i really Like the Idea of "Chad" the ideal Male. its the perfect metaphor (or at least it should be) for being a Guy that makes women like him Just by being confident and Not actually treating them bad
so how would "Chad" handle Relationship Problems i'll give you an example: >gf doesnt Tell you whats she is Up to and you natualy want to know because you Care about her Life.. >so you ask her >she replys "nothing" or Something along those lines >you later maybe Talk to her about that >and one day later she does the exact Same Thing i only know that she is hanging out with friends ..i guess when i asked her she just said "nothing nothing" then i asked "arent you with (Name)" she said "yeeah"
>and you natualy want to know because you Care about her Life.. You failed right there. Chad can care about her life, nothing wrong with it, but he doesn't need to know shit. She'll be back on all fours as soon as she's done giggling with her girl friends. If she wants you to know, she'll tell you. Why should it matter to you what she's doing, if you're busy doing your own shit.
Wyatt Morgan
>for being a Guy that makes women like him Just by being confident
Chad gets by 100% on his male-model good looks.
Landon Campbell
im not busy tho, Just sitting along at Home being sad that she doenst Tell me what shes doing
i mean If i were busy, lets say im out with a friend then i wouldnt Care for the time im doing Something
well maybe the Version that is supported by r9k but the ideal Version doenst
Gavin Rogers
Chad doesn’t do relationships per se... Chad doesn’t even per se, per se.
Owen King
Sitting at home feeling sad sounds like a bullshit way to spend your evening. Also, how does knowing what your gf is doing fix that?
Cooper White
i knew this reply was gonna be there we're talking about the "Relationship-Chad" Chad
i dont know, is it weird to want to know what your Girlfriend is Up to? maybe deep down i dont Trust her who knows
You need to get out and do your own thing more often.
In relationships there’s bf/gf time, and there’s personal time.
It’s annoying having someone keep tabs on you. So just do your own thing, text her at the end of the night, or during the day if you want to meet up, but don’t keep tabs, that’ll make push away.
Juan Sanchez
No it's not weird, people are curious, social creatures. But since I also got a gf, and you would probably consider me thw relationship chad, I can tell you this much. There's a difference between wondering for a moment and needing to know because you worry. In your case it doesn't seem like you worry exactly, but there's a neediness to your inquiry. You're perfectly able to distract yourself with other things. Listen to music or some podcast and do something productive. She's out having a good time, and if you trust her you should just be glad that she manages to live her life without being stitched to your side. My gf was out last night, and I have no idea what she was doing. Today she told me on her own initiative. If I did worry, what kind of impression do you think she'd have of me if I made that her problem? Deal with your own sorry self, don't be weighing your gf down along with you.
Mason Russell
thanks a lot, really.
but what about those weird replys?
Daniel Brooks
The answer is to freeze her out. Show her you don't like the way she is acting. Not 'talk' to her about it - SHOW it.
This works at all levels too btw, you can literally ignore what a girl says in a convo if she asks a question you don't want to answer. Just change the topic, or don't even reply.
Quite likely she's fucking around on you too if that's her apathetic response.
Lincoln Rogers
can you give me few examples?
David Diaz
First of all, if you have relationship problems, you are not a Chad. Second, if there is a problem, Chad does not try and "fix it." He's not dumb enough to think human beings change, and that because he sat down and talked the issue through with his gf that human nature fundamentally changed. As they say, "history repeats itself" and he knows this all too well. He simply ups and leaves.
Dylan Martinez
Honestly, a true Chad would just dump her and move on to one of the many other girls he has lined up
Owen Cooper
That's not Chad. That's a boy trapped in a man's body. Fuck off incel
Jose Murphy
Justin Foster
the Chad im taking about doesnt
the real Chad fixes Something thats broke, and doesnt Just throw it away.
also merging 2 human lives is bound to Bring Problems, thats Just the nature of it
Alexander Murphy
Why would a real Chad cuck himself to human nature? A whore is a whore by nature. A cheater is a cheater by nature. You're right, in that he fixes something that's broke, but what's broken is his partner choice.
Juan Hall
What about them?
The way I see it, the questions you ask her should be in accordance with your own intent and wishes. If she's out with friends and you're not going to join them, what exactly do you get out of knowing? You might ask about when she's coming over later, since that's relevant to how you plan your evening, but giving her reasons to feel like you're controlling or unreasonable demanding is a steady course towards breakup.
Instead of asking pointless questions, send her texts that will make her more amored and attracted to you. If you're doing it right, she might even cut her evening out short because of you, not due to guilt tripping, but rather because she feels better with you than with her friends.
you're right what do you think are those "Messages" ?
also.. small thing. she Kind of cheated on me too she was black out drunk and a Guy Kissed her, and she went along with it
but the bigger Problem i have is, when we talked about it, she Kind of defended herself saying stuff like "getting drunk Like that Happens to everyone at some Point" or when she First told me what happend she said she hase been Kissed but then i asked the owner of the Party and she said He started the kiss but she went along with it
i basically said, that has to have consecuenses she asked if that ment If i wanted to Break Up i said yes Tears came Out i asked her if she wanted a second Chance she said yes
this happend Last week. cant stop Thinking about it and its Not easy trusting her anymore
pic related is the only Thing keeping me from breaking Up.. (its from Dan Bacon, Not really Well liked o think) we that and me being a Pussy