Why do whites complain about black people invading their countries

When they invade ours constantly?

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Said no country ever

>pic related

Yea I get the joke. Its retarded

Is that the new Muslim congresswoman?

Tourists leave you fucking clown

When we invade yours we build cities. When you invade ours you destroy cities. Simple as that.

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ours? youre posting from a dutch colony
fuck off nigger

>a dutch colony
What are you smoking?

NY -> Nieuw Holland

Whites only visit for some fun war but don't set up a whole life. There are some exceptions, but they made the places better.

Say this shit to me when the country is in chaos and ill blow your brains out without hesitation.

Hello brother.

h-h-help meeeeeee.

Don't worry, we're leaving soon and handing you over to the chinks. You'll be begging us to come back in a few decades...

lets have a talk in this dark alleyway about how evil whitey is.

Manhattan -> New Amsterdam

Only Niggers and shitskins think land=country

Arabs don't want to have to leave their own countries and take refuge in White countries.
Whites don't want Arabs to invade and change the demographic of their countries.
Who is behind this? The Zionist.

Arabs do not want their countries destroyed by Western powers.
Whites do not want to fight pointless wars with no end in sight.
Who is behind this? The Zionist.

In the eyes of the Zionist, Whites are not Whites and Arabs are not Arabs; both are just goys.
The Zionist has waged a divide and conquer campaign between its goy cattle to further its own interests.

Neo-Nazism is a Jewish psyop to prevent goys from truly uniting against the Zionist.
Whites and Arabs have common interests and should not continue to be swindled by divide and conquer tactics.

The NZ mosque leader naming the Zionist as behind Tarrant is a wonderful step, as while Whites may still be swindled, the Arab always knows what the Jew is up to.
Tarrant was a Mossad agent. All posts praising his act of furthering Zionist agendas are Jews paid to pit Arabs and Whites against each other, and make Jow Forums seem unnaturally violent.

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Because white people make countries better
whereas shitskins turn them into landfills.
Is this seriously up for debate?

One day youre gonna say something to someone you think is a friend and youll be dead.

Theres no help. Take the final redpill - the ebonypill

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When whites excel in cains lands their called occupiers and colonialists, when cains peep holes come to white lands its called diversity and cultural enrichment. Thanks kalergi plan...

Tourism isn't necessarily a form of invasion, and the only way the girl on your pic could exist was with white cock

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Maybe youll think twice about how you talk to them and treat them.


As you slowly wither away.

You didn't have "countries" before white people made them for you.


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>it's him again
there's only 4 negroid-ish women I would find attractive, and none of them are purebloods

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No really, seen a few libs call out whites on freaking out about becoming a minority in the future with lines like "what, are minorities treated badly or something".
I'm a brave enough man to say "yes, that's exactly fucking why".

When whites invade a black country it’s called “colonization”. When blacks invade a white country, it’s called “diversity”. How come?

We made your countries better. You make ours much worse. Giving niggers civilization was a mistake on par with women's suffrage.

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That nigger in pic related is at least 87% white. Pic related is what we found when we first visited the nog continent.

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>Proceeds to take them to the new world and use any female that would be considered attractive and use them as onaholes

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Thanks to white people you have electricity and cars and phones and computers and millions of $$$ ... You now have all the tools to make your shithole country better, but it's a hard work, so you prefer to move to our country instead and demand free stuff and special treatments...

Enjoy your double digit IQ children Moshi. Also most black women are revolting.

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Blacks had no countries to invade.

Why do you complain when we defend ourselves from invasion, when you defended yourself?

cause niggers STINK

have never gotten an answer as to hiw arabization of europe helps zionists. seems more like white people dont want to accept responsibility for the cucky behavior of their own people

We literally freed all of your African countries by the end of the 20th century, apologized, and promised that we are gonna aid you since you still have poor living conditions.

The fact that you are complaining about white people complaining that they are being replaced by black people shows how smart as fuck you are, you ignorant unthankful piece of shit.

Muh fucking dick

Mud huts or mansions? Hmmm hard choice.

That's it Jow Forums! I've had enough! Every day posting hot chocolate bitches! Fuck it, I'm gonna plow the cute sheboon that works at my local weed dispensery.

Yup. You have not invaded any country. Ever.

That's because we don't want your degenerate civilizations. Just look at the rampant degeneracy in your country.

I like my white walls being white on the time. Black marks are making me...

Because blacks always make things worse. Even when whites come and build nice things you can't even maintain them. Look at any crime statistic by race. Look at test scores, IQ, it doesn't matter how much money is thrown at you, wealthy black neighborhoods are statistically more violent and less intelligent. There seems to be this inherent propensity towards violent crime within black DNA.

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Historically every nation bitched when we invaded and colonised them, guess it’s the universal balance being restored.

Because we conquered your countries, and the vast majority of time made it a more successful civilisation than it was previously.

We didn't just walk in to an existing country, demand welfare then cry that we're not treated exactly the same as the native population that have lived there for thousands of years and whose ancestors died to protect it.

When we complain, we're complaining about the fact that our governments are letting and even encouraging foreigners to come into our countries, not necessarily at the people coming in themselves. We complain about you after you eventually break the law and start ruining things.

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>Arabs out of Middle East (Jew clay)
>Arabs breed out Whites (Jew enemy)
>Arabs-White mix raced babies are stupid and thus easy to control (Jew cattle)

>we don't want your degenerate civilizations
>Puerto Rico flag

OK Juan.

>thinking blacks were native to Jamaica

Yeah, a lot of cities you build in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

You brought you degenerate rap music and now we have regueeton. Regueeton is your fault.

I'd like to jam mai cock inside of her I'd you know what I mean

That couldn't have been more clear


White girls. THAT's how you give hints to men.

Because they are violent racist sociopathic manipulators who use their perceived racial plight to get what they want from others instead of working hard to achieve goals that are beneficial to all humans in cohesive society.




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You're really gonna pretend your nation was a collective paragon of virtue before, huh? And what's more you blame a type of music in particular?

Except America isn't an indigenous black country, dumbass.

99% of niggers are complete uggos and black women are the only group in America that is greater than 50% obese.

yes it is

The only ones who like to pretend their civilization is a paragon of virtue are whites. A bunch of horseshit

They certainly were far more virtuous than you savages, in the past. Now there is nowhere free of corruption.

>Calling United States of America "Indigenous black country"
I wish that there was a sterilization program for people like you who failed at basic understanding of history.

Lol bugs vs ape nice

Yep, and the Ancient Egyptians, Samurai, Jews, and Mestizos were as well. Keep spreading your racist supremacist lies. You and your raid are so pathetic you all have no real arguments and you rely on Afrocentrism to feel like your race ever had any worth outside the sub-Sahara.

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Do you even know my history, chink? Look at the U.S. right now and tell me it isn't degeneracy incarnated.

i have to admit black women are very skilled in having sex

Nice reading comprehension mongrel.

the ancient egyptians were black though.

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Let me ask you again, chink. Do you know my history? Do you know the history of the Tainos?

That's a cute question coming from someone speaking as if he knows the entire history of the west. I'm sure your primitive ancestors were one with nature, noble savages etc.

Fun Fact: Chinese people have the largest IQ out of all nations, so don't you think it's pretty stupid to insult him?

When was the last time America built anything useful for any country it invaded? They only helped rebuild Japan because they fucking nuked them...

It's weird that nobody trusts the chinese when it comes to quality assurance, business in general and especially innovation yet they take their supposed IQ at face value.