How do I get filthy rich?

How do I get filthy rich?

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Be Jewish.

Lots of plans out there, here are a couple of them:

Be white.

Quest failed:
Be Jewish

Quest completed:
Be White

Start cooking meth with your highschool chemistry professor.

New Quest: Back in the Saddle

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Sports bets.

Come on give me a real answer

This guy gets it
Maybe but that's no pun intended a Gamble

I just bet low amounts on sets of 5 or more easily predictable football matches. The profit can be like 20$ or more per ticket.

If you want to be rich, you're relying on three things: opportunity, dedication, and presentation.
The opportunity for promotion won't come up if there's no promotion to give; you won't see the opportunity if you aren't dedicated to finding it; you won't meet the opportunity if you aren't prepared to accept it when it is given.

And the problem with that, for most people, is there's no 'certainty.' Big Boss could die two days or twenty years from now and open that promotion.

Otherwise you find something you can sell-- a product, skill or experience-- and you sell it as cheap as you can to the largest denominator and you work outwards from there.

Fuck I was supposed to end this post with "Ain't that a kick in the head?"

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Suck dick for 5 bucks, if you are really good it can take only two mins for each dick. So you will be making 150 dollars an hour.

Move to Vegas and become a showgirl

Own property
Own talented people
Own a money maker

Well meme'd, my friend

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I like how it goes downwards

Not always accurate.

My friend opened up a fish and chips restaurant for the summer which I worked at. After the 4 month season I made over $8000. After food cost, overhead, and my wages she made almost $300.

The picture didn't say "Shit Business Owner"

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1. Make money
2. Don't wash.

It worked for Howard Hughes

Rob a bank

You won't. They made sure of that

get in the mindset that money is just a tool to get more money
other people have money, they want to spend it, if you offer them ways then you will get their money
rinse repeat