I am the smartest person on this board...

I am the smartest person on this board. Currently taking questions relating to any and all of society's most difficult problems. HOPING for some interesting and challenging problems this time around.

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Die nigger

do you have licence to larp on /pol?

how get sloth gf

Why haven't we had more space exploration/expansion in the past years.

If you're so smart then where is pee stored?

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How can we unify the human race and start exploring space without becoming an uniform mass of rootless mutts?

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there's a cute boy in my class who I'd like to sleep with. but I'm not gay.
how can I convince him to become a trap so we can do the sex?

Everybody knows pee stays in your wee wee. That's why it gets real full and stands up when it needs to empty itself.

you've been favoring that Brazilian flag lately. I think I've already told you this. where's the Norwegian and the Irish? there was also a Macedonian and a Bulgarian. a Swiss flag too but he's a less often seen.

you have. appear weak when you are strong.

marry an American woman. here's a video of some sloth babies as consolation youtube.com/watch?v=qYKrqd9VacY

in the balls

relegate the duty of space exploration to the races which have proven themselves worthy of it. some people and groups grow at a different pace than others. you also need to stop the mass immigration or you're going to dilute what little promise that remains.

>relegate the duty of space exploration to the races which have proven themselves worthy of it. some people and groups grow at a different pace than others. you also need to stop the mass immigration or you're going to dilute what little promise that remains.

but that's not a solution. that's just perpetuating the status quo and will only end up increasing the developmental gap, causing massive inequality and perpetual underclasses.
I'm beginning to suspect you might not be as smart as advertised, mister.

I am the actual smartest person on this board. Currently taking questions relating to any and all of society's most difficult problems. HOPING for some interesting and challenging problems this time around.

willfully ignoring reality for your communist pipe dream is your problem, not mine.

How do we beat the jews?

>How do we solve the jewish question ?
>How do we stop the Great Replacement ?
>What is the best economic system after mass automation and advanced AI get implemented ?
>Is travelling through wormholes possible ?
>How do you solve the Riemann conjecture ?

What was the meaning of the result of the vote on AOC’s Green New Deal?

>I am the smartest person on this board.

When will postmodernism end? What will be the end of postmodernism? What cultural paradigm will be after postmodernism?

>How do we solve the jewish question ?
Holocaust except for real this time
>How do we stop the Great Replacement ?
You can't. Damage control is your only option at this point. Movements like Northwestern front are your best bet. Should be more and more as soon as more white countries become as brasilified as the US.
>What is the best economic system after mass automation and advanced AI get implemented.
Incredibly easy to grow GMO food in every man or communities' garden, total independence and a cohesive white community. There is no economic system that will keep people in work (if we get to that point before niggers destroy everything)
>Is travelling through wormholes possible ?
Yes, but surviving travelling through a wormhole isn't from what we current;y know.
>How do you solve the Riemann conjecture ?
I assume you mean the Riemann Hypothesis, I don't have a proof for this. Nobody on Jow Forums does and if someone does I will concede my title.

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>How do we solve the jewish question ?
the question of the problem?
>How do we stop the Great Replacement ?
there is nothing you nor I can really do alone, it's by design. and until the final goal is achieved by whomever is orchestrating it, it will continue.
now, provided resources and dedicated individuals, this is subject to change.
>What is the best economic system after mass automation and advanced AI get implemented ?
a system in which good deeds are the basis of currency
>Is travelling through wormholes possible ?
yes, the question of propulsion and direction is most important
>How do you solve the Riemann conjecture ?
can you please describe it in detail?

give it a whirl, post your question

Jow Forums discusses this all the time, no reason for me to as well

Masons seem to believe it will end soon as we transition into the "mental age", but they're in for a surprise - we are nowhere near ready. maybe in 1000 years we will reach the next age.

tripfag took that one


Do you need more dopamine?

my brother has the big gay if no violence then how fix?!?!?

probably not, why do you ask?

put him alone in a room with an attractive female

Your meme isn't funny and needs to die.


Pee pee too small. How make big?

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>Jow Forums discusses this all the time, no reason for me to as well
Sweet non-answer.

rub it.

I'm here for interesting questions and to crowd source challenging problems.

lol ur gay

How many turds can you pack into a 60's split windscreen kombi?

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How much of history is faked?

If the universe is a grosser manifestation of our subtle mind, why do we need our eyes to see it?

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'the nigger'

everything is slightly fake, dumbass

moth,sloth,roth gf. why?

>everything is slightly fake, dumbass
I want the big brained nibba to answer, since some thing as almost all fake.

he is all fake