He has been truthful the entire time you bigots

He has been truthful the entire time you bigots

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He's gonna subscribe to Pewdiepie.

Lol okay, sure. How much are they going to have to pay those brothers for them to play along? Or do you think they will refuse and end up committing suicide from the regret of it all?

leaked photo of one of the suspects.

Attached: white.jpg (640x360, 50K)

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I thought they were wearing ski masks

Chicago media and @CWBChicago release report showing DA Kim Foxx Actions Did Not Follow protocol


Kim Foxx connections emerge...


>balloon floats.... pins nearing....

>mfw this is the most advanced Nigerian money scam of all

4d chess, they're evolving

you guys should push this. anytime there is a crime committed by a white, especially a shooting, just say it was a black in whiteface and point back to this case as an example

the clownworld meme is starting to grow on me thanks to how right it is all the time

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Shut up racist!

yeah, white face. niggers can’t ski

Black victim, black attackers, black prosecutor, black judge. It’s hilarious how incompetent they are, even CNN is forced to show it.

I watched that the day it came out and was sincerely flattered. If nigs want to dress up in whiteface and act white and wear suits and shit every day, what could that possibly be other than good?

On the other hand, rub some black stuff on your face and you'll be on CNN that night with kikes screaming that blacks are being shoah'd and how whites will pay dearly for this transgression

We’re they wearing whiteface when Jussie paid them too?

No no no. After they beat him, poured bleach on him and put the noose around his neck they took off the masks to reveal their white faces, before saying "this is maga cunt tree, nigger"

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Smollett is a member of the tribe, of course he was never going to do time

He paid them with a fucking check.


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i feel like the more they double down on denying it the angrier the chicago police are getting and the more likely Jussie is gonna end up getting absolutely raped in the end when the law hammer drops

>white face under ski masks

Came here to post this.


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lol I mean come on. It's 2019 you just can't spew shit like this out and fool the mass of people. Are the die hard bix noods going to believe this stupid shit, yes, but the common blue collar working man be he white, black, mexican, chinese, et al? Hell no.