Solitary confinement can turn you insane much like what the guy from castaway experienced...

Solitary confinement can turn you insane much like what the guy from castaway experienced. I’ve actually felt the beginnings of it a couple of times in life myself. Is it a breach of human rights to be put in isolation? Isn’t that what they are going to do to brendon Tarrant though?

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it only breaks the weak

fpbp /thread

*it only breaks the non-autistic

Most put themselves in isolation...

This desu, one of the easiest tests to check if you're an autist is to isolate yourself for a long time, if nothing changes in your mental state you're autistic.

Nazis are not humans and thus do not enjoy human rights.

>Solitary confinement can turn you insane
not if you work out and read SIEGE

I'd rather go crazy in solitary than raped.

Strange how Scott Peterson volunteered to go to gen-pop so he could be raped by niggers.

Stop being a collectivist and embrace individualism.

It’s just a fact of humans that they will go insane. Changing your attitude won’t change shit

same goes for jews using memeflags

I’ve been pretty solitary my whole life so I’d be pretty comfy, especially considering I’m tucked away from murderers and rapists.

i had a greentext of a Jow Forumsommando alone on a ranch woth no internet phone or tv for 2 months. he went insane after about 2 weeks if i recall correctly, made a snowman army and fought it off with his gun (and he fucked some too), he made tunnels and caves in the snow all around the property, he didnt use his watch to tell the time and hunted his food in the forrest outside the ranch. pretty cool stuff. you can tell he went completely fucking bonkers but it also helped him retrurn to his primal a d natural state of life which i dont see as a negative. i think being without the internet, tv or phone with a group of people in buttfuck nowhere would be beneficial, especially to city folk and those who cant do shit on their own.

>Doing things for the approval and praise of others
>Not for the objective benefit it yields from the objective investment of effort and time you put in

Get the fuck off my board.

Fuck... I'm autistic then

then no one is human you meme flag nigger. Well done...

Yeah you can turn insane from simple information isolation.

Great movie watched it several times already.
Wish that were me.

playing in the snow, hunting = went insane in burger land?

If you do criminal shit that gets you locked in solitary, you deserve it, faggot. Rot in hell, worthless shitbag.

Sounds like a vacation desu.

all that calorie expenditure you have to be crazy!

There are Americans who understand innocent fun just like banter and ones who can't. Don't let him represent all of us.

>Solitary confinement can turn you insane
wrong. I live a self imposed solitary confinement because I despise every human being alive, and I'm perfectly sane. fuck this gay earth

>14 days without internet/tv/phone

Yeah alright Zoomer. Sure. Fuck off kid.

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>this teenage edgelord

Attached: Lord Summer of Edge.jpg (960x1440, 287K)

>Teenage edgelord
>Not a socially dysfunctional/stunted adult who was once a teenage edgelord
>Hates everyone enough to interact with people online

If that were true, you wouldn't be here talking to people

I don't think I'm a autist, but a schizoid. Schizoids too don't crave contact with people.

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