80% of burgers have brain damage

from infant genital mutilation.
explains why they love their government so much

Attached: cutfag problems.jpg (323x326, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So do half of Canadians unfortunately

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How would that give anyone brain damage?

Lol its true, only americans love their government

The peninal cords go straight to the brain, I was circumcised sadly but it didn’t effect me as much as others were.

>implying theres much of a difference across n. america.

There was a study done that was promptly censored by (((you know who))) that showed that circumcision causes mental trauma to infants, which they never truly recover from. It literally alters their brainwaves.

>The peninal cords go straight to the brain

So does everything else in your body you peabrain. It's like saying that amputation gives you brain damage. I mean it "can", but only from blood loss (which the brain runs on).

>I was circumcised sadly but it didn’t effect me as much as others were.

How sad that you view yourself as a retard because of your penis. Fucking materialists, I swear.

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It causes permanent, quantifiable brainwavr changes

Is that why you use a Kekistan flag and can't spell 'brainwave'?

>quantifiable brainwave

"Waves" of what? Waves of brain? Dumb. Tell me what "quantifiable" aspect there is to a wave (you won't).

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You have to be pretty dumb to think that's a misspelling from ignorance rather than a typo.

>Tell me what "quantifiable" aspect there is to a wave (you won't).
Amplitude, frequency, wavelength, period and speed.

Have you never used a radio before?

>Amplitude, frequency, wavelength, period and speed.
Amplitudes is not a wave
Frequency is not a wave
a wavelength sure as shit is not a "wave"
period is not a wave
speed is not a wave

You just listed 5 descriptions yet none of them explain what a "wave" is. Nice

>Have you never used a radio before?
So is the "wave" in the radio or the signal?

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>it's another "I'm projecting my own insecurities and poor understanding of science onto others" thread

>dog fucking
>jihadi worshipping
>transgender promoting
>chinese invading
>poos invaded
>calls us brain damaged

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I don't know if genital mutilation gave me brain damage, but I know it makes masturbation a motherfucker to get through. (Takes a long fucking time and sometimes accompanied by pain)
Maybe the mental damage is the result of all the fucking stress.

I've never talked to someone as dumb as you, in all my time on the internet. No exaggeration.

Amplitude, frequency, etc. are ways in which waves are quantifiably measured.

Please take a grade 10 physics class if you are interested in learning about waves physics.

Leaf don't get me started. If being uncut means conforming to the demand of gays and terrorist than goddamn am I glad I'm cut. And guess what, I want the government abolished. you're a faggot retard who can only assume the worst of things because he resents never getting the chance of having. Like having a clean healthy aesthetic dick throughout high school to (((brainwash))) young females into thinking cut normal and better looking than uncut Canadian cock. You just stay there in your disgusting french shit home whiffing that cheese and wishing you had real girls to fuck and just stay away from my beautiful clean and cut America

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You are a garbage troll

>By Dr. Paul D. Tinari © 2008
>A neurologist who saw the results to postulated that the data indicated that circumcision affected most intensely the portions of the victim's brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions. Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery indicated that the child's brain never returned to its baseline configuration. In other words, the evidence generated by this research indicated that the brain of the circumcised infant was permanently changed by the surgery.

I'm losing faith in Jow Forums. Why are there so many retards online today without even a basic understanding of science?


>I've never talked to someone as dumb as you, in all my time on the internet. No exaggeration.
Likewise. You don't even know how a fucking radio works. Talk about dumb.

>Amplitude, frequency, etc. are ways in which waves are quantifiably measured.\
WAVES OF WHAT? A WAVE IS WHAT SOMETHING DOES YOU RETARD. I "WAVE" MY HAND. There are "waves of" WATER. WAVES OF FUCKING WHAT? If you don't even know what the fuck you're measuring then what the hell? What, is my brain waving it's hand or something? Is my brain an actual "wave"? Patently absurd.

>waves physics.
If it's so physical then why the fuck can't you tell me what it's made of?

Do not reply to me until you either tell me what the waves are made of or how a radio works. Until then all you're doing is spouting out useless drivel. I can ask any bum on the street to start listing off descriptions, what I actually want is a fucking explanation.

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Goddamn you really are dumb.

>WAVES OF WHAT? A WAVE IS WHAT SOMETHING DOES YOU RETARD. I "WAVE" MY HAND. There are "waves of" WATER. WAVES OF FUCKING WHAT? If you don't even know what the fuck you're measuring then what the hell? What, is my brain waving it's hand or something? Is my brain an actual "wave"? Patently absurd.

A wave is a manifestation of energy. If you attach sensors to a person's scalp, then you can record the electrical impulses inside the brain that show which parts are active, and how active they are.

Please, for the love of god, go back to high school.

holy shit did Jow Forums drop out of high school in 9th grade?

Brainwaves are EM, you mong. Holy shit just do a quick Google search. How do you think a fucking eeg works? I'm not even the guy you were initially responding to but damn you are obtuse

So what are the effects of these brain changes? How does it affect our behavior?

Fucking kill yourself avatarfag.

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Nobody really knows because study on this topic was shut down by ZOG, but we do have some observations from people who worked on it:

>...circumcision affected most intensely the portions of the victim's brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions...

>A wave is a manifestation of energy.
So what was it before "energy" and how "quantifiable" was it? Start talking about fields now, I dare you.

>If you attach sensors to a person's scalp, then you can record the electrical impulses inside the brain that show which parts are active, and how active they are.
Now correlate this with the injured penis of a baby then correlate that to another injury incurred by the baby. If there's no difference then congratulations, there's no link to circumcision and brain damage. It's just pain. "Muh dick" is basically your argument.

>Brainwaves are EM, you mong
Tell me what EM is. I dare you.
>How do you think a fucking eeg works?
It records electrical activity and then reports it back in the form of a "wave". Nowhere in this process does it tell you what the fucking "wave" is.

See this is what needs to be answered.

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>So what was it before "energy" and how "quantifiable" was it? Start talking about fields now, I dare you.
I'm not going to try to explain to you the entire field of physics.
>>If you attach sensors to a person's scalp, then you can record the electrical impulses inside the brain that show which parts are active, and how active they are.
>Now correlate this with the injured penis of a baby then correlate that to another injury incurred by the baby. If there's no difference then congratulations, there's no link to circumcision and brain damage. It's just pain. "Muh dick" is basically your argument.
That's the whole point, it is just pain. You are mutilating an infant in their sexual area, as one of their earliest experiences in the world and it fucks them up.
>It records electrical activity and then reports it back in the form of a "wave". Nowhere in this process does it tell you what the fucking "wave" is.
The wave is just a way of conceptualizing energy.

Read through this:

Yeah I have a big scar from my circ so I imagine I have a bunch of brain damage (I do)

NA it's from public school indoctrination why do I know what a dreidel is from the 1st grade.

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>My IQ could have been higher than 147
>I could have been even smarter
I fucking hate my muslim-loving (((secular))) parents.

Oh so neither created nor destroyed. Then where do the fucking waves come from then retard?

>I'm not going to try to explain to you the entire field of physics.
Doesn't surprise me since you haven't explained jack shit to me yet. You still haven't answered my question about the radio.

>That's the whole point, it is just pain. You are mutilating an infant in their sexual area, as one of their earliest experiences in the world and it fucks them up.
>Pain equals penis pain
I am strengthening your argument and you don't even know it because again, you're a dumb materialist focused on penises. Pain is bad. People know pain is bad. Circumcision causes pain. this is the prime argument again Christ/Jewcucks rather than just "MUH DICK. You're fucking welcome, asshat.

>The wave is just a way of conceptualizing energy.
>concepts are things
Nice fallacy of reification.

This entire article describes how a wave is measured and what it does, but nowhere does it explain what it is.

>associated with reasoning, perception and emotions
>why does this feel different?
>I have the ability to feel this!
>this hurts and triggers me to cry!

Wow. Who would have thought injured humans can feel pain. Now for some reason we have to signify the dick. Why? Materialism once again.

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>Oh so neither created nor destroyed. Then where do the fucking waves come from then retard?
Energy existed since the dawn of the universe but takes different forms. Your brainwaves are a form of electromagnetism, created by neurons, which convert them from the chemical energy in the food you eat. Does that help you?
>>I'm not going to try to explain to you the entire field of physics.
>Doesn't surprise me since you haven't explained jack shit to me yet. You still haven't answered my question about the radio.
You encode signals into radio waves, and broadcast them out, and the radio device is a receiver that picks up the radio waves from the atmosphere and turns them into output such as sound. I hope this has been enlightening.
>>That's the whole point, it is just pain. You are mutilating an infant in their sexual area, as one of their earliest experiences in the world and it fucks them up.
>>Pain equals penis pain
>I am strengthening your argument and you don't even know it because again, you're a dumb materialist focused on penises.
>Pain is bad. People know pain is bad. Circumcision causes pain. this is the prime argument again Christ/Jewcucks rather than just "MUH DICK. You're fucking welcome, asshat.
There's a big difference between "don't do that to a baby because the baby won't like it" and "don't do that to a baby because it is permanently psychologically and neurologically harmful"

>See this is what needs to be answered.

Lets see if I can get this thought out:

When did circumcision become widespread in the US? It would be interesting to see how divorce rates family problems, addiction, crime correlate to this. The boomers are all married, etc but I'm sure they were just as much circumsized as our current generations.

I have no data, but would like to see it compiled for obvious reasons..

No, those are kikes
read why Hitler gradually began to hate them

I guarantee the last 25 years of abuse and neglect by my society has done more brain damage than a flesh wound on an extremity from 40 years ago.

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>Energy existed since the dawn of the universe but takes different forms.
>dawn of
Are you implying it was created? That's against the conservation of energy though.

>Your brainwaves are a form of electromagnetism, created by neurons, which convert them from the chemical energy in the food you eat. Does that help you?
>form of something else that takes the form of a wave
no not really. You still haven't told me what a wave is.

>You encode signals into radio waves, and broadcast them out, and the radio device is a receiver that picks up the radio waves from the atmosphere and turns them into output such as sound. I hope this has been enlightening.
So the radio has no fucking waves in it then? It tunes into the waves. So what is my brain tuning into?

"Muh dick". Just say "it's painful to the infant" and you'll get more listeners. Nobody pities a person who only cares about penises, except for the democrats and gay people that is.

>There's a big difference between "don't do that to a baby because the baby won't like it" and "don't do that to a baby because it is permanently psychologically and neurologically harmful".
Yeah. Pain is traumatic. Pain is your argument. Not fucking dicks. You dumb materialist. You're not focusing on the qualifiers, you're focusing on the parts of what is qualified which is why the argument continues to grind to a halt. Don't make it about parts, make it about the whole. PAIN CAUSES TRAUMA. Self-reflection of your dick does not,(unless you're dumb).

>When did circumcision become widespread in the US? It would be interesting to see how divorce rates family problems, addiction, crime correlate to this. The boomers are all married, etc but I'm sure they were just as much circumsized as our current generations.
this wouldn't matter as circumcision has been practiced for millennia. In was only brought up and cared about once society started caring about nothing other than sex. Still doesn't make it right.

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This is just one of the several stages of NPCification and mass production of people.

As for your questions on waves: you have an invisible force and it is moving. That is a wave. It's not the same thing as waving your hand. When your brain is active, you can measure it. If you're still confused, then I can't help you. You'll have to find your own answers.

As for the circumcision thing, the reason we are debating it is because it is a widespread practice in America. If people found out that piercing your ears causes brain trauma, then we would have threads about that too.

>burgers love their government
>only country with free speech not living a horrid orwellian dystopia
>only country with a constitutional right to bear arms and states that attempt to block federal gun regulation
An abhorrent post from a disgusting leaf.

I could never thank my parents enough for not mutilating my dick, they made the right choice, will you?

>tfw taking a piss and the rage consumes me

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>this wouldn't matter as circumcision has been practiced for millennia. In was only brought up and cared about once society started caring about nothing other than sex. Still doesn't make it right.

It would be nice to get a large batch case study on some cut vs. uncut men..

Alot of beaners are uncut......

.......and you see how THEY are

>As for your questions on waves: you have an invisible force and it is moving.
That's a description not an explanation

>That is a wave
"invisible force: and "moving" describe what it does, not what it is.

>It's not the same thing as waving your hand.
It's similarities are that it is an action, not a thing. "my hand" is a thing, the action it does is "waving". When you say "waves", but don't clarify what the fuck is "waving" then you're just describing actions or you're incorrectly reifying something that HAS NO EXISTENCE. Actions don't "exist", the thing that is acted upon "exists".

>When your brain is active, you can measure it.
You can "measure" it when it's inactive too. Still doesn't tell me what the fuck you're measuring.

>If you're still confused, then I can't help you. You'll have to find your own answers.
You have only made me more confused with your descriptions. A "wave" is what something does. Prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.

>As for the circumcision thing, the reason we are debating it is because it is a widespread practice in America.
You're focusing on the particulars. Focus on the main thing, "Pain" is bad for infants. This literally cannot be debated by anyone except a psychopath. "Circumcision" unfortunately has *some benefits* and is backed by secularized metaphysics. You will never be able to talk them out of a practice mandated by those secularized beliefs because otherwise they wouldn't be practicing it now would they? You must use the easiest method of arguing against this and that means you can't focus on negating a specific belief that is practiced by secularized meta-physicians. You'll always have men from them saying "I turned out fine", but when you ask them "is pain good?" you'll trap them in their own psychosis.
>If people found out that piercing your ears causes brain trauma, then we would have threads about that too.
no one has ever done a study on it, damage is always bad though.

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>It would be nice to get a large batch case study on some cut vs. uncut men..
>Alot of beaners are uncut......
>.......and you see how THEY are

This is one of the reasons circumcision/ castration is practiced. It is believed that if you take away some of the pleasure then your child won't end up a horn dog retard with kids out of wedlock when they grow up. Of course this can also be learned by fucking reading, but heaven forbid the clown world to take part in that.
You are not your beliefs and you most certainly are not your penis. People become smart by learning how to think, not what to think and there is certainly too much of that happening right now. Drones in "school" being taught what to think.

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>Still doesn't tell me what the fuck you're measuring.
Your brain is made up of neurons, which are a special kind of body cell (and don't ask me what a cell is). The neurons send very tiny chemical and electrical signals to eachother, and depending on some unknown biological mechanic, are able to form logical pathways to process and store and retrieve information. Or in other words, your brain cells talk to eachother and that is how you are able to think.

Brainwaves are produced by neuron clusters sending out pulses. They are measured by neurologists and charted in a squiggly line that scientists call a wave.

>Your brain is made up of neurons, which are a special kind of body cell (and don't ask me what a cell is)
Like you'd know. It's a hologram. That's why it produces self-similar copies of itself. That's not a fucking "wave".
>and depending on some unknown biological mechanic, are able to form logical pathways to process and store and retrieve information.
>Or in other words, your brain cells talk to each other and that is how you are able to think.

That's not a "wave". That's a steadfast. Dependable, constant and unwavering. If it stores and retrieves information that is, which you just admitted it does.

>Brainwaves are produced by neuron clusters sending out pulses.
>neuron clusters sending out pulses.
You just described what a wave is AGAIN.

>waves are pulses
>waves are rhythmic waves

Circular logic.

Attached: stop.png (540x189, 62K)

*You just described what a wave does AGAIN.

This is a wave. It is a squiggly line used for science.

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Okay Canuck...

Attached: 1533520398585.jpg (600x400, 111K)

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

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>picture of not the actual thing itself

Empirical evidence please.

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