Search for 'jussie smollett' see what you get!
YouTube at it again
>All 'alternative' media wiped from search results
>Only 'approved' MSM sources
>Article from fking BuzzFeed 'suggested' on the top
The fucking state of this website
you can't even filter by day,week,moth,year anymore on ANY SEARCH
It is a matter of time before they disable dislike feature as well.
big tech is unironically implicated in the Mueller report. Its gonna be great. They're also violating FEC laws.
I have started to use normal google with added to the search field, since that gives better results.
the absolute state of big tech
>all mainstream outlets
It's been (((Them)))Tube for a while now.
The world would be better if we nuked Alphabet Inc's headquarters from orbit.
>you can't even filter by day,week,moth,year anymore on ANY SEARCH
They did that as response of the NZ thing. A Kripplekikechan shitposter does a shooting and normies worldwide pay the price.
>It's been (((Them)))Tube for a while now.
Was just wondering if that's a better choice. But no, looks like the search queries are correlated across all google products .. this goes beyond YouTube.
Mossad. Fuck off with your bullshit narrative. They will never restore those filters. I guarantee it.
Try bing
It's all still out there. Stop using youtube.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin will unironically be receiving the death penalty just like Zucc. Treason.
microsoft openly says they censor bing results to be more "politically balanced". do not use bing.
What he said, duckduckgo is pretty good imo. Google works better for normie searches, but if it's in any way political you're better off with duckduckgo.
are you dumb?
>What he said, duckduckgo is pretty good imo.
Yeah you're a kike. 100%.
I do ... I am slowly switching away from all google services (search, chrome, gsuite, etc). But there is really no comparable alternative to YouTube for now :/
Well that's the point. Was watching Tim Pools latest video saying the CPD dumped all the investigation doc within 24hrs in reply to a FOIA request so naturally I searched to find the 'juicy' material ... but all I could see was MSM videos
Filtering by time is going away. Too hard to memory hole things if people keep finding old articles and videos
these companies need to be seized completely. Its a threat to our sovereignty.
Why do they continue to dig themselves deeper? Even normies are waking up to this shit
why are all my recommendations gone? It is like this on every single video.
Because they are going down and they know it,
>two nogs buying black ski masks, black clothes and black gloves
What was the cashier thinking?
With article 13 passing now they have a free license to come after anything they deem 'questionable' on 'cautionary' pretenses. I wouldn't be surprised if a MASSIVE purge is coming soon. Not even fair use commentary is safe anymore.
This is hilarious. This has to be a hiding in plain sight thing.
Its working on mine.
have the same issue but on PC.
related/recommended videos literally gone.
any idea what caused this, guys?
We must challenge hate speech and inform the public that the dangerous alt-right ideology is very dangerous, goyim
nothing personal
>Was just wondering if that's a better choice.
It worked on Tarrant and manifesto. I wanted to know what the jewtubers thought of it, and it was the only way to find the vids.
How is yandex these days?
Bing lack a date based seach, so they suck too.
What happens I guess is MSM results get pushed to the top. Since you filtered for 'last hour' seems there wasn't any. But good luck finding a 'relevant' alt-media video from say 3 days ago using search.
Some fuckery is going on at google level with 'news'. If you search any news-worthy item (say alexandria ocasio-cortez or donald trump) you get results from 'approved' sources pushed to the top
Same thing in France, even though the Timcast channel posted about it and i'm subbed to it, I only get msm coverage in search results.
Contact alt media personalities
It is not limited to people either, any topic remotely related to politics is affected.
Pic related is for 'green new deal', filtered for 'relevant' and 'this week'. I scrolled for more than 10 pages and not a single non-MSM video ...
This is how you memoryhole shit you don't like. I suspect this is in preparation for 2020 election.
Since the only big right leaning media is either part of Fox or alternative. This is clearly in preparation for 2020.
After the devastating blows the left has taken over the past weeks (Mueller, Green new deal, Jussie Smolett) it's not surprising they'd use their power to shut down alt media
You are right froganon. Alt media is what won Trump the election in 2016. The left is going after alt media and our spicy memes for 2020
It started working normal again for me last night. But since christchurch it was all fucked up and if you filtered by date it was all garbled and fucked up.
what should I be getting?
Jussie Smollet is the antichrist.
I'd assume most 'relevant' and 'news-worthy' videos like this one:
not just a bunch of pre-approved content. I don't even get any videos from the people I'm subscribed to for news in the search ... how is that 'relevant'?
Wow, I thought OP was a fag but this is legit.
There are ZERO alternative media results. I gave up after scrolling for a few mins.
It's all MSM only. That's so fucking weird.
>It's all MSM only. That's so fucking weird.
It's not weird. It's by design.
ANYTHING you search now will be mostly MSM. Almost ALL the accounts you see will have a youtube checkmark next to it. Independent people sharing their thoughts get hidden.
I am aware.
However, I was literally just watching Jussie videos maybe 2 weeks ago.
Typing in his name gave all kinds of alternative media results. Both commies and right opinions.
Now, it's all gone. I found a new Brandon Tatum video about 100 results down, filtering for last month.
This is a very recent change to the algorithm
Its shitcago, and that day was very, very cold. It would have been unironically understandable
>both commies and rright
>NZ mossad agent
How come every Israeli shill always pretends it's only left vs right? Can you Jews EVER stop lying? Also SLOPPY JOB MOSSAD. NZ WAS A HOAX.
Yeap I couldn't believe it either. Thought it was a glitch for me .. but no, they did it! They completely gutted the recommendations and search functionality. I don't know when exactly this happened but must be at some point after Christchurch.
If you are not already subbed to the alt-media and get video notifications from them, then there is no way for normies to get exposed to anything outside of mainstream on YouTube anymore.
Just stating all opinions showed up in the search, now none, just MSM
Who is mossad? That Brandon guy? Never watched one of his videos, just was the first alternative "news" source that showed up, about 100 results down.
Your calling me a kike for agreeing with you, schizo
Same here, I think is just in the USA
that's fucking creepy
>Your calling me a kike for agreeing with you, schizo
FOUND THE KIKE. FUck off zionist faggot. You're too low IQ to shill here.
Youtube copied Twitter's search algorithm then
Yea, and it's being done on all the big platforms at once. Well coordinated, by almost all jews.... nothing to see here....
I noticed this a few weeks ago. Alledgedly this is part of a deal where youtube PAID CNN 25 million dollars to "support trustworthy news" (aka: please stop writing hitpieces on us). In return youtube hides all other sources of opinions and news.
Also they have 1000+ people from the splc policing the website apparently.
It's the exact same thing if you search for Brexit
Only verified channels are allowed to comment on politics just like on twitter
>not startpage
>Specifically, Facebook will now ban content that includes explicit praise, support, or representation of white nationalism or separatism. Phrases such as “I am a proud white nationalist” and “Immigration is tearing this country apart; white separatism is the only answer” will now be banned, according to the company.
Eheheheheh.... Did you REALLY believe us techies when we said we believe in a free internet and free speech?
Eheheheheh.... Should have silenced us and thrown us in jail when you had the chance, because now THAT'S WHAT WE'LL DO TO YOU! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I can't filter videos by date anymore, what's up with that?
>I can't filter videos by date anymore, what's up with that? I can't filter videos by date anymore, what's up with that?
>I can't filter videos by date anymore, what's up with that?
Better yet, search for 9/11 & USS Liberty on jewgle.
It's only going to get worse, the common man having a voice is going to be a thing of the past in 5-10 years. Everything will be planned and coordinated, everything will come from the top down. Everything will exclusively benefit (((them)))
Even "conspiracy"
It's all MSM results
>you can't make this shit up.
Commie bastards doing commie bastards things.
Imagine that, seems the commie bastards are trying to shut everything down.
Nothing new.
I guess when we no longer have the ability to communicate over long distances online and such we will be forced to meet in large groups?
Got a link for that leafanon? All I could find about the $25 mil reference is regarding some app purchase from Casey Neistat:
It’s still normal in uk.