The whole Jow Forums worldview is based on an atheist unverifiable theory

How that makes you feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Portal 3 confirmed

or of a tornado passes through a plane salvage yard and parts land in the for of an assembled jet

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>Jow Forums agrees on something
You must be new here

>whole Jow Forums worldview is based on an atheist unverifiable theory
Jow Forums is a christian board.

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If you're saying evolution didn't happen how many chromosomes do you have?

no it's not you fucking low iq sandnigger retard. it follows the law of maths and physics in THIS universe.

>The whole Jow Forums worldview is based on an atheist unverifiable theory

/Pol is a JUDEO-Christian board.


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I love the idiocy and cognitive dissonance of religitards. They will go on and on arguing about how difficult it is just to explain the existence of a fucking cake.

But if you discuss the difficulty of explaining the existence of an all-knowing-all-seeing-all-powerful-eternal-immortal-exists-in-all-places-and-all-times-and-knows-everything that-ever-happened-or-will-happen-and-knows-all-your-deepest-thoughts-and-planned-everything-and controls-everything-and-will-judge-us-all god, then their answer is:
"Him? Oh, he's always been here. No explanation necessary."

A bunch of fucking morons.

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Except the bible calls niggers beasts of the field and kikes are literally outed as the syangogue of satan so I don't know what nonsense you're trying to shill here.

Retard alert

So why are there so many lifeless planets, geniuses?

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If an infinite sequence that's exactly what will happen.

If the truck crashes in the right way and produces enough heat it could "make" and "bake" what could be defined as cake, but this is what you creationists would call not really a cake because it doesn't look like a normal cake when it fits all definitions of cake.

Stop posting this thread.

Evolution is distinctly nonrandom, remember this whenever you use words like "chance", "randomly", and "by accident".

Here's irrefutable, incontrovertible proof that human beings descended from Old World apes.

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All theories exist in the absence of better alternatives.

Theories are not facts.

You just proved the point

Yall some niggers

Makes me feel like you have a very limited grasp of biology.

Thats false. How do you think the ten commandments were made? Millions of years of natural erosion engraved the words of god into stone.

Do not stack me with the evotards of Jow Forums.
Pic related is for the brainlets as an average iq gifted human being can detect the pure idiocy of the (((evolution))) in seconds.

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>muh probabilities
Answer .

You're more retarded than the other people on here.
Just because something happens infinitely doesn't mean anything can happen. Take a minecraft world as a basic example, its "infinite" yet follows certain rules. These rules mean that almost everything looks the same, no matter how many times it is generated.
Crashing a truck with cake ingredients is the same thing, its all going to end up in a big mess with stones and engine oil mixed in no matter how many times you crash it.

Its a retards pipe dream that "an infinite universe means I'm rich and famous somewhere in the universe"

Another burger with reading comprehension.
Are you devolving into a gorilla?

Who the fuck made that photo? Who?

...I mean, if you had a fiery crash happen a billion times in a row, it might actually form a cake, cause thats a fucking lot of time for that to happen.

>/pol is one person
Why are kikes so lazy?


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>not answering my question
>ad hominem
I can make up a bunch of fancy statistics too, but can you look at the problem practically?

Its been nearly a billion times when I closed and opened my eyes again
damn user.. I just can't wait when the magic number clicks and I'll see Jessica Alba nude proposing to me with a blowjob

I just love how big numbers make things believable!

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That picture is just pure strawman fallacy.

"practically" u don't get something out of nothing
and no "it came from another universe" or "from universe before universe" answers the first question

something out of nothing in secular view of things
no ad hominem here

I have also . I am expecting diamond tears . with evolution everything is possible

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Miller-Urey experiments
RNA world hypothesis
Spontaneously forming lipid-bound compartments in water

You would, but it wouldn't be as pretty or tasty as the evolved cake in your picture.
God created the universe though.

and if we abandon (just for a moment) secular worldview
to answer your question directly, it will be either:
Stupid human guess - He's playing a game, and current campain takes place in humanonly frame
Most likely objective answer - it is way beoynd our paygrade

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I don't care to interact with you.
I don't care to explain to you anything.
Why I should waste my time arguing with you?
To me evolution being a laughable idiocy is a fact as much is a fact that the water is wet.
It's your problem believing that shit not mine understood now?
I posted for that low level pic and you have been able to not get it even.

It's either divergent evolution is responsible for the quantifiable differences between the races or god made them that way. Either way, it doesn't matter.

>"it came from another universe" or "from universe before universe"
You're saying that the other planets used to have life?
The rest of the planets are for us to explore?

I actually do believe in the Creator, I'm just provoking anons to get their perspectives.

no, just "big bang came from the energy stored at the end of the previous universe" is the most basic answer to "where it all came from"
Its like bitch talking about welfare money
where do they come?
> from the gov
what if we enlarge the welfare beyond gov capabilities?
> gov will handle that no worry
what if it dont?
> UN will pay
what if...

braincells just never click

Brazilian monkey that cannot comprehend a thousand of something says it can comprehend and predict that something cannot happen in billions of chances, ha ha

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Jow Forums is KEK'S BOARD.
Jesus hasn't done shit for anyone in 2,000 years.

>unverifiable theory
Like the one that says surgically altering the body to match a brain dysfunction is sound?
Let us know how that works out when the first gen to do it reaches their 40s.

The problem with the Genesis fairytale is that it doesn't explain why God would create so many lifeless planets. Modern "scientific" Christians point out how unlikely life on Earth is (if Earth were a little closer or further from the sun, if Earth were a little bigger or smaller, if Earth's moon were different, etc. life would have been impossible), but they still miss the point - why were so many lifeless planets created? That's for us to find out.

Why are you people so fucking stupid

Where did the cake materials come from??

Psalm 19:1
>To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

This is evolution:

There's an island with mosquitoes and flies. There's a population of frogs that only eat the flies. The island's fresh water starts diminishing from erosion, so the fly population keeps going down. One in 100 frogs have a mutation whereby they can digest mosquitoes too. All frogs have some kind of minor mutation, most unhelpful.

After a few hundred generations, the flies are almost extinct because the frogs are eating a higher percentage of them. Yet the mosquito population is growing. So the 1/100 frogs eat more, and don't starve during the mosquito busts, and so can reproduce more often. After another 100 generations maybe 25/100 frogs can eat mosquitoes because this gene is passed down most of the time. Keep this going for another few hundred years and the only frogs that can eat enough to survive and reproduce are the ones that can eat mosquitoes. The species has just adapted to a changing environment. Repeat for every adaptation.

This is not evolution:

Monkeys magically transform into people because of a dice roll.

Even if you believe in God, why does that somehow mean evolution isn't real? Is it scary knowing you're an animal (albeit more intelligent) just like the rest? God could have set into motion the conditions for our evolution, who knows.

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>is infinite
>has set rules
>calling others retarded

my theory goes like this
the closest ones are empty for us to colonize and fully embrace spaceage
just like the icerealm, desertrealm, junglerealm, they are there to see what happens when we grow up enough to try and seize them

The ones not so close.. well.. whatever storyline will require of them

Best TV show ever

user, its young earth creationists. you can't talk to them.

sounds like someone doesn't understand biological evolution

Tell me, how were these probabilities calculated given that we only have one example of life and evolution and we have not created life ourselves?

2/10 trolling score. Next time don't post those and you'll be much better at trolling. I know because I have at least 7-8 years internet trolling experience and I am extremely good at it. I get all (You)'s all the time. Because low IQ individuals from Jow Forums always fall for my bait.

I heard the fucking squeak
MM is infectious

Just want you to realize that you faggies completely skipped over indisputable proof that human beings came from apes.

Don't ever delude yourself that you are looking for the truth.

I think its just a misunderstanding, these are flagterms - you say God therefore you defend nonsecular point of view
you say evolution, you defend secular one

what you define is a example based point-to-point evolution
Wolfs to handbag "dogs"

what people curse at is all explaining magical answer for all questions about the origin of life, its meaning and our role in the universe, its also often merged with a smug "that paleo-pleb is talking to me about faires hah" kind of attitude

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How is that proof . God created things what looks like the other . we also share 90% dna with a cat


That was written when they thought Earth was at the center. Genesis talks about God putting up a solid dome with moving lights to indicate important events.
Just seems... odd. Our planet, solar system, and galaxy look to be in random locations.

The cucumber is superior to the human

Nah the firmament is just the sky . And its all for interpretation . The Atheist will say the universe is big there for there is no God , while a theist will say the universe is big it declares the glory of God

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Yeah... so you would rather be a cucumber ?

You can't even see the questions you should ask. You are completely blind.

What you are looking at is that HCII (human chromosome 2) is the literal end-to-end fusion of two ape chromosomes. The same homologous genes, in the same order. We have 23 pairs, Old World apes have 24.

This is actual, incredible, molecular evidence for where the human genetic codebase comes from.

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I am not a scientist i don't really care about it God created all flesh and to know how he did it is not really a priority for me

In another part, God opens underground doors to flood everything, more than just making it rain a lot. The Bible has a lot of inspiring quotes but it shows the limited information they had at the time.

It's not evidence really, because we haven't observed the process actually taking place. So it's a good hunch at best.

If we're going to be empirical, we must test the hypothesis through experimentation, and we should be able to repeat it. We can't do either of those, thus it is an hypothesis still, not a fact.

>In another part, God opens underground doors to flood everything,

Yes that is the fountains of deep but they actually found that water under neath the earth and it could fill our oceans

>Not actual drops of water, or even molecules of H20, but its ingredients, atoms of hydrogen and oxygen embedded in the crystal structure of the mineral itself. This hydrous mineral isn’t wet. But when it melts, out spills water. The discovery was the first direct proof that water-rich minerals exist this deep, between 410 and 660 kilometers down, in a region called the transition zone, sandwiched between the upper and lower mantles.

You mean apes as in monkeys or apes as in black people?

shush shush christcuck, go be a good goyim somewhere else.

Brazil ALONE is definitive proof that evolution from apes to humans exists. We see evolutionary trees in action daily

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If the truck catches fire I don't see why not

Technically if you crashed a truck carrying cake ingredients a few billion times you could create a cake. Dumbass

Then you would just have burned cake . or would the fire magically go out ?

Thanks, I read the article.

Odds of you being homosexual?

>Christian/Non-Christian divide and conquer
Go fucking kill yourself

>hmmm a christian believes in the bible...

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This user proves how little everyone on pol knows about evolution theory. This is not evolution you dummy, this is natural selection. People who argue against evolution accept that the environment can impact on the genes, but the potential for mutability is LIMITED to a certain point.

One species cannot become another species, but one species can adapt TO A CERTAIN DEGREE into an environment.

Everyone agrees that adapting to the environment is a real thing, but the point of disagreement starts on the following question: is it possible for species to mutate so much that they turn into another?'' And the answer is that we dont have enough sound proof of that.

2016 called, they want their meme back

No you couldn't create a cake in the general idea of it. You'd have to redefine cake.

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It was a big impact on my faith because i debated this stuff with my brother when i was young . And one of his main arguments was that it was impossible for the earth to be flooded because there was a lack of water .... Thanks bro for confirming my Atheism

your IQ is just too high for me to argue

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I commend your skeptical attitude, as all scientific inquiry comes from skepticism, but I think you are being facetious.

> the murderer left high quality fingerprints in blood at the scene
> it matches the primary suspect perfectly!
> however, since we didn't see the process take place, it could be that there IS a better explanation

Hardly a framework for making decisions about what is true. I hope that you exercise more discretion in your positions on other things. You lose nothing by finding the most plausible explanation consistent with physical evidence.

We did not need to manufacture a Sun to know it burns hydrogen. We can be reasonably confident by analyzing the light that comes from it, and it turns out there is a perfectly sensible explanation that matches with our observations of excited gases here on Earth.

You are missing out on some of the most incredible discoveries of our time. I can't understand why anyone would simply decide that they have no interest in the mechanisms that create life, especially when they believe it is an artifact given to them by the Creator.

Apes are not monkeys. Apes have an appendix and do not have a tail. They are a different but related lineage. Black people are apes, as are all members of the genus Homo.

op clearly hasn't evolved

Here's a kicker for you, there is no such thing as Species. Species is a continuous spectrum, just a convention which is used to talk about reproductively isolated groups. Like language, it is a net we cast across a wobbly object so we can count the number of holes.

>You are missing out on some of the most incredible discoveries of our time.

Because i started to focus more on the theologian aspects of religions . I know there is a creator, but its more important for me to know what he wants How he created things in this temporary universe is just a shadow compared from having knowlegde of God

>> the murderer left high quality fingerprints in blood at the scene
>> it matches the primary suspect perfectly!
>> however, since we didn't see the process take place, it could be that there IS a better explanation

So who got framed here ? or am i missing the point?

Simmer down sci-tard, this isn't "indisputable proof" of anything.

What about entropy?

What bothers me is that people act like it is a closed system. It is not. The truth of the hypothesis should always be up for debate, as it isn't fact. For instance, going by your murder analogy, the explanation of someone being framed for the murder by an expert, is still valid and should be taken into consideration.

So if a hypothesis is the best thing we have to explain a certain occurance, alright, good. But let's not present it as an unquestionable truth. That's psuedo-scientific dogmatism.

If you had the prerequisites to understand it completely, you would be taken aback with shock. This is a smoking gun of molecular genetics. There is even the unused, vestigial remnants of a centromere in our HCII right where the ape centromere is.

To produce a better explanation than the most direct and obvious one (an ancient ape population merged two chromosomes and became human beings) would be the most incredible upheaval of everything we know about molecular reproduction.

If you have an alternate explanation which is even slightly consistent with the physical evidence, you could be extremely rich and famous. Do you?

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The issue between the "debate" is that atheists attempt to force theists into an argument to describe something greater than the universe to describe the universe. It would be like looking at a piece of paper I folded and only using tools given by said paper trying to explain what I am. On the other side, theists don't seem to understand, or don't care, that we have no reason to believe anything (not specifically a god) exists beyond the universe that isn't bound to the same laws as we are. I mean, if you build up a theory, you start with what you know, then go up, not the other way around. So, to settle the debate, we'd have to find where the universe ends, and if there's anything beyond that. If we can't do that, we should just stfu all together and believe in whatever we want.

>law of maths and physics
I hope you realize how stupid this sounds.

It is true, and it has happened many times in the history of science. It is not impossible that a more complete explanation exists, but it seems likely that it contains all of the truths of the child explanation. For example, Einstein's physics superseded Newtons, but if you bring terms to operate on conventional velocities, Newtons equations emerge.

As a scientist who has spent tens of thousands of dollars and more than a dozen years of my life working on molecular genetics, I cannot claim that there are not models which could have larger predictive and explanatory power. But I am confident that they must also contain the foundational truths we have unearthed.

So do you convict? I do. Maybe the suspect had fingerprint casts taken in the night by foreign agents. Maybe the blood was an illusion projected from the detective's traumatic childhood. Maybe, maybe. But since he also happens to have motive and opportunity, it points to a very simple and elegant answer.

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I'll give you a quick proof for the existence of God

1) nothing produces nothing
2 since there is something, there was never nothing
3) that something cannot bring itself into existence, because it would have to exist before it existed.
4) therefore something else had to bring it into existence. That something is Good.

>where are all the failed examples of humans

>If an infinite sequence that's exactly what will happen.
Thats not remotely true.

Jow Forums is like 80% christians that have just been banned from the rest of the internet so they congregate here.

>also youre a faggot
