Your daily reminder that skinhead gangs are just white niggers and don't actually care about the movement

your daily reminder that skinhead gangs are just white niggers and don't actually care about the movement

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Lol... money grubbing apparently has no political boundaries

Very true. I've been wondering why European Americans have never organized a legitimate mafia but seem stuck in nigger tier gangs. Jews have a mafia. Asians have mafias. What gives?

No shit.
True Aryans believe in brotherhood and don't have to pretend.

friendly reminder the Aryan brotherhood was created by a kike
and they are allied to latino gangs

Mafias emerge in the underclass

What would you really expect?

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Most Aryan Brotherhood members are just punks who went to jail and and had to join a gang, and since they just happened to be white the AB was their only option.

They arent actually white nationalists or redpilled at all.

The gang may have been started by actuall WN but 90% of the members today are just your average white trash criminals

Aryan Brotherhood was always about making money, not about politics.
They chose the name and white thing to keep together in prisons so they don't get overrun by Niggers and Spics.

They are just as bad as them, they are a gang focused on drug dealing and other criminal operations, race doesn't really matter to them.

its all lies, further proof alt-right and nazsoc is owned by the Jews

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hahahahahahahahaha the nazi are really the problem all along hahahahahahaha

sell is not powerful as the greedy peolpe that love it

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all for nothing

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This was proven in that documentary called American History X. In that movie you learned that the criminal portions of the gangs were only interested in making money over anything else and that the little brother forgot Rule 1 at the end of the show.

Aryan Brotherhood is just a prison gang that chose nazi imagery to look scary.
It's just another prison gang created to protect same looking inmates from different looking inmates who created gang to protect same looking inmates from different looking inmates.
Inmates are manbabies and prison is kindergarten.

all big gangs are run by the feds at the top or at the second layer... I presume this includes all the white gangs but I dunno, they've done this going back to Italians/Jews as well as Mexicans/Blacks.

We already know that they're white trash and worthless.

Aryan Brotherhood works with spic and nigger gangs to smuggle drugs. They aren't white anymore.

yea it is interesting if you look at most of the white nationalism or neo-nazi stuff it always connects back to ADL/SPLC by like 2 or 3 degrees of separation...
I guess if you are a very dedicated actor you can be one of these controlled opposition people allegedly Harold Covington of the Northwest thing was a fed, pretty much all celebs in political movements are feds or following orders when they need to, I mean, come on lets be real
if they're not fed they're getting help/orders, or unwittingly being used by them perhaps in the least complicit scenario (chris cantwell possibly it one of these useful stooges, pat little... or they're both just very stupid with their list of supporters contact info)

AB is a prison gang..

They are playing by a different set of rules and are all but irrelevant to our cause

And lol at believing anything the Washington Post writes

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Interesting. I see only two scenarios where this could be rational.

>trying to hide the truth of his activities
>trying to induce a preferred 'outcome'.

Of course, let's not assume people are rational.

>daily reminder that skinhead gangs are just white niggers and don't actually care about the movement
No fucking shit, they're drug dealer losers

wow this is the real red-pill... classism is real, social decay problems are real, degeneracy is all too real
if these people were institutionalized together and they couldn't improve themselves (get a law degree from prison or do something exceptional) that kind of shit
Punk was so popular but again look at the effect of music on each generation...

Of course and you are surprised by this?

Fucking stormniggers at it again

Italian and Russian mafia

>aryan brotherhood

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digits however this is Washington Times the one owned by that Korean billionaire who was BFF's with George Bush Senior
Rev. Moon owns/owned Washington Times, they're low effort right wing media considered a tabloid/uncredible by MSM
They're often right but they dig hard for stories and have poor quality control... honestly they actually pour salt on the wounds of certain topics that no one else will cover so they must be top tier trolls or subversives
I've seen quotes in the Washington Times that were real and you would not see it anywhere else. Maybe they tell the truth sometimes.
Not WaPo the lefty paper, Washington Times is like maybe LaRouche tier right wing weirdo, but in bed with the Bushes so not LaRouche

>criminals that only care about making money are "white supremacists"

>wtf! an organized crime group commits crime for money???
not very bright are ya OPetty?