Jow Forums but wholesome

The level of autism there (and Jow Forums in general) is about right but all the porn, memes, misery and degeneracy repels me.
Is this site seriously the best for someone atypical?
Where should I go to find like-minded hikkis?
reddit is repulsive.

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I am robot too and i am here, i am lost too. Adv is same like r9k just more incels.

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>I like Jow Forums except for the porn, memes, misery and degeneracy

I'm not sure what you mean then. That's all modern Jow Forums is.

I do post on reddit but only extremely specific subreddits that cater to my own personal interests and hobbies and career. I don't post on the default subreddits or anything those are cancer.

What do you want exactly? I know a lot of oldfags went to Something Awful and also bodybuilding and MMA forums which attracts plenty of autists. Even if you're not into gym shit, they have boards for other topics and general discussions.

>Even if you're not into gym shit, they have boards for other topics and general discussions.
Just more incels talking about male looks, cringe.

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Let's hope we find something better.
>That's all modern Jow Forums is
It know, but it's also very relatable.
>What do you want exactly?
The sincerity I think, even the small subreddits feel like they have a lot of posturing to me.
>Something Awful and also bodybuilding and MMA forums
I'll look into it, thanks.

No they have boards for other topics and general discussions.

Looked into it, doesn't seem to be much better. maybe I'm just too antisocial for even the internet.

I think something like a church forum would work, but these are always full of old people.
We are 3 billion people on the internet, I can not believe there's not enough in theirs 20s wanting a forum with more earnest interactions

People who want earnest interactions don't post on the internet as their main source of social interactions

I understand, but I live in a "developing" world(mexico) and the people physically close to me are seriously decadent.

Ok give proof or fuck off

There's not much for you. It looks like you're in a culture where hikkis aren't really 'a thing.'

Furthermore, a lot of them aren't really wholesome. They're the ones footing the bill on all this porn and degeneracy.

Yeah, I figured.
The internet is deceptively small. Maybe if I produce some sort of content I'll attract likeminded people

>I do post on reddit

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Lvl 34 Wizard and r9k-diaspora here. Your best bet at this stage is Wizardchan. Closest thing you'll get to deep, comfy discussion without drama, porn, and other crap. There's a fair amount of what you might consider "degeneracy", but that's easy to skip over.

lmao what about tumblr stupid special snowflake

>calling others normies while you post this
I wish you weren't so retarded so you could see how ironic this is

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leave, reddit

You could go with content appeal but more likely is you'll start humble, and end up becoming the villain or stay quiet and have a small following who may just forget you for the next best thing. That or you get people who attach political connotation to your work. Even worse my man.

The problem with your situation is that this worked in my day. When I was 15, I had a community of douchebags I roleplayed with, and I had a group of close-knit friends I played Ragnarok Online with. I'm still friends with some of these people to this day, talking with them, in on the haps of their life, giving advice, all that friendly stuff.
But that happened when, and I shit you not, the internet was very different. It was a place where the socially dejected went because we ALL made those honk-honk outbursts. And we all nervously chuckled and after the first few nervous chuckles we were all laughing with each other. It was where us quirks, us oddballs, us never-quite-fits went.

In which direction it went, you'll get a different answer soon as you ask a different person. But the reality of it all is, there's just an ordinary answer to it; it got bigger and as it did, so too did the pockets of corruption.
By now, the internet is the premiere place to go for everyone who's too shitty to change for life, and I say that knowing full well I probably would have better benefited from taking a sport up in high school rather than Ragnarok Online.
As you can tell, though, even here on Jow Forums has become about the sekrit klub even though A) reddit spawned off of Jow Forums and B) the need for content control is more powerfully Reddit bullshit than anything else that goes on.

So in short, I'd say the train has passed. Forget the internet; maybe you'll stumble on something but by far it'll be the exception to a well-proven and easily-demonstrable rule. You're better off searching for ways to broaden your options, rather than exhaustively panning through what little you have.

>Just want to talk about anime and TV shows
>Almost every thread gets flooded with Jow Forums assholes who hate other groups of people for no reason or take out their sexual insecurities by bullying strangers on the internet

Nah i want to have a friend that i would go hang out with and would also be loyal to me, i don't like nerds.

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I think you may be on point. I tend to expect more since the web is always growing. But upon closer inspection it really does look like a virulent type of growth. Like a lesser layer of our minds is the more likely one to propagate through here and it gets worse with time.
Yeah the solution is not ending up stuck here.

Seconding wizardchan, you can have some nice discussions there, just avoid any thread about women and don't talk about them yourself.

>hate other groups of people for no reason
>no reason

yeah, you don't have a reason because you generalize actions on people you never and will never even get to meet 0.001% of them. you don't know how ridiculous you are. i would hate all 16 year old white boys if i assumed all of them were hateful as you, but i don't because i know better that everyone is a separate person and should be treated as such. that's all i have to say. you won't change your mind though, because you're already beyond brainwashed.

>implying you can't treat individuals as individuals while forming opinions about groups
Individualists are retards