I work in an office and I went to go talk to a co worker about a project we are working on and on my way back to my cubicle I noticed a hot petite Asian woman in high heels with an ass so fine like pic related except even bigger and perkier. Man i quickly went to my desk and have a boner for the last 38 min just thinking about dat ass. I keep fantasizing about bending her over and ramming my dick balls deep doggy style.
I'm in my 20s so I can't even imagine what kind of learning goes on in hs when girls are wearing yoga pants and booty shorts. It's ridiculous and unfair to men.
Women dress code needs to be more strict for work/school
women that dress like sluts deserve rape
It has even proven that women in institutions are a huge distraction to men and has affected our educational system deeply. We need to bring back segregation.
Faggot alert.
why can't modern women dress professionally and ladylike, such as our FBI waifu Lisa does ???
This is how a dystopian economy works, Goyim. You mad? Chase that pussy, you must need a Ford(R) Mustang(C) if you can't get that pussy now you fucking loser.
it cannot be avoided, women will always want to push for sex things, because that is how they are programmed. They will always be on the border, and it will be an everlasting battle. If they could get away with it, they would be walking naked outside. They basically want to bully us so much that we give to them so much leeway that they just walk naked outside, while they get fucked by whomever they choose. That is their end goal.
they want the shortest path to the womb, want to eliminate all rules and all thoughts. If they could alter it right now they would do exactly that.
absolutely correct
You just know OP is that fat gross incel weirdo in the office that nobody likes to be around. You just know.
well idk about in college but high school and below maybe
a lot of people find their wife in college
It's honestly not even women. There are cuter girls in my office but they dress more modestly. I think it's hot vs pretty. Hotness affects productivity because the male libido without gf/wife is helluva drug.
>old hag waifu
It's only "unfair" to incels like you.
I was taking a chemistry test and the tables were all full of hot girls. I was the only male in the room. Even teacher was female. I am a cute blond boy so it felt so weird. I had to just look down and not even look at anyone else or else I would’ve failed.
>being attracted to asian women
> I noticed a hot petite Asian woman in high heels with an ass so fine like pic related except even bigger and perkier.
Fucking nigger, control yourself. She's not even white.
Then ask one out so you can drain your balls you faggot. My guess is that you are over weight and smell like shit.
slide thread
Shills are fkn nervous today
While I agree with what you said, I had a hard time deciphering what you meant by this.
>they want the shortest path to the womb
women have the right to wear anything they want without getting unwanted sexual attention from ugly men!
Beautiful post.
Fuck off, Habib
If you allow women to dress themselves they will exaggerate their sexuality
Actually high school sweet hearts who get married are statistically more successful, I don't know about college
was it autism? I think so
i wouldnt say its ridiculous or unfair but it is goddamn unprofessional
>a lot of people FLUFF their wife's BOYFRIEND in college
I presume we just need a ten year dress code during the post-RaHoWa reconstruction. Say they have to wear a skirt/dress that goes past their knees, and a long sleeve shirt. (that comfy feel when you'll live to see poodle skirts become a thing again) We can probably drop the dress code after ten years, because the men will be in the right state of mind to control their women. That's not to say sluttiness isn't still possible. There are some women who look super hot in tight but long skirts and tight sweaters. Pants, while enjoyable to look at, are too in your face in terms of showing a girl's body. Ideally we'll get to a golden mean where there are no legal dresscodes, but you can tell what a woman's personality is like just by the way she dresses.
The main problem is having women working, or mixing them with men in schools. Groups act differently when they're a mix of genders, rather than just one. It's particularly noticeable with men, as they have to constrain a lot of their boyish behavior. Women do it too though. Around men they feel the need to protect the "image" of women. It's at its worse when one gender significantly outnumbers the other. It's awkward all around.
they basically want to have kids, get impregnated RIGHT NOW. They cannot get those kids because they are weaker and react strongly to our disapproval (which may lead to violence). But if there was no disapproval from our side, they would nearly go 100% towards that purpose. Well its a little bit more complex than that since they test us and look for good genetics, but it basically comes down to that.
if you were to truly remove all rules of them, and train all the men to have not even "micro agressions" towards them, no hostile feelings whatsoever. Then that is what they would do. They would go naked outside, to hot guys, to guys who are also popular, and they would grind their naked bodies on them until they fuck them.
thats basically the end result of matriarchy. I dont even think that it will be degrading to men in a way. There is no need of the women to degrade men, they just ignore them. If the the inferior men no longer have any disapproving emotions towards them, they just ignore them. I bet you could even make a comic of such a clown end goal female utopia.
Just say “BRAP” every time and th I giggles will get that boner down and maybe she will reconsider the time she spends on making her shitter look better
>it cannot be avoided, women will always want to push for sex things,
Because its their strongest currency, at least for young women. Older women however get jelly and mad on young hot chicks so potentially you have a huge group (women live a long time, most of that time is spent in PW*) that will support the stuff OP talks about.
*post wall
Now this is autism.
How does it feel being an autist who can't focus on anything besides ass? JFC you thirsty ass niggers need to stifle yourselves.
i'm not convinced yet
post more examples of women dressing immodestly to convince me
>taking a test
>had to look down so i didnt fail
Do you normally pass tests by not looking at them autismo?
Have you considered not being a nigger, OP?
what if that fine negro gentlemen is in the mens toilets? must he even rape then?
I dont think that matters anymore, any young instagram thot now can get thousands of followers, making her completely avoid the wrath of the older ones. Its perhaps a combination of both on the far end, the older women, who also sometimes have families, compel the men to act that way. Who also compel their daughters.
Nobody has actually tested the women in such a weird focus. I suspect that this is what will actually happen. The woman has no honor, no virtue, not anything that resembles goodness. She is but a biological machine, a cruder one than men. She has no norms, and she only has goals, if the entirety of reality changes because of that, she does not care. Like the jew she barely has any cognition to the bigger picture and how she influences it. She can only subvert.
can a chinese girl wear a bra like this in public?
Some do.
women don't need jobs or educations. they need to stay in the home and dress like sluts until they have babies.
no but you can come to my house and wear it in private anytime you like
No. The only thing that motivates me going to the gym is scantily cladded thots doing leg presses.
The all have daddy issues. A strong male role model is something those degenerate's never had.
Looks good enough to rape
The thing is I'm not. But dat ass was fine
>Straight to the barn with that one.
if you were white, combat would motivate you.
When I get my own company I'm gonna enforce a XIX century-style dress code.
I am gonna get my own company you know. It's just unavoidable. I am doomed for success.
what does that mean?
Jesus Christ, thats a whore ready for action in the pic.
Its like she is begging guys to rape her.
No. I'm waiting till marriage.
Also I'm relatively young (21). I assume she's like 25. I'm also not into Asian women. However I am still male and human so obviously I'm going to have temptations and desires. I simply sign act on them and let them stay in my head
Unironically, go to HR and file a complaint against her saying that you found her attire "distracting and sexually offensive". She'll get a warning and her manager will be notified. From then on, if anyone comes after you at work, you can claim it's retaliation and file an EEO complaint on everyone involved, which protects you from being fired.
If you keep filing complaints like this, eventually the office will have to implement a dress code and the thots will be defeated.
>waiting until marriage
Are you trying to figure out your gay tendencies first or something? Waiting until marriage is for low self esteem faggots that don't realize sex isn't some magical fuckin experience.
Man, I'm usually for pushes of modesty in society, but you're just fucked in the head. It's just an ass, there are countless to gawk at, after you just need to move on with you're day.
Try working on having a bit of self control, you primitive idiot. Plus, she's asian. If you have a thing for asian girls then you're probably pathetic.
Whiter than you, Jamal.
There is no fix for women except to remove their rights. Any place they infest will be ruined by their influence. In the past, during better times when whites weren’t self-destructing in self-genocide, degeneracy and stagnation, women’s dominion was the kitchen. They were happier, we were happier, our children were happier.
Looking at this situation like “how can I fix this?” is pointless. The only way to look at any situation is “how can I prepare myself to kill everyone responsible for this when the day comes?”
The true red pill is filled with the blood of our enemies.