explain Jow Forums

Attached: putin-with-jews.jpg (640x427, 32K)

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Russia has been Jewish ever since the Romanovs were executed and the White Army lost the civil war.

there are also jews trying to make the ukraine more western, so are (((they))) fighting for different things or is it all just the same jewry??

A majority of the Ukranian parliament, after the revolution, is jewish. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Question here bro.

You guys are also Slavic people. Do you feel close to Russians because of the same blood.

Thanks dude.

I asked the question to some Ukraine and Baltic user and they tell me that they hate Russians as fuck because history and geopolitics.

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no rothschild central banking
venazuela, iran, a few others too

We are all russian shill bots of course. Beep beep boop boop. Dont tell your local goverments.

Attached: 2ab282e2cdf765a753202286614258b6--propaganda-art-robots.jpg (543x543, 67K)

>eternal anglo

I have never seen one, at least compared to the people who shill for America here they are extremely rare.

well i mean like pro russian shills like the AfD and the NPD
theres no good right wing party here in Germany

only Syria, Iran and NK are without a Roastingchild central bank meme. Now you know why the media, government and generals are pushing for a war in both Syria and Iran (the Korea's are a personal pet project of the Roastingchild's)

That's because conservatism and nationalism are both incorrectly labeled as Nazi ideologies, your nation has been poisoned by decades of propaganda and none of it is your fault

Russia was the only country that wanted to FORCE Israel to join the nuclear treaty, you mongoloid!

Who voted against this resolution, therefore allowing Israel to amass nukes in droves?

Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia (b-b-b-based right) and USA of course, greatest ally.

Eat shit.

Attached: nuclear treaty.png (1122x799, 725K)

yeah its russians making all of these threads telling you to fuck niggers and abandon your culture for mudskins

definitely not the globalist kikes that run your countries and are banning free speech

Disinformation. They take pro-Russian shilling for fact since they can't check it themselves due to the language barrier.

>pro russian shills like the AfD and the NPD
How are they "pro Russian shills", I mean Russia is a pretty natural Ally to Germany and unlike the US they aren't literally destroying our entire nation.

Russia left Germany 30 Years ago, the USA didn't.

Russia can't even get their own shit together and people think they're fucking with America? Ha. As if you burgers need any help running your country into the ground.

If you are a reader and have read Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Gogol or a film buff and have seen Tarkovsky it's hard not to be a Russophile.

>natural ally
are u joking?

Its the answer you came for.

>Confounding russian art with russia government, especially since most russian authors trashtalk their shitty governments

The answer is easy: Russia is selling out this conservative/nazi/nationalist bullshit soup to retards that you find mostly in this board. What those morons don't understand is that Russia has it's own globalist project, and they are trying to destroy the Western world ( Dugin himself said that "Eurasianism is based on the hatred for the West). To do this, they mixed up Traditionalism; Orthodoxy; Nazism; Bolshevism and Fascism with Islamism ( they gathered up all west's enemies). What they do is say " Hey we are fighting your globalists" while at the same time promoting their own brand.

Since most people here think that teir anti-semitism comes from a true relationship with nazism and not their obvious alliance with Islam, they start buying teir bs.

>are u joking?
Obviously it is, far more then America.
We are to some extent dependent on their Resources, especially natural Gas and it enables land routes into all of Asia.

The USA has pretty much nothing to offer, but a shaking military and cultural devastation of Germany, again, the Russians left 30 years ago the Americans didn't.

Prepare ur anus for Mr Volodin

>Obviously it is, far more then America.
just look at our history lul
i think they both suck
they are both greedy and shitty states

чepт вoзьми! мы были oбнapyжeны! включи пpoтoкoл вaтник ceйчac!

forgot. Thread theme

>just look at our history lul
And in the past Germany and Russia shared a common border.

>i think they both suck
One clearly sucks more then the other, because one can't even leave us alone.

Some of them are paid, they have a special agency for that. It was really effective during the Brexit campaign.

Some are under the illusion that Russia is some kind of beacon of morality and defender of values, when it's actually a corrupt shithole that hasn't been influenced by Western decadence simply because their society is tightly controlled by the state and when you're very poor you can't afford post-material values.

Why is Russia supporting Maduro? I can understand china because ((gommunism)), but Russia just looks like assholes, it's going to be an awful precedent, money aside. .

Attached: chavez1.jpg (512x383, 26K)

Russia supports things to always stay the same, especially where they have stationed troops.

Any whiff of change in a country is perceived by them as a potential slippery slope to a country becoming a Western ally.