What language should I learn on duolingo?

Native English speaker here, I'm gonna have a lot of free time this summer so might as well make it a bit productive and try and learn a new language. I kinda want to go the larpy route and learn German or Welsh or Greek (I heard its a lot easier to learn ancient Greek after you learn modern greek). At the same time though I'm the most proficient at French outside of English since I took it in highschool and still remember the basics of it. Also kinda want to do Japanese in the hopes I one day get a chance to follow that English teacher in Japan fantasy.

What do you guys think? What would you recommend?

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Depending on the country you live in Spanish is a very useful language. Many jobs want bilingual Spanish-English. Otherwise Welsh sounds cool.

Good for u for having the motivation to learn a new language, I envy

I will not adopt the invader's language.

Don't use duolinguo.
Use Anki and read a grammar guide.
After you've done that for a while read stuff like children's books and work your way up to newspapers.
I'm serious, duolinguo is p2w and you have access to a shit-ton of resources that are more effective.

I was gonna use the desktop version if that means anything. I heard that version was more effective.


Try me beaner

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I believe you are mistaken. I do not know Spanish nor is any of my family Spanish speakers, spaniards, nor latinos.
I am just very fond of the Spanish language and I find it quite beautiful. I would love to be fluent in it so I could better understand the nuances of such a lovely and intricate language. I find the singer Raphael (Miguel Rafael Martos Sánchez) to have quite a heavenly voice and he very much inspires me to understand the language better.
Unfortunately, I don't have a chance to communicate in the tongue in my personal life due to the proximity between me and any Spanish speaker.

Japan is a shit country, and you’re not going to enjoy teaching with and for Japs.
Also, learning a language takes years of balls to the wall effort, and immersion into a community of the language. It won’t take you one summer. It’ll prolly take more like 5 years.

Where you from? Also spanish singers a shit, best singers in the world are the newfies followed closely by the russians and irish.


Fuck you, I'd love every second serving for a nation worthy of respect like Japan.

You remind me of that Kids in the Hall skit where Scott says "the only non-white in our neighbourhood was an Italian."

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I just can’t really think of anything particularly good about Japan. Are you sure you aren’t just a weeb?

>safe high income country
>proud identity and history
>low crime rate
>no niggers
>qt women begging for white cock

Also yeah anime too. Only downside would be I'd be in the crosshairs of rocketman, though unless something like a US invasion of North Korea occurs I'm pretty doubtful anything will come of that.

Is that supposed to be an insult?

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fuck you wetback

Go kys weeb

Learn Spanish

>high income
The GDP/capita of Japan is only $38,000 which is only about 2/3 of the US’s which is $60,000. I wouldn’t consider a country with that little production value to be considerably “high income”. That and their currency is steadily deflating.
>proud identity and history
Historically, they’ve been some bizarre isolationist country, and after that they were another failed, hyper-militarist empire. Even in the past century their xenophobia is blatant. Sounds like all there is left to idealize is bizarre, antiquated Asian customs.
>qt women
I mean, I guess if you’re into Japs, some of them are bound to want to fuck perverted white foreigners who are likely there for sex in the first place.