Say something nice about Tim
he's a controlled opposition faggot. Why are you kikes trying to call everyone who isn't a neoliberal a nazi?
Where are the proofs for him being controlled opposition? Think before you speak, god damn
Everyone is controlled opposition and everwhere is a honeypot to some
New Zealand was a hoax. Sloppy job mossad.
Nice hat!
Nice proofs you got there. And doesn't show that Tim is controlled opposition
>this desu is the only good/nice thing you can say about him
He likes beanies, and was a legit sk8rboi
Hi Tarmi
Ayy how is Vietnam?
Are ya cultivating according to buddhism?
Hi fortunate son!
Vietnam is hot and the city smells but the people are good. How's germany?
Bad war, best soundtrack.
Is he the new /ourguy/ of Jow Forums? I see a lot of love for him in here.
I moved from Berlin to Bavaria to study there. I went back to visit friends and family and I already notice the difference. And not so long ago I found Falun Dafa, so that's nice. I'd recommend checking it out
Nobody cared who he was, until he put on the beanie
Our guy, but not /ourguy/.
His work is appreciated though
Thanks but but im not really into spiritual stuff. I'm already convinced everything in my life happens because of bad and good luck, dont want to go any further
Why is he wearing that hat? Is he trying to cover up something?
It's actually based in science.
However the decision is on you.
The images that we see don’t actually take shape in our eyes. Rather, our eyes are just like a piece of equipment, similar to a camera lens. When a camera is used to capture a distant image, the lens will extend, just as our eyes will adjust for distances; or our pupils will dilate under dark conditions, similar to how the aperture of a camera expands in poor lighting to ensure adequate exposure.
And conversely, our pupils shrink when we walk outside into bright light so that we won’t experience a blinding glare. And the principle is the same for a camera, as the aperture has to similarly contract when flooded with
light. So a camera merely captures the image of an object. It’s just a tool. When we see the form of a person or an object, it is actually in the brain that the image takes shape. The image merely enters through the eyes and then is relayed by the optic nerve to the pineal gland, in the rear part of the brain. And it is in this area that it is rendered into an image. This suggests that when an image is rendered and we see something, it actually happens in the region of the pineal gland.
No, he is a worthless piece of shit..in a nice hat.
I screencapped your post for later research. Too late now to to any intense reading, but it does sound kinda interesting
Hi Tim
Tim is figuring it out.