Anybody listen to this yet? Ads were being spammed for it during Rush and other boomer talk shows.
The host is a lib from cracked/howstuffworks but the fantasy plays out interestingly enough
Here's the pitch: >Boy, politics really has gotten hideous, hasn’t it? And protests seem a lot more violent than they were a couple of years ago. Are things getting worse? Could the U.S.A be on the road to a second civil war? Robert Evans says ‘Yes!’ and by the time you’ve finished listening to ‘It Could Happen Here’, you will too
Listened to ep1 earlier, the theory is that Berkley, Charlottesville, and Ferguson style events accelerate into an escalating back-and-forth which gets further amplified during a recession
Lucas Price
Well, let me put it to you this way OP, does the US government and the oligarchic multinational elites deserve to keep existing?
Over the span of 40 years we have seen public education get purposefully fucked by multinationals, we have seen California, Michigan, Washington and NYC's economies go into the shitter, we have witnessed all of the jobs going overseas and a corresponding rise in drug usage as people can't find work. The Universities are corrupt and the student loan situation is totally fucked whenever that bubble pops, boomers can't seem to stay focused long enough to do anything apart from starting endless wars they never intended to finish - excellent point, we've started 7 wars that we never finish. Endless debt for US tax payers but endless government contract handouts for the well to do elites. Endless immigration and the government basically says that you anything negative towards immigrants is a hate crime that should have you banned from your job. Lastly, niggers are getting more and more out of control since they are also affected by the recession.
The system is fucked against us. The elites do not deserve to live. Our military generals should have been long ago executed for their failures abroad. Bush, Hillary and Obama should all be executed along with the congressmen who voted for endless wars for Israel and leftist degeneracy.
Enough is enough, it's time to start blowing shit up.
Hudson Russell
Seems plausable.
Ryder Butler
Unlikely for a few reasons:
1. The Fat and Happy factor: Too many Americans are doing well enough to eat fast food and watch sports ball, while drinking their favorite beer. (Laugh all you want but nobody is about to risk their neck over race and politics when the Big Game is on and they might win the lottery next time they play.)
2. America is Huge. That means you can usually find some distant corner of it to move away to, if you don't like all the new Cheap Laborers flooding in.
3. War is misery. Have you ever fought in actual front line combat? Have you piloted a drone or dialed in coordinates for a guided missile? Have you so much as killed a human? No? So what makes you think you would be tough enough mentally for war? All talk and no walk is not how wars are fought. As long as everyone is satisfied with talking about problems there won't be any talk walking.
What might change things:
Monetary collapse/Weimar II. Food gets expensive, Plebs get restless. Civilization and Anarchy are seven meals apart.
Explicitly Anti White laws passed by non white legislatures and enforced by non white State Enforcers. I bet you haven't thought about how important a white face on forced integration is to the stability of society. When the Jew Masters run out of white enforcers to push diversity on white communities, watch out.
Jackson Long
>Have you so much as killed a human? :3 Jewish kids don't count as people
Christian Brooks
Just let forigners decide who’s your president goyim.
You children are to lazy stupid and cowardly to fight. You are weak and worthless. That doesn't change the fact Civil war is increasingly likely
Xavier White
>couple Nice. It's gonna happen and we'll get rid of all the browns and globalists.
John Parker
Who will win in the civil war? It won't be the Democrats, neither the Republicans. It'll be ISRAEL, they are the ones who stand to benefit from this. America needs to wake up and unite against the common enemy.
Isaiah Rodriguez
user from michigan here, we're actually fine over here, we just get a bad rap because we have one inner city filled with nogs that drag the image of the rest of the state down. Although I can't say for how long we'll be fine with our new governor, but until now we've been okay.
Dylan Nguyen
They're only just realizing this? In 2019?
Tyler Reed
How would Israel benefit from a civil war? They get billions from us every year.
You're right the democrats, nor the republicans would win a civil war, because by the end of the civil war, those parties won't exist. It'll look like Syria, but on a much larger scale, and will probably lead to WW3.
Brody Williams
I wish, we’d be able to easily excise the subversive Marxists from our nation and right the last 100 years of damage
Right now they only get billions, but once Rs and Ds are too busy shooting each other they will steal all the money behind their backs, then they will offer a safe haven for American skilled laborers (doctors, engineers, etc) displaced by the war.
Charles Allen
Michigan is not fine you just don't have a basis of comparison.
Sebastian Sullivan
I have heard normies discussing civil war several times. They honestly believe cards will fall along democrat/republican lines and are picking sides not knowing that non-racial battle lines are going to be indistinguishable during a guerilla, anti-establishment war. The moment the system collapses, every tribal race will be fighting for their own and it will force whites to tribalize as well.
Jacob Ramirez
Also, the first civil war happened despite those three countervailing forces.
Logan Martin
Yeah I think it would look more like back and forth terror attacks than anything involving front lines.
Joseph Carter
fuck off kike. if a civil war is to happen, let the degenerate leftists kick it off. now it seems like they are just trying to goad the right into making the first move so they can claim moral superiority.
I mean isn't it becoming obvious? I started to realize the high likelihood during the Kavanaugh debacle. It's only a matter of time before it becomes a more common realization.
Nathaniel Walker
It's the side that wins, not the side that begins. Lincoln kicked off the civil war when he dispatched a naval force to Fort Sumter, yet since the Union won, history only remembers who lit the first cannon.
Lincoln Clark
The real question is how can conservatives successfully balkanize the US while keeping a coast for shipping?
You'd have to keep the PNW and Gulf of Mexico while forfeiting commiefornia and the new england to dc corridor
Demanding the military account for its ridiculous adventures is not >civil war threatening to start a civil war because civilians want to see how the military is spending civilian taxpayer dollars is fucking stupid and treason I would rather get the military to shut the fuck up about civil war than take their claims seriously. We need to expand civilian terror operations and have those take the burden of crowd control off the hands of the military CIVILIAN TERROR IS THE WAY FORWARD CIVILIAN TERROR IS THE FUTURE
Matthew Martinez
1. So many civil wars have happened for ideological reasons, not due to starvation causing a revolt. Take the American revolution, which was an English civil war. Purely done on a ideological basis. This whole "if the people are fed, they wont rise up" is stupid. This idea is just from the French revolution, doesn't mean it's some unbreakable rule.
2. This isn't fully about immigration. It's the culture war as a whole. Unless you want to move out to the middle on Montana and cut all your cords you can't escape it.
3. This has never stopped any war ever. Only nuclear weapons have that kind of chilling effect you describe.
Ayden Lee
The reality is that the US has been a society in need of the boot for decades now but the natural wealth of the country has prevented any serious action against our decadent ruling class.
Isaac Smith
not hard to find. u know exactly where they are.
Daniel Bailey
congress needs to get the border situation under control lest a horde of demons descend upon the capitol
Gabriel Adams
just cleanse Portland and Seattle and the PNW is all set. it's literally only the cities. this country has ridiculous amounts of coast
Levi Reyes
>I never heard hatred of the other party before 2016 RNC What a blind faggot. I guess when you see "Righties are backwards religous zealots" repeated so many times you forget that hatred can include your own sides actions.
Jonathan Walker
civil wars are precipitated by the guys at the top. the war of independence was a revolt by british landowners getting snubbed by the aristocrats on the other side of the atlantic. if you want to talk about civil war 2, you need to first identify the split in the political system, not the people.
Ayden Torres
We are in a cold asymmetric civil war as we speak. So is europa. We live on apwder keg/in a house of cards.
What will shift it into the hot phase i know not, but we are playing with fire.
I don't know why the sheep are not more interested in the political ramifications and loss of services/quality of life systems that are going to be lost once everyone flips out.....
Wew, now there's a hot take. Meanwhile white conservative men have been stockpiling munitions over the past few decades.
Charles Carter
My 72 yr old boomer normie neighbor said he thinks a civil war is coming. Out of the blue, no prompting. He just said it. We said hellos out by the mailbox, he mentioned Smollett's charges dismissed, and went right into civil war.
Isaiah James
the boomers are fed posting
Xavier Thomas
>Civilization and Anarchy are seven meals apart Nine. It's nine meals. If you're factoring in inflation then I apologize.
Thomas Long
Too bad the left would just take every punch and whine on Twitter about it later
James Hughes
The media doing their jobs as usual
Carson Russell
Don't forget Dallas, leftists have a propensity for anti-state violence
its from Learning to Read: A Guide to Reading What's on the Fucking Screen, Vol 3
Tyler Reyes
>identiying no.
Josiah Sanders
>in the 1991's no.
Wyatt Watson
b-b-but user, i can virtually count the pixels on the logos
Jayden Parker
stop counting them and start reading them, rain man. >MO >badge says Missouri >image is a shitty meme anyway >untrue and homosexual
Samuel Hall
This guy gets it, order through chaos. They're always waiting for a chaotic event to use it in order to expand their powers. Not just over US or any single country, but over the world. Just look at how the world changed after WW2. Would that new world order be possible if not for WW2? Never, they need that chaos.
Xavier Mitchell
I was actually talking to someone about a theory I've got about the potential fracturing and eventual dissolution of the US. Texas was talking secession in 2012 after Obozo got re-elected. If the current leftists holding office are replaced with more radical leftists (a la AOC and Ilhan-Omar), eventually, they will gain power and be able to change policy, the end-goal being dumpstering the Constitution in its entirety.
What would a divided US look like? How would trade, commerce, and travel be negotiated? It's definitely something to think about. Even if the terms of separation were agreed upon, eventually the need for resources would outweigh civility and then you'd get the war you all are talking about, but I do believe we are a ways away from true civil war. I don't think many people grasp what war truly means. This pussy shit we've been living for the last 20 years with the Middle East is fucking child's play. The technological element of modern war removes many from seeing the first hand effects of war like our ancestors saw with Vietnam, WW2, WW1, Korea, etc. Today, I can literally control a drone from a bunker, bomb an entire city, and it will feel like calling in an airstrike on Call of Duty. I've already been conditioned not to feel compassion or remorse.
Anyway, I'm fucking rambling. tl;dr: Texas was talking about secession in 2012; what would a fractured US look like and how would commerce, trade, travel be affected?
>America pays off nations around Israel to not gang bang Israel with bombs >if that should fall through America is probably one of only a few countries that would militarily intervene to defend Israel>the entire region would probably turn on them in an instant The collapse of the American government and it's military is probably one of the only things that would save the world from the further existence of Israel.
Noah Smith
>Too many Americans are doing well enough to eat fast food and watch sports ball, while drinking their favorite beer
I wish you retards would stop repeating this bullshit. Civil wars END when you run out of food. The top reasons for civil wars are greed or one group feels oppressed. Whites are quickly realizing the second.
Benjamin Diaz
We could easily keep northern Ca.
Christian Phillips
Why do such lists always read like instruction manuals?
Ethan Flores
It'll be nice to finally crush Russia in open warfare.
Benjamin Foster
You misspelled reckless as “wreckless” in the bottom bullet point faggot. Sloppy job mossad.
Things are getting better now that Obama isn't around to disrupt domestic relations. Even the political climate with Trump is better. Ferguson? During Obama. Berkeley? Obama, Baltimore riots, Obama, Zimmerman, Obama, BLM - Obama.
Brayden Cruz
>anti-semitism is on the rise >Naming the jew is becoming more public >People realizing who the real enemy is. oy vey its time to start civil war and run to Israel.