there is literally nothing wrong with single payer healthcare in an all white country
There is literally nothing wrong with single payer healthcare in an all white country
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Asian nurses. The achilles heel of the shitposter. The kryptonite of the lurker. The ultimate bait. Bladerunner.jpg
came for the pic, bye
Ugly, plastic, fake, disease infested chink.
more sexy asian women NOW
>all white country
virtually any system works fine in a all white country.
Hi I am from the country of insert country here and I need to use your healthcare service for free. I have not paid tax into your system and will never do. I and a million others do it to your system, it collapses
When healthcare is no longer a personal responsibility then across society individuals, typically the majority idiot population, stop caring about their health. Their poor lifestyle choices then get subsidies by the healthy and tax paying minority population (bit overlap in these two groups), and allows retards to propagate but financially hinders the able with their reproduction.
So nationalised single player healthcare creates a huge population of obese losers you pay to support for no benefit to anyone. Proof: UK after having NHS for half a century.
This alone is reason enough to not have it. It kills nations.
You think Aniki got to see a handsome male nurse tending to him before he died?
I hope so.
>I need to use your healthcare service for free.
Fuck off
What other goods and services would you like the government to have a monopoly over?
This. Socialized healthcare works terrifically in a high-IQ homogenous and high-trust White country as well. If only neo-Marxist retards could understand this...
>absurdly idiotic post content
Why are all you kikes this transparent
>What other goods and services would you like the government to have a monopoly over?
Utility level services; water, electricity, telecomm, transportation and military equipment production.
Also to take an owners cut of all resource extraction.
Based poo. They can't bother attracting (You)s with quality threads so they find other ways around it.
i hate fat people
Hi I come to ginnland and Iusehealthcare system made for 5.5 million people. A million more and your universal healthcare suffers. Your welcome
Why not housing, automobiles, clothing, food, sports, television, movies, video games, etc.?
Statist! The VA is the worst healthcare in this country.
Cute. What was OP saying? Don't race mix? Cure Asians are okay for sex still. Nice thread OP.
I seriously hope he died while holding a feminine dick up his mouth, he definitely deserved it. I know I would want to kick the bucket in this way.
Your Asian whore isn't white.
There's nothing wrong with healthcare at the point of sale either, and I would much prefer it.