ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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Guys, do chastity belts hurt? Are there ones that don't hurt or hurt less?
Anyone know?

My boyfriend's interested in trying it,l a little, but I'm worried.

Girls, what's it like to be a girl? Bonus question: what do you think it's like to be a guy?

What is it about being a woman do you want to know? And what is it about being a man do you want my opinion on? It's so broad a question I don't know where to start.

How annoyed you be if a git hit you up to hang out at night and then bailed?

I did that to the guy I'm seeing, but to be fair it's cause I texted him this morning and he didn't reply for 5 hours so I made other plans. Now he's acting all pissed at me like I led him on.

A girl i've been hanging with just sent me this. What the fuck do u do?

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Is a phone call more intimate than texting?

Fucking yes, but be ware if you phone call you must know the girl very well.

Actually we were texting and she said to call her since she was driving so we talked for about 30 minutes.
This is still good right?

That's a pretty good thing user. keep going forward with that girl


how does it feel in the moment when you're sucking a girl's tits?

Girls, what's the best way to ask a qt if she is single? Was thinking about asking a qt to go to a date this week but I want to be sure she is single.

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> This girl start following me on instagram because she goes to the same uni as me
> Respond her a story "where do hang out?" It's funny, not a creep thing as you might be thinking
> She respond "how do you know ?"
This girl goes to my fucking class and she ask me that shite, i dont understand. Please explain me.

Thanks friend

stop using the wrong FAQ jesus fucking christ

tastes like skin, it's fun if the girl is getting off on it

First time? slightly annoyed, would likey not initiate any future plans and piut that role on them for the nect time. But sounds like there was bad communication on both ends, so rationallly look at where the disconnect is and establish rules.
"If you don't respind within 3 hours of my nessage I;m assuming its off so I can make new ones" something like that,

Also mu apologize s I.m wating on the drugs to kick in whch is makig typing difficult so hope his helps and osn't me screaming a bunh of garbage to the wind.

welp folks, officially second worst date yet with this girl
>at the museum, every little interaction with her feels like a rejection; try to stand with her and look at something, she rushes on to the next display, sometimes colliding with me; she says i look tired, suggests i sit down and catch up with her; she stops and studies inane shit like souvenirs, and suggests i go ahead and she'll catch up with me; no conversation while looking at things
>we get an early dinner at a chinese place; i figured at least she'll probably fucking eat something normal, which she finally did, but once again, only chicken or fish and she pushes most of it on me
>what little dinner conversation we have, she doesn't look at me; i start to realize she almost never looks me in the eye when talking to me
>we go to her friend's barcrawl; i had thought i was going at least as her date even if we aren't a couple
>she ditches me and goes to talk to other people at the barcrawl, including (gay) guys; suggests i mingle with her friends
>she doesn't drink a drop of alcohol, but loosens up anyway... when with her friends and other people there
>she has no conversation with me the whole night while we were at the bars except to ask if I'm tired
>she chats up a guy sitting next to me and fucking gets him on facebook
>other people sitting on the other side have noticed my mood getting worse; one girl says "I need you to smile more" and a waitress brings me a glass of water (unrequested)
>after awhile, i basically sit there and watch basketball to keep from losing my mind
>i debate leaving, decide that would be shitty since i'm her ride and it's a half hour to her parents' place
>she's looking people in the eye when talking, dancing (with the girls), laughing, having conversations
>i contrast this behavior to everything while we were at the museum earlier

This is like the sixth time we've been out together (second time recently). She's always the one to initiate and ask to go out. ALWAYS.

So I ended up meeting with a coworker who I flirt with at work but already has a bf.

We both travelled to the same city for Easter and by coincidence ended up at the same place. We had loose plans to meet up anyway but this sealed the deal.

I met up with her. Met her bf who promptly fucked off and stopped answering his phone while we were at a casino. She found him gambling large amounts of cash and she got pissed. We went off together to just keep drinking because apparently that’s all she does when they go out to the casino.

After hanging out for 3 hours chatting and drinking we decide to go to a club upstairs. She manages to drag her bf away from gambling. We get into the club get more drinks and hang out. Bf fucks off again to smoke and she drags me to the dance floor. Really not my scene but We dance together but as it goes in she is pretty much grinding on me. After like an hour it starts getting late we leave the dance floor, find her bf and look to head home. She mentions she was looking to find me someone to dance with, I said that I was dancing with exactly who I wanted to be dancing with. She gives me a sly smile. We pool an Uber and when we get to my drop she gets out, gives me a long hug and a quick kiss and says thanks for saving my night.

As I get upstairs and start looking for a glass of water to start sobering up she starts snap chatting me. We chat for an hour until like 4am.

Now the advice I got here was to just play it by ear, don’t overstep and just wait for her current relationship to implode. But it looks like this might get messy. Surely her bf now knows it goes slightly further than regular coworkers.

How should I play this?

eh depends on the context to me. If all you got to say is something that can be wrapped up nicely in 1-3 texts, then no. Basically wahat that means is don't call unless you're committed to having a long meaningful conversation. MEANINGFUL.

However, there are matters of "importance" that deserve a fucking phone call.
IE, you don't text sister to say that dad died. You fucking call her.
You don't text your girlfriend to break up, if you cannot do it in person, you fucking call like a man (RYAN)


It's one of the best feelings ever! Tits are so soft, warm and yummy! I could suck on tits forever. Playing with the nipple with my tongue... I just love it!

What level of friendliness are you at?
Is this the cashier at mcdonalds you've never spoken to outside of your order? Is this the classmate you maybe did an assignment with and have had some casual small talk?
or soneone you're actually close to and some degree of friends with.

Scenario number 1, don't bother. You need to work up to a friendship level first.
Scenafio 2, you have potential to ask maybe find a way to bring up the topic of dating naturally and ask if shes single.
Scenario 3, you can probably just ask straight out.

But if you're a super ultra Chad, given the frog pic I assume not, you can just fucking go at it without a care in the world and accept whatever rejection may or may not come to you. It works out on some people some time.

Would i just tell her to fuck off?

Aren't you being used as a driver?
I'd leave her there, block her on everything and not give a fuck.

I don't get it. If you don't really talk to each other, why are you dating? I don't even get the point of being mad about all this.

For what it's worth, it's really not uncommon when you go to a party or event as a couple that you split up and mingle separately unless one person is some sort of social incompetent that can't talk to people on their own but even then you shouldn't expect to be their primary focus.

You could have tried to get to know her friends or even just chat with other bar strangers rather than just sitting in silence watching tv.

Anyway, so what did she say about all this when you talked to her about it?

Why would you pursue a girl who has a boyfriend but seems like she's willing to cheat on him? Especially one that you work with? Are you just looking to needlessly cause a lot of drama in your life?

I’m not really persuing her actively. We just chat and flirt. I’m definitely interested in her though and she is very careful to not cross the line to actual cheating.

We work in different departments so I’m not super worried about the work thing.

>I don't get it. If you don't really talk to each other, why are you dating?
I don't know honestly. On my end, she's cute and sexy, and that does make me feel good.
>I don't even get the point of being mad about all this.
It's frustration more than anything. I thought she'd be different this time. She seemed excited at the prospect of me meeting her friends (though most of the people there she didn't even know).
>Anyway, so what did she say about all this when you talked to her about it?
lol, I'm guessing you can tell I haven't spoken to her about it, at least not a long clear conversation. Some stuff, she thinks I'm too sensitive. Or she thinks her behavior is normal. I don't know.

On some level there's a nugget of hope that she's just that flustered in person that she acts all withdrawn with me, but normal with everyone else in the world.

M8, tell her to fuck off, tell her the reasons, and please dont see her again

Four years ago we originally went out and shit was weird like this. I guess I just forgot quite how shitty it was. Or she's worse. Who fucking knows.

I just... there was a connection at one point. I don't know why she pursued me this long. And based on her past behavior I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer out of her. Her MO last time was to deny, deny, deny.

The main mistake I made that time was making it about her not putting out rather than her not showing any affection or interest in person.

Curious: What is it like having sex with a person ripped with muscles?

so i used to go to a counselor about two years ago for a couple months. i havent been in contact with her since and tonight she tried adding me on yelp of all platforms to chose from (and i havent used that shit in years, i was notified by email). for what purpose did she do this? also shes fuckable

>she's cute and sexy
Well there you go. If that's all you care about in a relationship, you got it. Why does it seem like you're here complaining?

I'd think you'd want to date someone that you enjoy being around, rather than someone who leads you to acting like a sulky manbaby.

>lol, I'm guessing you can tell I haven't spoken to her about it
No shit.

she didn't add you so you could fuck her

>Well there you go. If that's all you care about in a relationship, you got it. Why does it seem like you're here complaining?
So someone mentions that he finds a girl attractive, and that means all he wants in a relationship is a cute face? Get the fuck out of here. You're either an incel or a troll, you have no idea what you're talking about.

okay why did she add me then smart guy

Hi /adv

My gf and I are potentially going to buy a house together next year. Should we get married before we make this big purchase together? How do couples normally do this sort of thing?

Also, I am pretty sure I'd like to have a child in my mid-thirties (about 10 years from now) and she doesn't know how she feels about this yet (which I'm fine with but sort of does throw another issue into the mix).


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for some reason other than fucking you

I don't said you will get an answer but just let her know why you cut out relations with her and continue with your life user

reason being?

i would get married before that way shes guaranteed half of your stuff going forward

Never go for mainstream gals mate

Cute girl at gym is staring at me very often. When i started one exercise i heard her ask one guy about it (probably coincidence) later on i started different exercise and she asked one guy about it again and he explained to her how to doi it.
So then she proceeded to do same exercise as me in front of me with empty bar, while i swung twice her bodyweight on it.
I dropped the bar on the floor because i finished the set making a little bit of noise, and so she did, making loads of noise because she had no bumper plates on.
Then i was doing other exercise and anytime i looked into mirror she was looking in my general direction even when talking to her female friend.
But when i tried to smile to her she never smiled back.

Not sure what to make of it. Shes gorgeous small skinny girl and im thicc boi on taller side

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I asked this the other day and got no responses, so I'll try again.

As a guy, I enjoy my orgasms very much, but they tend to be pretty much alike - the range from good to great is a narrow one.

But my gf says she has a wide range, from mild to full to blow-the-top-of-her-head-off.

How wide is your range of intensities? And fellow guys, am I alone in having pretty much all-alike orgasms, or is it a male thing?

Idk mine range aswell
But its not like they will leave me paralysed
Guy btw

You are a sucker

I'm worried that depression has turned me into a mental eunuch. I can't stop thinking and actually get psychologically aroused anymore. I can jerk off, but I just feel so detached. My dick won't get hard without me stroking it, then it goes away quick if I stop. It makes me worried about trying to have sex and that makes it worse. Only a few times in recent memory have I felt that familiar rush of actually getting horny, it was during some pseudo-flirty interaction with a girl. Am I just lonely? If I did get with a girl how can I feel in the moment and not psych myself out? Asking guys and girls for advice.


i may have just gotten one of those "shit tests" from my ex

quick background:
>friends for 7+ years
>somehow end up at the same party and make out
>start dating for a couple months
>get in a relationship, together for 6 months
>break up last september
>couple on and off stuff
>make out at a christmas party
>start seeing each other again january to week of valentines day
>i end things because found out she slept with one of her guy friends even though she acted like she wanted more from us ("i felt pressured user like things were close to a relationship again and i want to stay single and not be in a relationship"
>meet up 2 weeks ago, talk a bit
>she mentions she has a new boyfriend
i knew it was said guy
>this morning
>wake up to text from her
>"hey user this might sound weird but i should clarify this with you. would it be okay if i bring new bf to the party in a month? haven't asked the host yet, don't want it to be an awkward situation"
bonus info:
she invited me to her and a mutual friends birthday party which is a couple weeks after that party, so i'd be seeing them together anyways

replied to her with "weird thing to ask me, honestly i don't care"
>ok :) thought i'd ask. you gonna dj at the party again?
didn't answer that one, why is she asking for approval?

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My girlfriend's mom has started to have me do errands for her without even asking me if it is okay (e.g., "Stop here and get such and such" "Can you please stop at here and get such and such for me?"). It seems a little rude to just assume that I can do that and I feel like she should be asking me first instead of just assuming/demanding it.

First off, do you guys agree with me that it is rude for her just to assume I'm going to do it without asking if it is okay with me first? And second, how do I go about bringing this up to my girlfriend?

>(e.g., "Stop here and get such and such" "Can you please stop at here and get such and such for me?")

I meant "Stop here and get such and such" INSTEAD of something like "Can you please stop at here and get such and such for me?"

Girls - do you really feel threatened to the point of making a fuss because your SO meets with his femfriends from time to time? Do you think that if your man is "meeting with other woman alone" (quote from my at-this point-gf) is an equivalent of cheating?

Do girls that don't sleep around care if the guy doesn't as well?

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Why do you take her calls? Or are you living in her house and being a lazy millennial parasite

She has these "requests" for me when I pick up her daughter from their house.

>girls that don't sleep around

Haha look at this rube

What would you do if you were trying to better yourself to win back your ex girlfriend?

>I'm not the guy btw but I know of his plans to do this. I don't know how the girl will react either but I don't think she is mad at him, but sad in general about life.

You gotta measure them soft, not hard, which is tricky.
Society considers you an object before you're ever an individual with problems.
Complain about pop culture so she can ignore you.
Just ask her, and don't spaghetti.
Nearly the same if they were a skeleton, muscles are hard, especially when they are lean cut. Strong fats too, they're like a very thin pillow top on a rock hard mattress.

Nah, one of you take ownership, joint owned houses are a wreck to split with or without marriage.

Im a guy and i would feel anxious if my girl wanted to meet with some guy alone

Yes. Having low standards for sex means you probably view it more as pleasure than from love, sex with love is so much different. I don't judge how others choose to live but sexual compatibility includes views on sex ajd is necessary.

You failed by simply interacting with het
Move on from the bitch

>guys wish girls would be clear in communication with them
>girl is clear
>iS tHiS a ShIt TeSt!?!?!?!?!

fuck the state of men these days
are you autistic by any chance?
I wish you were, so this makes any sense

Would you tell her that "if she meets with somebody alone she's pretty much cheating"? Would you start making a fuss even if that guy was a friend she knew since they were kids?

>You failed by simply interacting with het
i have to because mutual friends c ircle
this is not in any way "clear communication"
you don't ask your ex if he's okay with you showing up with your new boyfriend...

Autism it is.

Because she doesn't want you to fight or act mopey if you see them. Continue to play nice but ignore her.
Sounds like you need to ask how you signed up for her mom's shit.
No because jealousy is a gross mono normie emotional excuse so they can treat you as an object after we have been them our whole lives.

>she doesn't want you to fight or act mopey if you see them
>Continue to play nice but ignore her.
i will

So if i'm being treated like this i should run?

Not her but they probably assume you are now their service dog

Its a trst in itself from both of them
I dont mind doing stuff for someone here or there if they ask. But if they EXPECT me to do their chores something is up.

You will be doing their chores and their friends chores in short time if you dont stand uo for yourself

But i would be suspicious unless i knew both for long ass time

Well i'm not the guy who does chores for gfs mother, i'm I have made a separate thread about this situation, if anybody wants to share their opinion it's here

girls of Jow Forums I need your judgement:
Did I go to fast? Here is the situation:
I have become rather impatient (+ expect the girl to lose interest if I dont move quick) when picking up girls in a club. So over the last week two girls showed interest in me at a disco near my place. I made a move on both of them. I agree that I went to fast with the first one, i.e. we had eyed each other a couple of times and eventually she started to dance with me. I put my hands on her hips and after briefly dancing closely I started to kiss her neck. She then bailed. (though later she still smiled at me)

Alright, that was too fast (starting to dance to kissing the neck took like ~2,3 minutes I guess.

So yesterday another girl had an eye on me from the get go. I wasnt sure whether I find her attractive but later decided to give her a try. She was there with another friend of hers (who did not have that much of a good time going by her posture). When I stood behind said girl she eventually made a step towards me (but not facing me) which I took as an offer. I took it and put my hand on her hips again. Obviously she was interested, she turned to me and we looked each other in the eye. I took one of her hands but tried to go slower than last time. But the way she looked at me and the way our faces closed in on each other made me start kissing her. She reprocicated (I didnt go in aggressively just a very mild kiss to gauge the interest. She started tongue kissing very quick) and I think she didnt think it was too quick. BUT very soon after i.e. a few seconds of kissing she told me something (I couldnt understand due to the music) and in a way pointed to her friend, so I guess she meant that she could not leave her friend alone. Then she went "back" (50 centimeters; it is a small dance floor) to her (female) friend and I left her alone dancing on my own.

Did I go too fast again? The way she kissed back lets me think I didnt, but she did not persue me further

Could be plenty of reasons
But dont assume the girl that dances with you will want to fuck you in first seconds

Both probably considered you attractive but maybe they had bfs / were scared of judgement from girlfriends and shit idk


What does pre-cum taste like?

You do.
If you care about him, and you're afraid he still has feelings for you and might suffer from seeing you with an ex, you mention it and ask if he'd be okay with it. Even just to not surprise him.

thing is, she told me weeks ago that she has a new boyfriend
and i already knew while we were seeingeach other again that this might happen

I have two girls that are flirting with me. How do I choose which one?

Yeah. She gave you an heads up that it will happen at the party to minimise possible drama. All normal and good.

a friend told me she was raped and that she did a lot of drugs and was in and out of the hospital with eating disorders and suicide attempts
i don't know what to do
none of this really changes how i feel about her

I responded to the thread instead

Tell her to try again. It's 100% her fault and the stupid whore can't even kill herself right

Yes. I'd close an eye if it was something you did years ago (5+) but never date someone who is hooking up as we start dating.

You play with both and see where it goes

I've been dating a girl for about 4 months and I really like her, but I've been having a few nagging doubts relating to her feelings about me and a few other things. She's pretty insecure and seems to have pretty much decided she wants to marry me. Unfortunately I have pretty big plans for my life and probably will end up moving around a lot, possibly between countries, meanwhile she will most likely be chained to where she currently lives for her whole life due to the family customs she was raised with. Would it be a good idea to just sit her down and have a talk about this stuff? I feel like she'd get upset in the short term but it might also help us understand where we're at.

Of course

>family customs
I dont get it elaborate

We have wildly different family values. Her and her sisters are grown adults but literally meet up with her parents 2-3 times a week despite living around 45 minutes away. I've attended these gatherings and mainly they just make small talk and obsess over shit like table settings and seating arrangements. If they don't attend these things her mother gets pissed and starts interrogating them on what horrible thing could possibly be taking them away from these precious family gatherings. They're relatively nice people but I just can't shake this feeling of narcissism and manipulation stemming from some people like her mother.

Meanwhile I haven't seem my parents in ages and haven no siblings or extended family to speak of who isn't either dead, on the other side of the world or so crazy my parents cut ties with them when I was little. We savor the time we have together and talk on the phone occasionally, but I'm not guilted into living my life within a 100km radius of my family like my GF seems to be.

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Hey ladies, how important is hair? Ive been going bald since high school so i just shave it all.
Would you date a bald guy if he was in decent shape?

Ignore it and do you. When a girl tries to change you it's a subconscious shit test.

ghost her

I trust you about cheating advice as much as I'd trust a person giving out free hats advising me how to not get robbed.

That sounds terrible
Sounds like her mother is trying to keep her kids as close as possible and have monitor over them

Its time to make a talk with your girl, if she wants to live with her mom or have her own life and decisions like a grownup?

My mother would try to control and micromanage me with every decision of my life like that once we started living close (before that it was literally 1000km distance between us) but i literally ran away
Now i see her once few weeks and thats plenty.

Sometimes its good to cut ties altogheter and if the mother / person in question will want to catch up they will have to find good reason for that.

Doubt your girl is ready for such thing.
But def should discuss it with her
Wasting 6hours per week doesnt seem very productive even under pretention of family gatherings, if its just talk that could be fixed through phone call

I thought it sounded bad as well but I've asked around on here before and got told I was complete piece of shit. They waste so much time on this family shit it makes my head spin. Half the people at their weekly gatherings literally just sit there and eat as well, and then play on their phones once things wind down a bit. My GF is pretty quiet and I normally end up talking more than she does just so I don't seem like a beta or a creep. Problem is my GF relies on her mother financially so she's kind of trapped atm, and I don't see her being completely financially independent for at least a few years. As it stands her mother still has unrestricted access to her bank account and shit, and when I mentioned how fucked up that was she said she didn't care because she doesn't take money out of it.

But these people are reasonably pleasant to hang around with, but my paranoid side feels this almost cult like vibe from them. They were ridiculously eager to meet me as well, and I ended up meeting over 12 of her family members within 2 months of us making it official. She hasn't met any of my family yet and I don't foresee her meeting anyone aside from my parents unless we literally got married. I just wanted to date a cute girl I really liked, not also spend hours trying to woo a bunch of borderline strangers twice a week.


I’m in my late twenties and the type of girls who want to date me are all prior whores. I was never a whore. I never slept around in my early or mid twenties. I just focused on my own shit. Got Jow Forums and a good career. But it seems every girl I end up meeting used to be promiscuous before. They don’t even seem like it before we start dating. But I always find out at some point and I dump them. They get really clingy too. The last 3 I dated, when I dumped them they begged me to take them back. I hate this shit tho :(


How can I ask out a female cashier at a farmhouse? I've seen her w couple times and she's kind of awkward. What's the best way to go about it?

Well he's right even I could kill myself better.

Would you ever cry your heart out to a girl you dated if you didn't love her?

I’ve been dating a girl for over 2 months (we’ve been friends for like a year and a half). We are both virgins which she openly talks about. Last night I brought up the prospect of sex for the first time and she told me she doesn’t ever want to have sex. I apologised in case I made her uncomfortable today over text and she just said she doesn’t understand what I don’t get about the fact that the idea of sex doesn’t make her uncomfortable she has just chosen not have it

Am I being unreasonable in thinking this is a major red flag?

Guys, should I try to get into a relationship with a girl if she's the first girl to show me attention ? I never had an actual female friend until I started working on myself recently and now I have a few, but this girl was the first one who I got close to. It kinda feels like I'm falling for the first girl who shows interest in me, is that a bad thing ? Should I go for it or wait until I have more options ?