Smollett receives backdoor pardon from Trump

Jesse Smollett receives backdoor pardon from president Trump in an attempt to avoid more social division.

But there's a catch. Smollett was not to promote his former narrative; it was to be silently dropped. Well, he couldnt do that.
Jesse literally threw chicago PD, the mayor, the state governor, the president and the american people under the bus by media whoring. The hammer is about to come down...

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nice larp

Trump is not the racist that the left and MSM makes him out to be...

*Looks at journalists & paid shills

>1 post by this ID

Shouldnt be one post...I post all the time bro

The mayor of chicago, Rahm Emmanuel, said he could not disclose the full story behind why the charges were dropped at first. Want to know why? Executive gag order from the White House.

Do some research son, read a lil, watch some videos, it's all there...

what research led you to the White House specifically?

Loose lips sink ships, son...I really dont have anymore to say on the matter, take it for what it is...


>But there's a catch. Smollett was not to promote his former narrative; it was to be silently dropped. Well, he couldnt do that.

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>t. Q-user

great story, I'm going to head out. would you mind activating Sessions before you leave?

Shill bot 1 posting a 2.5 minute thread. And it was objectively wrong. Fix your shit, Mossad.

...And look at that thread slide. Niceeee

Lol ur dumb

We are not retards. You need to provide sources or fuck off.

You do realize the police departments around the United States don't investigate federal crimes, right? They investigate state crimes. You do know that the President of the United States of America can not pardon state crimes, right? Only the governor of that state can.

You would know this had you paid attention in high school instead of dropping out.

Trump pardoned state level felonies?

Smollett filed a federal complaint, you retarded Jewish faggot.

Lets see if im right...I've said all I have to say about it. No more info to provide and no...Im not telling you how I put it together. I'd talk in person but thats about it...This is one of those threads that has all US based i.p. addy posts, noteably...

Fuck off with your disinfo

That doesn't have shit to do with what he was charged with. How does your response make sense in your head at all?
>Hurr durr, he filed a federal complaint... so any charges that comes from it will be federal?
Is that really how it works in your little brain? He was charged with STATE crimes.. not federal. Further, his complaint was to the police department... which is a STATE entity, so even that "fact" of yours is bullshit.

Do yourself a favor.. go into the bathroom and pull real hard on your shoulders until you hear a loud pop. This loud pop will indicate that your head has been successfully removed from your ass.

Its not really a pardon. And as to the issue of wether its a local/state/federal issue, it doenst matter when it come to NAT SEC. Executive branch has massive authority in this area. But whatever man...