I have this unshakeable feeling of isolation from the rest of humanity. I simply don't have the same motivations and values as the rest of the people I interact with. I don't care much for money, or relationships, or the average sensual pleasures. This divide stops me from being able to be fully honest with those around me, which leads to further feelings of isolation.
It feels like life is a game, but I'm the only one who's looking at it that way. What others take seriously to a life or death degree seems silly to me. Not in a "nothing matters" nihilistic way, but closer to "it's all just for fun, but everybody else is too wrapped up in their roles."
I'm not looking for sympathy, nor for advice on how to "fix" this. It doesn't strike me as a problem that needs fixing, just a condition I've found myself in. I just want to know if anybody else feels this way.
inb4 basement dweller - I'm not particularly social, but I've always maintained a decent sized group of friends and a normal set of obligations. I'm definitely a little weird, but nowhere near full aspie level.
The usual answer is like this: you realize the game is a lie, then realize that an overwhelming majority of people don't even know they're playing, and eventually you swallow the pill that they never will, and that there's no reason treating most of them like equals because they simply aren't. Objectively.
It's just how it is. Blame whoever you like, but I don't remember a time it wasn't prevalent.
Elijah Perez
Next step is to enjoy life while you have it, however you can.
Dylan Miller
Either youre a psychopath or extremely stupid
Owen Gray
You clearly understand, and for that I am grateful. I'm working on swallowing that pill, but it's a difficult truth to come to grips with. I truly want to believe that everybody can overcome their illusions, but experience continues to show me that it simply isn't possible.
I don't enjoy the feelings of superiority or disdain towards others, but that too seems to be unavoidable. These are difficult facts, but I am powerless to combat them. However, truly accepting them has also been a struggle.
Somebody presents an opinion that conflicts with yours, so they clearly must be crazy. Enjoy your run on the hamster wheel, maybe you'll make it this time.
Alexander Williams
God youre so cringe lol The most delusional people of all are the ones that work hardest on the hamster wheel lmao
Samuel Cox
Don't be presumptuous, I didn't say I disagreed. I'm just saying your sentiment is human. Your feeling of isolation isn't unique, neither is your complacency. Also suggesting others aren't equal while potentially true is such a blanket statement it defies reason. Not necessarily bad (or crazy) just entertaining.
Nolan Martinez
Yeah I remember when I was an edgy teen too. You’ll grow out of your bullshit hopefully
Aaron Brooks
Justin Young
>another episode of 'disappointment on Jow Forums can't produce argument, so tries to be a one-liner witmaster' Funny isn't your expertise The problem is that life's lessons are almost always learned cruelly. For me, it's not disdain or superiority; it's a mixture of pity and envy. I know how I learned my lessons and I would almost wish the ignorance than that. I'm a fucked up kid, and it was because I was fucked up as a kid, and I don't think it's a good place to be and I think I only evaded suicide by product of sheer stupid luck. Every time I decided to do it something got in the way or I passed out or something.
The worst, the most sickening, feeling is the one that I can't remember NOT being like this. I can't fit into child-me's head and remember ever not feeling like, "Holy shit, life sucks. I desperately, ardently do not want to be around it, near it or dealing with it." I can't remember-- maybe 5 or 6? But that was ages ago. I can't even remember BEING that age. But that, too, is a long fucking story nobody really needs to care about. The fact of the matter is, the more poignant the lesson of life, the more likely it is to have taken dear, irreplaceable things from a person-- hence their values, their seriousness, their involvement with philosophies. They understand it, they 'get' it. That's what I call it: 'getting' it. Some people get it.
Some don't. For them, I just sort of do that off-handed praying. It's pity and envy I feel, because someday life is going to take something from them and it will pull the blinders off immediately. I just hope they're young enough to rebound and old enough to be able to handle the pain.
Austin Scott
I bet this sounded really smart and eloquent to you when you typed it out huh?
Dominic Collins
I understand this sentiment entirely. I can pinpoint exactly when the change began, but my mindset prior to it is absolutely foreign. It's like one of those "can't unsee" pictures - I'm stuck here now, and there's no going back.
Pity and envy also perfectly describes the malaise I usually feel. It often sucks to be seeing things that others are entirely ignorant to. A privilege in some regards, but a curse in many others. People don't want to hear it. All the miserable cunts posting in this thread only prove my point, hence why I usually keep this to myself. I wouldn't trade this away, but the means by which I've acquired this weltanschauung were total shit, and I wouldn't wish them upon anybody.
At least I know there are other people who get it. It's a high price for entry, but I suppose there isn't usually a choice in the matter. Thanks a lot, I appreciate your time.
I'm out. Later fuckers, I wish you all the best. May we all find some peace in this world.
Eh, it's usually just a problem that they don't want to articulate it that way. The same way a depressed person, ardently denying that they're under any such condition, would make excuses, side-step and otherwise reason out of having to admit that... yeah, things kind of suck. And it's not just because The Man is out to get you, there's a lot out there that just doesn't line up with everything they sell us. And even now, to people in their 20s and 30s and 40s, keep trying to sell.
It's less 'entry' and more like... eh, coping, I guess. Once you're past the precipice and 'can't unsee' it, all you can really do is either become the enemy or become the kind of person that others can bounce off of when these things hit them. You can be there on the receiving end, ready to welcome the greenies. It's a bit faggy and hippie, but at the same time it's about as constructive as you can get besides reaching out, like this, to others of our kind and simply elucidating on the nuances and subtleties of why life really just kinda sucks and is a giant game.
The biggest thing is, as you said, not to become part of the problem with all these people who are trying to throw shade. And you'll notice none of them have an actual argument; it's all ad hominem, poorly-constructed insults and generally baseless dumbfire projection. I just don't really give them much time anymore, because like-- why bother? They just want the (You).
(You), on the other hand, have yourself a fine time. Remember that the smaller pleasures are still there in life, don't be afraid to make of yourself what you truly want, and don't ever feel like you have to please others.
It's a struggle but you're neither alone nor helpless. Just don't let yourself forget that.
Levi Richardson
yep, like reading a diary of my younger self if he was slightly different. see, this is where someone that's super sociable but still feels the same way differs. I think that there's definitely a strength in knowing all these things, but being ignorant is in itself only wrong by my standards. It's inherently not wrong. If they can achieve happiness in a situation I can't, then what the fuck is my problem? I'll let them be, because I don't have a problem with them. They're just different, that's all, and it's fine. A lot of people can relate to aspects I have, which is something I found out going into uni. Sure they're ignorant on other shit, but I realize my own short-comings too by seeing how they are more capable than me at some things.
Lincoln Mitchell
you're both fuckheads that should not be giving advice, and if you disagree with me then I will fight you to your deaths.
Christian Davis
lmao, seriously, what's up with normie retards trying to discredit valid fucking posts? Don't interrupt grown ups when they speak. You're just wasting your time being this mad and petty honestly.
hahaha that's hilarious, it's like a facebook poster from rural america. I can tell you're trolling and I find it hilarious. HAHAHA god I love this, it's like I'm experiencing OG trolling from before I joined Jow Forums which was like 2012
Andrew Brown
Cut your penis off lmao
Samuel James
you simply have no skin in the game. yeah life is a game, but it's overly reductionist to assume that is all it is.
it is as idiotic to take nothing seriously as it is to take it all seriously.
The first time you sit back and look at something you have built with your own hands - something creative, or something practical - you will get a feeling.
Maybe one day it will be when you hear someone you love is in hospital, and you walk into their room and see their face. Maybe it will be when some edgy kid tells you life is but a game - and then you think of your newborn son.
If you have experienced those things and still think life is a game then I'll admit freely I don't know it all. I suspect you haven't, only you will know the truth of the matter.