Why haven’t you become a police officer yet, user?
>Six figure salary
>Societal respect
>Make the community safer
>Recession proof job
>40 hour work week or paid overtime
>Retire at 45-50
>Six figure pension
>Move to Southern Europe and live like a Kang
Police Officers
Other urls found in this thread:
smoke weed daily
Take a 25 year tolerance break
fuck faggot pigs
glorified tax collectors
literal state bitch boys
die in a fire op
Because I'm literally too smart.
Police want dumb people with an IQ of 85-105 because they won't question orders, don't notice corruption, are more likely to accept and embrace corruption, and don't get bored easily doing menial repetitive tasks.
Police are the enemy of a free republic. They prove it daily by enforcing unconstitutional laws.
>Why haven’t you become a police officer yet, user?
Because I don't want to be forced to abuse inccocent people under threat of being fired
>>Six figure salary
Uber drivers make more than these pigs
>>Societal respect
Americans are starting to become more untrustworthy of police officers, seeing as there's literally and almost no repercussions, most American cops attack and kill whites than niggers. Most of the time they let niggers commit crimes in fear of being called racist.
>>Make the community safer
How does arresting a young white male for growing marijuana in his own home making the community safer?
>>Recession proof job
Until you get shot by some gang member or nigger
hour work week or paid overtime
It's an insanely amount of physical work (pretty much like the Marines training) and you are required to be tasered
>>Retire at 45-50
With only 10 years left before you die of old age
>>Six figure pension
>>Move to Southern Europe and live like a Kang
Yeah and get raped by the muhammedan refugees
Cop is the most redpilled job that exists.
Police officiers are plebs first and foremost.
The real manly man redpill is to work for a millitary contractor where you dont have to give a shit about ethics.
You'll even have the chance to get arrested by the american cuck army at time + get freed at home because you're a superior soldier and it's just to make these plebs believe they have done their job without hurting their slave morality.
I tried and they legit told me my IQ is too high
I don't want a short military haircut, and I don't want to deal with niggers.
Requires peer references and that would require long-term friendships. Pass.
because all cops are now are rule enforcers. their job is to just always be on the look out for when some 'civilian' breaks one of the thousand of rules in some rule books and then make sure they are punished.
if they were their to protect and serve i would be a cop
Boomer RCMP with a white mustache and a bad attitude. That's what I want to be when I grow up
oh god i cant type or spell today. forgive me
I live in Quebec, we dont have these horse riding flaggots riding around, or these silly uniforms for that matter. Never saw one
How much corruption is actually in police forces? Do you have a percentage?
I have.
Because cops are enemies of the people, these faggots will gladly defend their corrupt politicians and blow out the eyes of protesting citizens
Other than that, they never actually help with anything and instead just harass hard-working tax payers. Fuck cops and fuck bootlickers.
In Quebec we literally have families tied to certain positions
Depending on the party that gets in power, they tend to name different people in charge of the police, usually the same few families tied to x or y political party.
Quebec corruption is something, and we manage to do it all without killing people like filthy mexicans
The only time I called a cop some drunk fuck drived in my car at the grocery.
He nearly fell when he got out of his car and when he police came and I asked to make him pass a bubble he said with attitude, with his aviator glasses, don't tell me how to do my job.
Too many retarded pigs, better off learning a fighting spot and do justice yourself.
Cops do not protect and serve though. They just "keep the order"
They're essentially just ZOG footsoldiers.
>why doesn't Jow Forums become zogbots?
I smoke an insane amount of weed everyday.
This is why we cannot have nice things in Canada.
Fuck Quebec, fuck equalization payments & fuck what Canada has become.
WEXXIT soon.
Wait wrong one, I mean this one
It's pretty much a licence to legally kill niggers. Who wouldn't want that job?
Satire post.
True Story
>Why haven’t you become a police officer yet, user?
because i dont want to spend all day dealing with niggers? basically im not a cop for the same reason im not a tard wrangler.
Depends... cops in NJ and CA make bank. Red states: not so much.
The niggers, OP, the niggers are why.
The following:
Why would you make a carreer of having to deal with the worst people all day everyday, when you are not mobilized to act like a zogbot ?
Policemen have terrible lives in places they are needed, and completly useless rest of the time, leading them to have often tantrums of zeal in situations that could be ignored.
And even when you keep it together and arrest the right guys, you risk getting shot on a daily basis, or see them freed by a traitorous leftist judge.
Its really a terrible job.
Because I'm a criminal
I don't want to probably get shot by a nigger for $35,000 a year
>societal respect
imagine being this deluded
police are worse than niggers
you forgot the best part, you get to deal with niggers every day!
bullshit faggot
Please kys and this thread
My feelings exactly, desu. When I was a kid I dreamed of being a cop. It was my dream job. Now as an adult I can't imagine even being in the same room with one for more than 10 minutes
You have to be dumb to be a police officer, they will not allow smart people in.
>Six figure salary
>Societal respect
>Make the community safer
>Recession proof job
litetally none of this is true
Okay, source or you're lying narcissists.
They don't need any strong white men at the moment. They have sufficient levels so when a chick or fag find themselves in trouble, they'll sick em like attack dogs and let them take the bullet....
That's what you're being turned into White man. The dogs of the State to suffer and die so their favored pets can play pretend.
Aw, I didn't care til I saw the end... now I'm sad.
I'd fail a drug test.
Traitors are the first to hang.
>Dealing with the garbage of humanity on a regular basis.
You'd maybe do well on a regular basis, but there is a reason why most cops fucking drink and are blackpilled as shit.
Knew a cop in chicago who told me a story about a guy so tweaked out on drugs he ate his kids eyeballs.
He was sitting at the bar crying his fucking eyes out, saying he would never forget how the kid kept asking them why he would do that and how he wanted to see again.
Psy-op Shill post designed to elicit hate and endless bitching about pointless things to keep you away from the more important threads...*spit, off to another thread
I told the truth about having seen cp from here. Psychologist already didn't like me, when I told the truth about being a virgin she basically ended the eval right there.
I basically took a year after that to get my masters and feel sorry for myself. Gonna go apply with sheriffs where they don't pretend they have high standards.
because military, and i don't get faggot niggers shoving cellphones in my face.
That was never a problem when I was applying, and I was like 15 points above all the ghettoites I took the written exam with.
Seattle police are highly paid. Almost none of what you said is true.
>6 figure salary after many years
>You can retire as early as 50 if you have 20 years of service credit. You can retire at 53 with full benefit if you have 20 years. Retiring before 53 means you lose 3% per year.
>your pension will be nothing close to 6 figures unless you are high ranking and have a very large salary
If you quit working at age 50, your Social Security benefit will be low as it indexes your 35 highest earning years. You only worked for 20. Your home won't be paid for, and you will only have a small pension of which you have to pay for everything. You will need city COBRA medical or some crap ass Kaiser Permanente plan.
>he ate his kids eyeballs
>He was sitting at the bar crying his fucking eyes out
>crying his fucking eyes out
Did he eat those too?
Most would fail the fitness test mate
>six figure salary
where, New York? there is no way that small/average size town cops make that much
Jow Forums is so off base with the police hate. around my town, they're mostly good men and excellent goblin slayers. they will save your ass if you need them.
>Six figure salary
can be true in some departments once you've been there a couple years. In many areas the pay is shit.
I hope people realize virtue signaling isnt worth a .223 sucking chest wound at best
Went for the cheek, tastier meat.
But it really didn't hit me that hard until was playing with my nephew and remembered it.
>Six figure salary
fucking hell, I wish
I'm in the police academy and sponsored to my county's sheriff's office. AMA.
You forgot
>beating and killing minorities with impunity
>lying under oath with impunity
>getting over time to lie under oath
>abusing your authority with impunity
>Six figure salary.
Local PD's pay about $30K here.
>Make the community safer.
Ubering the same drunks to a cell night after night is 90% of the job. If I had to do that shit I'd go homicidal within 6 months.
Early retirement and pension checks out though.
>watching live pd
>group of cops trying to handle drunk off his ass foreigner
>Literally shits
>on a couple of them
>They laugh it off and wipe off their pants and shoes and go back on patrol
You know it’s literally different everywhere, right?
You're a degenerate amd should be shot.
Anyone who smokes weed deserves to hang.
Because i'm not a spineless traitor
here u go anus face, embrace michael moore
>embrace michael moore
My arms are long, but not that long.
I'm a productive member of society and smoke weed. Why should I hang you fucking boomer.
Not all police officers are good people, in some places the "bad apples" are selected for on purpose and the court ruled, that if You are too intelligent, then You don't belong to police force. It's easier to manipulate low-IQ, aggressive, emotional and impulsive individuals, than people who can think for themselves and who posses working moral compass.
There were more links, but they are old and don't work anymore.
you know how i know that isn't in america?
>societal respect
That's funny, every time a cop has shot an "unarmed black man" in the last few years sparking riots and ghetto lottery suits, the reporting seems to miss circumstantial stuff like
>was high on pcp
>was breaking into cars
>belligerent with cops while roided out nigger
I don't have the patience, god bless those who still do despite the relentless anti-cop narrative since good boy mike brown
>There were more links, but they are old and don't work anymore.
Check for archive links.
The Cyrillic characters on the uniform might have given it away.
Yes, what is your point? Seattle, SoCal, NYC, are some of the highest paid precincts out there....the minimum retirement age will vary plus or minus a year or so. There are next to ZERO duty cops who have 6 figure pensions, whether that is from LEOFF, CalPERS, NYCPPF, etc......most pension formulas are very similar....average final salary x service credit x 2% (usually around 2%). Some have reductions for social security if they have not paid SS taxes as part of their job (some pensions are offset).
Most govt pensions are wayyyyy under funded, to the tune of hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars. Every decade or two, cities usually have to revamp the pension plan and come up with slightly less desirable benefits. Delayed retirement, higher penalties for taking early retirement, penalties for age differences between spouses if taking a survivor option, voting for smaller COLAs, etc.
>societal respect
yeah no both the left and right are coming for your heads first when shit hits the fun. fucking dumbass pigs
I don't care enough about this to dig for more, because I am not here to prove anything to anyone. If people are serious about educating themselves, then they will do the job themselves. I am just a messenger and I leave it for the individuals to form the conclusions themselves. However thank You for the advice.
Im really bad at de-escelating confrontations. After i give someone two chances im whipping out the batton and only after so many times i would eventually have to discharge my weopon and face a court
My point was that if you have dead links, they're still probably useful and probably aren't easy for other people to find.
Did you pass penis inspection?
Fuck pigs and fuck jannies.
I'm out.
>Six figure salary
really going to depend on the state
also it is also rarely mention how much overtime these guys put in. Book a fag for something with an hour left on your shift? 4 hours in paperwork. It's actually one of the reason cops don't arrest and jail sometimes: they just dont want to put in the time.
>Societal respect
with who? niggers won't enjoy your existence. any political clout is going to sway people with/against you. one bad cop makes the rest look bad. to much bullshit today to make the gig respectable.
>Make the community safer
Gonna vary depending on where you live.
>Recession proof job
except its not. the state starts to tank on funds and its not uncommon to let officers go.
>40 hour work week or paid overtime
read above comment about that overtime. Its really a public janitor position that they put in too many hours. There is also an unspoken problem with rampant alcoholism among cops. Shit is stressful.
>Six figure pension
25 years for a very real possibility of dying to some junkie or to a nigger... seeing all kinds of degenerate shit society pumps out... being treated like the enemy nearly all the time... probably the only goal to looking forward to is that money.
ITT: mad stoners
>literally paid to shoot niggers
How is this not Jow Forums's dream job?
if you think being a stoner is the only reason someone would dislike the police youre a bootlicking faggot
I heard that your state of Massachusetts is so corrupt you can sit in your patrol car, eat donuts all day and get a good salary, is that true?
>muh boomers
fucking zoomers
>Societal respect
You forgot to mention that a cop also has a license to kill, and that attracts certain kinds of nutcases.