Why can't Boer invader scum simply GTFO of South Africa?

I mean it's fun killing them but gets boring beyond a point. But we'll do whatever we can to eradicate these vermin from our lands.

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You realise the Chinese plan to enslave you after they've finished with North Africa. The whites might have helped you but now, probably not.

Hatred will be the downfall of the black race. In the end, no one will stand with you and no one will care.

Have fun nigger.

Because it is the Bantu humanoids that are the invaders, not the Boer, bitch.

South Africa isn’t Israel, tho.

someone has to pull your weight

Slavery would be a boon compared to what the Chinks do to the defeated

I got hard reading this

>gives nukes to israel

How does that make any sense. Just because the Bantu are invaders suddenly the Boers aren't?

Das rite
Give south africa back to the flies and dirt

b8 thread
>is b8

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Shut up you fucking nigger all we have to do is withdraw our utility support and you chimps will die of thirst

>a black man is an invader in his homeland but a white bastard isn't
See, bullshit like this from you is why we have to do what we do. Pic related

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iromically not accepted as refugees in the West XD

Shut you’re white anyway or at the very least israel

How many Bantu had colonized SA when the Dutch arrived?

The Africa in South Africa means it's black land. White scum deserve to be bludgeoned mercilessly for not leaving our lands.

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How about you get out of Southern Africa

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Take off your flag then

They're the only thing producing kool-aid and microwavable chicken for you sub-human troglodytes.

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Christians in Action

Cape Town is their land it doesn't belong to Bantu invaders.

It's only someone's land if they can defend it. Savages, like yourself, couldn't defend your land. Whites wont defend their land

They are. Russia recently took 15,000 in.
But you'll regret it. Enjoy famine and starvation.

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boers = boeren idioot
rassenverrader van de bovenste plank
hang jezelf

Here, we can witness an Amerimuttt mulatto larping as a South African Bantu when we all know you live in some urban shithole making money off welfare.

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White people treat blacks better than blacks treat blacks. Yet you hate and blame us for everything. All we have ever gotten in return is poverty violence and social chaos. Thanks for nothing niggers. You are going to miss us when the chinks and spicks are exterminating you for your bullshit.

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Im ok with whites being expelled from south africa if the trade off was expelling niggers from every other country and shipping them there. It would be a small price to pay to quarantine you apes in one place.

Could be the turkroach.

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Given that the majority of Income tax is paid by the white minority, It would be disastrous of the South African economy if they were to all pack up and leave. The Boers should of sterilised you monkeys back in the early 1900s however they were too cucked to do so.

By the way, when are the Bantus going to return to Nigeria/Cameroon and give reparations to the bushmen?

You are not black, you are jewish. Stop shilling

Cape Town is in Africa. Africa is the black man's land. White people live here at our mercy. If they piss us off pic related happens.

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Zimbabwe 2 electric boogaloo with extra starvation.

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not really going to shed any tears about these farmer murders in SA

kind of what you should come to expect if you try and subjugate people on their own land

>t. Uncle Tom
Why must you do this, my Black brother?

it was never black's land, it was unpopulated before the europeans came there so shut the fuck up and educate yourself

Go to your mudhut you subhuman nigger.

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it never ceases to amuse me how snow niggers project their own criminal behavior on the Chinese

>should of
And the British should have genocided you drunk potato-faggots

White people brought the black man to the Americas. Now you can't ask him to leave. Anyway you were literally ruled by a black man for 8 long years so we know that Americans have accepted Blacks as their masters.

? Ok

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The only people who were in these lands pre-Boer were the San bush people, not the Bantu niggers who all immigrated there, as usual, after whites turned the barren land into a beautiful city.