Why are Amerifags so pro dick mutilation and get defensive whenever anyone brings up the facts?

Why are Amerifags so pro dick mutilation and get defensive whenever anyone brings up the facts?

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i would not go anywhere near a disgusting anteater dick

insecure about not being natural, and instead being mutilated, but obviously need to rise up against that and seriously stop this fucking barbaric shit unless medically needed, which it rarely is.

Admitting there's something wrong with the practice is tantamount to admitting your own dick has been mutilated.
Most guys would rather get flayed alive than admit there's anything wrong with their dicks.
Funny that NOBODY has ever argued in favor of it more vehemently than fellow circumcised males.

America is a proxy Jewish State.

Sad that you're even given a fucking choice.

they are jewish slaves. and they wont wake up. these fags will probably let their own kids be mutilated by the kikes


Stockholm syndrome


My friend was pregnant and didn't know the gender of the kid yet. She said if it was a boy, he had to be mutilated because his dad was. Dick decapation is heredatary.

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My brother in law justified it because he was "too lazy to teach the kid how to wash his own dick".
My sister didn't "want him to get made fun of" for being whole.
Tables got flipped.

>too lazy to teach the kid how to wash his own dick

Thing is having a foreskin doesn't make things in any way harder.

One argument I see mouth breathers use to justify it is 'dick cheese' but I'm a adult now and not once have I ever experienced anything like that and I've had periods of time when I was a degenerate where I wouldn't wash for over a week and it still wouldn't be a problem

Lol I've never had complaints. Uncutfag here

>having a foreskin doesn't make things in any way harder
Actually looking into it never happens, because it puts one right on the verge of realizing it's bullshit they didn't at all need to have done to them. So ego preservation kicks in & just accepts whatever excuse as being valid.


Because Americans turned into kikes without knowing it

>tfw ill never get my gorillion foreskin nerves back

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Why are the irish pathetic subhumans who ruin every country they travel to ?

It's exactly this.
Also, if you are a parent of someone circumcised, it would be admitting that you allowed your infant to have a mutilated dick.
Americans use mental gymnastics to try and legitimize poor decisions because we can't stand to be seen as immoral by anyone, but we don't want to stop what we like or what makes us comfortable.

Because most americans got their foreskin sucked off by a rabbi and are now defensive. It's a normal defensive mechanism.

I have a hard time talking about this to people because I get so angry at the retarded mental gymnastics and clumsy disprovable lies people regurgitate to justify it.

I have a relative who is a nurse that didn't know the foreskin has nerve endings in it. SHE ACTUALLY DID NOT KNOW THIS.

People have been so badly mis-educated they simply do not know that the foreskin contains a cluster of nerves providing the same kind of sensory input as the clitoris.

Huh, didn't realise they mutilated dicks in Canada

Its really hard for american to soap their asses and intimate parts.
They're a prude nation and they compensate by exporting the most degenerate porn known to mankind along with their 1/16 german ancestor.

Why are you so obsessed with other men's penises?

Why does this brainlet response get posted into every thread?

Babies get mutilated by culturally indoctrinated people, and the ones trying to put an end to it are the weird obsessed ones?
Aren't the mutilators the weird ones?

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Because stupid Christcucks don't even read their own bible.

It's just one of those things, like most things, that will require generations to change, but it will change. Ideas, good or bad, spread like a virus. And people just talking about it now is miles ahead of where we were 10+ years ago when nobody ever brought it up.

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Uncircumsized dicks are fucking gross. The foreskin closes up over the head and fills up like a balloon with piss causing infection. When uncircumsized men go into old folks home most of them end up having to get their dicks chopped off because they are rotted out with smegma. Thats why you fucking retard

It's Jewish.

not all of us thank you very much

i have never been pro circumcision

Have you seen an Apple user? Same logic. "I'm not retarded, you're retarded."

Your facts, not my facts.
Fuck off with your parasitic, looking like a bloated leach, dick.

No one gives a shit about circumcision, guys who are circumcised don’t care that you aren’t. Why are so many pol fags concerned about other guys’ dicks?

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Because kikes have convinced so many to mutilate their sons that to acknowledge something is wrong with circumcision is to acknowledge you’ve caused major physical and psychological harm to your own children.

Eat shit kike, I’d kill to have my foreskin restored.

I worked as a caretaker in a nursing home in Germany for several years. Not one of the elderly intact men, who were almost all over 80 years old, had problems with cleaning their penis. The hygiene argument regarding infant circumcision is not valid and needs to die.

The reason Americans bring this up is that it's from Jewish culture: things that are "unclean." Despite having things like running water and other parts of the body (nails, ears, nose, teeth) get more dirty, faster, and take longer and harder to clean and aren't as important

What's difficult about washing your sick?
>Wash body
>Use shampoo from body and apply on dick
>Shower yourself
Holy shit how difficult my God Jesus Christ this is so difficult man it doesn't take 3 seconds to do and figure out yourself I swear!

Yep! Barrrrrrf!

Because its extremely psychologically damaging as a man to have to admit there is something wrong with his benis, so they use various copes as a defence mechanism.

according to them is just a minor cosmetic procedure


This is the kind of stupid mental gymnastics I'm talking about. That's the way boy. Just make some shit up out of pieces of rumors and false bits information you've heard throughout your life and then combine them together and just repeat it forever like it's the truth. You're the kind of gentile a rabbi would pat on the head for being such a good boy and not thinking too hard.

>Dick cheese
I only have it when I'm an unhygienic pig.

Today I will remind them.

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Except none of those babies give a shit that they were circumcised, and most of them are glad they were, so fuck off with your unwanted empathy.

Restorative justice now! Bwahahahahaaa!

They belong to a covenant. Why else would they be so loyal to Israel?


The level of cope needed to not admit your dick was mutilated by your pathetic parents and your jewish owners. So glad for my based parents for leaving me intact.

I would kill to get my foreskin back. My dick is fucking numb

They're kikes without the IQ and supremacy shit.

people dont like to admit that they are wrong about things, they will do everything to make the wrong right and the insane into normal

The easier for Jews to hide amongst us.

They do not know that they are missing something or what they are missing.
It is the same when a colorblind person says "My eyesight is fine.".

You will never practically never see a man openly admit "My penis is inferior as a result to circumcision" as it is a very tough pill to swallow and most men can't come to terms with that.



It's easier to get Shlomo to cut your newborn's foreskin off than it is to talk to your son about proper hygiene.

Same. Wish I had a time machine.

Foreskin restoration works. Go on r/foreskin_restoration and foreskinrestore.com/

The second site has pictures of a full restoration over 2 years. Di around that site for a while, very informative.

>It's easier to get Shlomo to cut your newborn's foreskin off than it is to talk to your son about proper hygiene.
Clown world.

Stopping 90% of circumscison starts with showing would be parents what happens when a boy is circumscized. Force them to listen to a baby crying its lungs out as a necessary part of its body is ripped and cut away because “oh it’ll look better!”

Force them with eyes held open to watch the blood and agony. Only then will they think twice

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Not really. You can never regain the nerve endings or frenulum.

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Fucking water works convention here. It's like I'm in a foreskin safe space and the Marxist liberals are lamenting some SJW bullshit that requires some sort of restorative justice to correct.
"I hate my mommy and daddy...Oh and by the way can I borrow your car tonight dad and a few bucks, i cant afford any gas.

Did you circumscize yourself or did your parents do it to you?

>pay kikes tens of thousands to restore something your parents paid them to cut off, that they then made $100,000 off of
Not even watching a black man go balls deep in your wife while wearing a chastity cage is this cucked.

I have told this to people on here countless times.
Big post with lots of facts incoming.
>You don't get back the nerve endings, so it's pointless!
Not true at all.
The loss of the nerve endings matters less when fully restored than people think.
The biggest contributor to loss of feeling is the keratinisation of the exposed glans.
Sensitivity-wise, I would put an intact penis at 10/10, a circumcised one at around 2-4/10 (depending on how much inner/outer skin was taken and the grade of keratinization)
and a fully restored penis at around 8-9/10.
Source: the subreddit r/foreskin_restoration.
Yeah, I know, >reddit.
But suppress that knee jerk reaction for now and actually LISTEN to the reports of the fully restored men on that subreddit.
According to them, the following functions of the intact penis (and some more) can be fully restored or at the very least vastly improved:
>gliding motion during sex
>dekeratinization of the glans, to the point of it being smooth and slightly wet again
>full body orgasms
>better orgasmic control
The mucuous membrane can also be restored, in case not all of it was taken during circumcision. But even if every bit of inner skin was taken from you, restoring can still benefit you.

Stop spouting misinformation that might put off other people from restoring if you have no idea of how a full restoration might actually benefit you or them.
Do your research. I'm restoring for one year and 10 months now and the effects so far have convinced me to fully go through with it.
If you would rather wait for foregen, that's your choice, but personally, I have my doubts.
I will never let a knife near my genitals again and I won't need to once I completed my restoration.

Consider screencapping this post to reply to people spreading misinformation about restoration.

Zero intact men wish they were circumcised, a shitload of circumcised men wish they were intact. Thats reason enough to ban the practice on consent ground.

did they circumcise your brain too?

The reason it's an elective surgery parents can choose for their infants without even being fully informed on it is because no fucking grown male would ever choose to have it done to themselves without medical necessity.

These guys using the stretch/tug method aren't getting their nerves back. They aren't reversing the years of friction damage caused to their glans. It's pretty much a waste of time.

They don’t know what they lost before they were born and you’re a Jew for keeping that knowledge from them

Boomers all have brain damage from lead poisoning. Look it up.

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They're proud Jewish slaves.
>For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring.

>It is the same when a colorblind person says "My eyesight is fine."

Shit. Just imagine this video but instead of color, it's your dick. Regenerative medicine can't come soon enough.

You're just conditioned to believe that circumcised penises look bad. 75% of men are not circumcised and hundreds of millions of them live in first world countries. That means the majority of women have partners who are not circumcise.

Why would anyone in their right mind think the cut one looks better? It's not even a competition in my mind.

Is your dick practically numb like mine is? I get no pleasure from sex or masturbating unless I go like 5 days without it and I'm only 20.

It is not a kike running this website. He is literally one guy who came up with the idea and his device is recognized my many people as a viable tool for restoration. Also, it does not cost thousands of dollars. Check the link out for yourself, it does not even cost 100 dollars.
Have a bit of an open mind, dude.


Remember to post this poll in every circumcision thread so we can get accurate data: strawpoll.me/16192445

Careful spaghetti bro. I got banned for posting imagen of kids being kike'd
Mutilated mutts are so in denial about this

Checked, just wash it at least once a week.
Problem solved only takes 30 seconds to clean anyways.

Idk man, there was one uncircumcised kid in my high school, he was a smelly disgusting loser, who everyone made fun of, also nice link, that list made me cringe really fucking hard. I’m reminded of how ridiculous anti circumcision people are.

And a shitload of men gotta stop talking like their riding the liberal band wagon. Oh wait, Jow Forums is looking more and more like the new reddit. Yep, dark days friends, dark days indeed!

>My sister didn't "want him to get made fun of" for being whole.
I never got the point of this argument. When boys are naked together in the locker room (which BTW is rare today) everyone has little traits that get made fun of. You won't avoid embarrassment just because you're circumcised.

Oh no some kid with poor hygiene wasn’t cut that means all uncut people are smelly losers

You sound like a woman

>What's difficult about washing your sick?

Must be very difficult, remember that the average american is like this

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You sound like the trannies who claim they always new they were the wrong gender, even as a child

>Is your dick practically numb like mine is?
I've restored and I'm about 3/4ths done. I retain full time if I'm not restoring. Sensation has gone way up, to the point that if I'm not retain, the head rubbing against underwear is extremely uncomfortable. Highly recommend it.

Why does the federal government care about female genitalia?

this is reddit 2.0 bro.
its been ruined since 2015. You want a good board then go to 8c,han. but its slow

What exactly is it about men resenting their circumcisions that is cringeworthy?
The kid who was intact would have been made fun of if he was a loser. Don't pretend he was only made fun of because his parents left him intact.

Tugging on your dick 30 minutes a day for 2 years. The cost is only $100 if your time is completely worthless.


>Equating an infant having his dick cut by retarded parents to a mentally ill individual that is fed propaganda

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Funny you mention women, because I don’t know a single one that wouldn’t be disgusted by an anteater dick

Imagine if your culture chopped off your right arm when you were born. Your whole life you had no right arm, and so you simply learned to live without it. In fact, most people you see don't have right arms either, so it's "normal" to you. Having both arms is abnormal. Maybe a justification was given to you at some point. You accepted it. How could you not? Then you would have to accept that your whole life was diminished from when you were born. That not only you, but a majority of your countrymen, were robbed of a fuller, more dexterous life. And this tragedy extends back decades. The horror is unbounded. How could you not feel a deep fury at this? Grasping the full range of this horror should spark feelings of anger and revolution inside you. But you don't accept it. You're fine.

People who complain are just whiners. I'm FINE without my arm. I do ok.

That's how americans think.

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That is not how it works you dumbass. A It is a device you wear for several hours each day so you can go on about your business while actively doing something to improve your life.