Rammstein - deutschland


what kind of (((bs))) smear and lie propaganda is this again.

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Are you sure it's not some form of symbolism?

fk you with your shitty (((christian))) website.


like art or something?


what kind of degeneracy is this xdd

the german kind


The song is actually good
Rammstein has not released good music in like 10 years.

The bomb threats the commies made two years ago against the band scared them into making good music again

germans are faggots. no surprise

Hopefully this will be a good album to gas Jews to.

But you can all ways gas Jews to rammsteins mutter album.

Niggers will destroy Germany. Also

>negress is Germania
>gives birth to mutts

Search for your favourite artists here;


It's terrible and sounds like all their other shit.

anti european smear campaign & degeneracy is good?

It sounds like their old shit from 112 years ago which is a good thing.

No more sex comedy music for rammstein they are back to gassing the kikes.

The rammstein video links 234
Has Hitler style rolling R's in the vocals and ants destroying roaches.

The roaches are Jews.

I don't get it. Are they just being controversial for the sake of it, or is there an actual message in this?

Edgy virtue-signaling intensified to stay relevant in this age.
k some occult symbology to go along w it but still.

More like Fauligstein desu

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I don't know but I'm sure antifa and Jews will get their concerts cancelled again with bomb threats.

Does anyone here like the German synth pop band AND ONE they are like a german depeche mode.


It had a fake freemason scene and some spirit cooking in the video.

Elaborate on the smear campaign

it sucked. you're not even trying. it's nothing like herz you cunt

A Negress in royal clothing decapitating a white man (maybe king?)
I never liked Rammstein but after seeing this degenerate virtue-signaling guilt trip video I want to kill every single member for being an enemy of our people.

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I like SITD

have a negress as a KZ SS-Officer.

Somehow this isn't alt-right.

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>niggers come to europe
>start wearing european cloths
>claim they are the true europeans
>behead actual europeans
>we wuz

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It's not that bad. He even says "I want to love you [Germany]". It's not some kind of leftist Anti-German propaganda. It's about not having a one-dimensional view on Germany and its history.

interesting, but somehow i expected more bantz.
thx anyway

cringe & lowt'd

This, all this non germans talking about a german poet (yes hes one, even if degenerate)

Bitch pls, all you can understand are some basic word or read some poorly translated lyrics

Is the one dimensional view in reference the view provided by recorded history?

nigga wat

forget the red pill

Rammstein took the shokopill und das is gut so



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ebonypill the the very last redpill

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>took until 2019 to notice Rammstein is Antifa

Foreigners are not smart

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who is this black queen in all shots?

Germany's only enemy is nationalism

Here are the lyrics

You (you have, you have, you have, you have)
You havecried a lot (weeping, crying, crying, crying)
Separated in the mind (separated, separated, separated, separated)
I’m heart united (united, united, united, united)
We (we are, we are, we are, we are)
Are already very long together (you are, you are, you are, you are)
Your breath cold (so cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
The heart in flames (so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot)
You (you can, you can, you can, you can)
Me (I know, I know, I know , I know)
We (we are, we are, we are, we are)
You (you stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)

Germany - my heart in flames
Wants to love you and damn
Germany - your breath cold
So young, and yet so old

I (you have, you have, you have, you have)
I never want to leave you (you cry, you cry, you cry, you cry)
You can love you (you love, you love, you love, you love)
And wants to hate you (you hate, you hate, you hate, you hate)
Arrogant, superior
Takeover, surrender
Germany, Germany invades all

You (overpowering superfluous)
I (Superman, tired)
We (who rises up, which is deep fall)
your (Germany, Germany above all)

This isn't even anywhere near their most anti-right song.



That latter one literally means Left 2 3 4

If there was a master race, it would be leftist.

Nvm you deserve whatever is coming your way.

Ya its anti German propaganda

Did you really had to make a thread about it only because black female and nazi getting shot in the face threatened your little hugbox? I myself liked the song however the music video is visual orgasm, good on em.

They never made a secret about their leftist affiliation, even felt the need to make a fucking song about it so their retarded Antifa brothers fucking get it.
Which the dumb asses of course didn´t, as they hate anything German.

But THIS vid is downright treasonous and racist.
Negro Germania births a FUCKING DOG!
I´m glad they finally revealed the whole extent of their treachery.

Only one place where they belong and it isn´t fucking space together with their space nigger bitch.

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ramstein never created good music. it's degenerate impotent childish rage fodder for a dying culture.

>I’m heart united

Already wrong lol

I'll say it again, Germany is leftist. It's anti-nationalist. That's not necessarily anti-German. Our ideology is superior to all nationalisms.

Calm the fuck down. Black girls are hot.

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Seh dich auf der Straße, Antifa

this is an obvious redpill, it shows hat will happen if the white race doesn't wake up

Habt ihr dieses Jahr nicht schon oft genug verloren?

>Merkel's only enemy is nationalism

Attached: Merkel's Gophlunds.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

Especially the she-boon in the vid was exemplary ugly.
From the retarded cone head to the jutting subsaharan mandible face. Kill yourself.

The symbolism is ambiguous. I'm sure its all by design to drum up publicity. They are a band playing to a jewish world order

She has nice big soft lips, smooth skin, fit body and soulful eyes. What, are you gay?

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Ist es nicht eher so, dass ihr nur in der vermummten Masse stark seid und dabei nur ältere angreift oder Steine werft?

Beim ersten Anzeichen von Verletzungen verschwindet ihr oder sucht selbst den Schutz bei der Polizei.


Still delusional I see.

holy fucking based

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Netter Versuch. Nationalismus ist die Superlative des Bandwagoning. Ihr lasst euch von Stärkeren in den Kopf kacken und euch dann von den gleichen Leuten weismachen, ihr wärt selbst zu eurer Meinung gekommen. Wer selbstständig denken kann, steht nicht lange rechts.

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>Make music video that portrays the holocaust and Jews being hung
>Song text screams Deutschland uber allen
People would think its a nazi alt-right song and try to have it banned
>Add nigress queen
Now both left and right are confused as fuck

200 IQ move to be honest, all they want to do is stir up commotion, they succeeded

thanks to your antifa friends my car (vw golf) got damaged during g7 demonstrations in hamburg. thanks a lot faggot!

>200 IQ move to be honest, all they want to do is stir up commotion, they succeeded

Das ist kein "netter" Versuch, sondern Fakt. Eure Ära ist zu Ende. Mal davon abgesehen das diese sowieso alle 20 Jahren wechselt

Disregarded at :49.

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Seems based to me

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> muh bad deeds of Christian and nationalist Germany
> chorus keeps repeating "Germany, I can't give you my love"
> Germania's origin is in mother Africa meme
yeah, this was quite open virtue signalling, thou what are the dogs born from the woman supposed to represent? Birth of new Germans being animalistic mutts?

exactly, it's a redpill


I love the synthwave influence

Good song

You're welcome. We'll break it down completely next time.

>a-aber meine Meinungen sind Fakten! :^(

>Black skin
>Red lips
>Gold clothes

>Birth of new Germans
I thought so which was hilarious

Keine Meinung, man muss sich nur die unzähligen Videos angucken oder einfach mal auf eine Antifa veranstaltung gehen. Schwächlinge mit Bunten Haaren

Absoluter COPE

IQ move to be honest, all they want to do is stir up commotion, they succeeded

>Jews are eating her alive.
>Then she gives birth to mongrel dogs.
How do you even interpret this.

> no comments allowed in (((Youtube))) video
what did they mean by this?

>what kind of (((bs))) smear and lie propaganda is this again.
The director

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> national socialists were niggers
> white genocide alias holocaust was caused by niggers
> niggers are always responsible for wars because niggers are Germans

I don't think they thought deep enough while making the script for this video.

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Rammstein deactivates the comments in every video

Nigger represents germany.
She breeds dogs, which are mutts.

Video is about racemixing.

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Lol lads, I found the original:


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Rammstein always leaves some kind of a message.

I am seeing how this could very well be a song Jow Forums would agree with. This is a quick interpretation from someone who knows some German and a bit about German history. In the first stanza, we get some confusion of identity—you, I, we. There is mention of being different and separate. This could be a reference to the Cold War and Germany's separation. This stanza could be setting the scene for what the New Germany is today.

The first two lines of the second stanza sound like a comment on the current situation in Germany. Germany is in flames and wants to love all the immigrants. There could also be the double meaning of Germany being a burning world power, like a furnace getting the job done, so they think they can take in a bunch of refugees. When they take them in, however, the flame of Germany is cooled. Germany is so young and foolish yet so old as a country.

There is a confusion of identity again in the third stanza. The Germans have, they let crying refugees in, they love them for a short while, and then they turn on the Germans. Arrogant Germany thought they and the EU could take all these people in, but they couldn't, and now, they have been taken over. Through the Schengen Agreement, the refugees invade all.

In the final stanza, we get more confusion of identity, meaning multikulti, if you haven't picked up on that by now. "You (overpowering superfluous) /
I (Superman, tired)." It doesn't take a genius to explain that.

This is like really really bad.

Your translation not the songs

It’s their desperate attempt to be famous

Basically they are traitors and cucks desperate for that last drop of attention selling out before they fade into nothing

Bullet for the traitors

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The symbolism is too one-dimensional: Germany did a lot of evil in the past, and if we Germans don't keep repenting for it, we will do it again. The negress is just for edginess.
All in all, it's really boring and unoriginal.

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Germany only enemy is autism of it's own citizens. All problems of germany from history were from autism and following some shitty retarded autistic ideas

Only Laibach is worthy. Rammstein is a child pretending to be the glory of Slovenia.

Germany is a nigger and chimps out every hundred years or so. That's their message.

Like what? You just discovered they're leftist?

Another tard that thinks Leibach is some ultra far right band :DDDDD

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10000000 degree burn on the German good work Wong

>everyone ignores this reply
This is literally the summary of the song


I really liked Rammstein when I was a teenager, but forgot about them a long time ago.

Pretty disappointed with this tbqh, remembering songs like Feuer Frei and shit. They used to be cool.

I wonder if they did this because of the promise of Jewbucks, or because of the threat of the EU police state.

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