Okay, which one of you did this?
Okay, which one of you did this?
Praise kek!
>the goyim know
>hateful content
muffled oy veying in the distance
Implying a Government building doesn't have cameras
Why only Jews destroy shit for lulz
Rabbi is this you
The Goyim certainly know now and that’s why the internet is being shut down. Hail Hortler
>oh no not the racists!
>goyim? what does that mean?
>I need to find out and go resear- WIR MÜSSEN DIE JUDEN AUSROTTEN!
Muffled 'gas the kikes, race war now' in the distance
Based Oklahoma. Moving back there soon. Gas the kikes!
the kvetching is real
Soft echoing "did nothing wrong" in the distance
The real question is why Google Translate doesn't have audio output for Hebrew language.
Vandalism is fucking retarded.
these party offices are not considered government facilities
They dun goofed, eh old Chap?
This is a surprise.
>implying they don't have cameras
Maybe could use some additions.
Nice G in Goyim
The K is nice too
Is Tulsa a good place to live? North Texas is lost.
What the FUCK is with kikes and vandalism? Also what the FUCK is with the press reporting on all these "hey rabbi whatcha doin" moments?
They're the eternal victims of Aryan monsters who want to kill 6 gorillion of them so they need organizations like the ADL and their own ethnostate of Israel with a very tall wall.
Yes, but a large nigger problem with a high homicide rate. Outside of that, good place.
How will the jew report on this. How will the jew explain this to the normie
It was me
Fight me kikes I'll gas you all
>Sorry, this content is not available in your region.
Why would "The Goyim Know" be hateful?
Hey DNC County Chairman
I just watched the video in the link. There was a swastika (poorly done) and 1488 spray painted on the door
>The rest of the concrete, we'd rather not show you that.
Don't want more goyim to know.
No. Tulsa is absolute shit. Bunch of niggers and hipsters and white trash.
Fuck Tulsa. Move to somewhere outside of it and only go there if your job requires it.
>Comanche County
Literally a "Watcha Doin" spastika
Yes that really did make me wonder what the fuck that could be. Maybe current mortgage interest rates or something.
In blue paint too... could they be any more obvious.
Yet another "Hey Rabbi" moment
Thanks, frens.
Can’t say it’s a false flag because it’s literally pol memes
Wow, the blue spray paint looks to be the same color as the spray-painted handicap stencils in the parking lot. What are the odds?
I'm going to start saying this.
Yeah dude, Tulsa is shit. The roads aren't as bad as Detoilet's, but close. Plus all the people who are "native" to there think it is so great like a mini-Dallas when it isn't. The South part of Tulsa is just garbage urban sprawl like DFW.
DFW hurts my eyes.
Why do you idiots expect graffiti to be perfect?
I tagged "SNEED" in like 10 places over the past month.
>Just makes you cringe to see it
Old people using young language will never not be the most disgusting thing.
It doesn't have to be perfect but a real Nazi would at least know how to draw his symbol correctly...
If it wasn't a "hey rabbi" moment then the tagger would probably have a much better idea of how to draw a swastika, on account of them being a neo-nazi. It looks like a buckshot-esque slogans/phrases/symbols associated with neo-nazis to incriminate them.
Probably a mulatto Dem staffer with a blue finger inside the building. If caught, no problem, fake hate crimes aren't crimes, right (((Jussie)))?
All of Oklahoma looked like a shithole to me when I visited. Visited Lawton which is a similar size to where I live in Texas, but everything had a dingy dilapidated look to it. Also nearbeer is ridiculous. I can;t believe anyone buys that shit. I didn't know any better and me and a bud killed an entire case and didn't even catch a buzz.
Sorry, it was my cousin Shlomi, he was supposed to email this to them, not spray paint, he's a little special
What's wrong with it, it's not at a 45 degree angle?
>It looks like a buckshot-esque slogans/phrases/symbols
Like some edgy teens did it maybe?
Edgy teens is another possibility, although given the location in Tulsa, they're probably black.
Ive noticed NatSoc isvavlot less actuve in the US because it isnt banned here.
If I was Euro I would be full on 1488.
The middle part isn't an even cross. The German word for swastika is Hakenkreutz (kreutz means cross). You can even draw it by starting with the middle and then adding the outside parts.
Holy shit
This is actually epic
The shits all fucked up man. Shorter legs and shit. I have only done three with spray paint but I made sure they where fucking perfect.
all their trigger words and whatever else those __igot __ism words are are now officially completely meaningless
Lawton is possibly the biggest shithole in the entire state, and that's saying something.
Lawton is a military town. It’s only good if you own land out there. We don’t have nearbeer anymore either, the law changed.
holy fuck!
the owner of the building is former governor David Walters (D)
Moments like this make me proud to be a White Man.
The Jews feed their kids a steady diet of "dominate the goyim" and their ethno-state has combat units overflowing with volunteers. Israel is the only developed country that has a high birthrate. Every day they invent new ways to genocide us.
But its OK, our proud Aryan warriors sneak on to their unguarded property at night and write memes in ugly microscopic letters. If you're going to deface their shitty driveways, at least make it big and bold and menacing.
But its OK. I heard our Viking forefathers used to skulk around like little Aryan field mice and write mean things on their persecutors' abandoned fortifications when no one was looking. Every time the Khazars sacked a European city, and the Vikings would return and deface another stable or latrine with microscopic Rune memes.
Hail Victory?
howdy fren
Get your autism in check, They were probably in a hurry to get it done and didn't have the time to break out a compass and protractor.
Not everything is a false flag.
Now that I've had chance to inspect it, it reads "THE GYM NOW." It must have been written to reprimand some lazy Jewish fat-ass.
Draw a _ then a | and finally four little lines. It takes two seconds. My point is that I doubt it was done by real Nazis.
>real Nazis.
There you go with that fag talk again.
I saw the funny stoner doctor in Idiocracy, too. Speaking of which, I need to rewatch that movie.
Obviously the goyim need to be (((educated))) more
At this point, fuck it.
>calling Whites "Goyim"
>it's anti-semtic racism
I love it. Live in like sandsprings or west tulsa tho.