Will jussie smollett get away with it?

Will jussie smollett get away with it?

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No. The FBI is gonna take all those kikes down.

You think so? Because the way shit has been going im fully expecting him to get away with it, too many crooked people are in too many positions of power

Actually no. You'rer a shill that's pretending like the FBI hasn't gone through drastic changes. Get a grip and stop shilling.

We live in a society.

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Wait...wait a minute. So im a shill because I'm not 100% certain he's going to jail? How autistic are you? Hillary isn't in jail, does that make me a shill?

He has too many rich and influential friends.
At least his career is done for.

Nah. The DAs fucked up hard by giving him too good of a deal and now literally everyone is shitting on them for it. Almost zero chance he gets the same treatment from the feds with this much scrutiny from all sides

He sold out the pedos in Hollywood.

No. if anything it just shined a light on class politics, because liberals are celebrating the elites getting a man out of jail scott free because his identity. So theyve declared for capitalism.

second, theres so much heat on this situation that it cant just go away. it rubbed too many people wrong.

i just wanna see how it blows up obamas chicago powerbase

I keep trying to tell people that movie is about working class vs elite class but everyone thinks it's about da jews. This whole Smollett thing proves it's a reality.

Smollett is rage bait meant to be so blatant it provokes a violent reaction from some low hanging fruit schizo nut bag.

>Will jussie smollett get away with it?

no, he will be the victim of his own karma.

This. Corruption is too rampant in America. The only thing to stop it is a huge rebellion. But Americans are too content with their lives to do such a thing. Honestly, it's disappointing that things are like this.

Everyone would rather watch the latest sportsball game

It was only disordely conduct and he didnt have much any record. Regular people dont even go to prison for that and hes friends with the Obamas.

If he sent that letter though hes prolly going to get in big trouble and do some time. Mail fraud and wire fraud come with huge sentances.


>Smollett was charged with 16 felony counts by a grand jury

he was literally facing a lifetime in prison.

That was part of the problem, he was over charged. No way he should get life for that. Maybe if he started a race war or someone was killed, but it was so fucking laughable that all he did was waste police resources.

gas yourself, kike

He’s already a third rate actor who only has a job because he’s a black homo. What the hell else could be done to him to make his life worse?

>trying to give two innocent people felonies is nbd

He lost his role on Empire. I would say his career is over.

Worst/best case scenario, he probably threatened to roll on his Elitist handlers over the 16 counts, so they gave him a brief reprieve, but they will flush his gay ass over this. Him gloating on television in his faggot aviator sunglasses, and scarf will just make his death slower and more painful. The leftist are ruthless and will make an example out of him for future reference.

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>Friend of the Obama's

>Hollywood actor


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Don't forget, he's a kike too

Bathhouse Barry Sotero pulled some strings ang got a fellow black homosexual from Chicago. This is the way things work in Chicago land.

>this too

Thanks fellow burger bro.

Bathhouse Barry Sotero pulled some strings ang got a fellow black homosexual from Chicago off the hook. This is the way things work in Chicago land.

Of course. Keep fighting the good fight

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why didnt that sheboon michael obama and his husband barry tweet about or comment on the whole jewSee smollett hoax?

We all knew he would. At least he demonstrated to the entire country the exact opposite of what he had originally intended to.

I doubt this outcome (if it stays this way) is really better for Smollet. No sane person will ever believe he's innocent and he'll always be known as a two-faced liar with no goddamn backbone at all.

A plea deal would have given him a chance to one day be accepted again.

It's all we can do anymore.

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The person who it's most important not be allowed to get away with it isn't Smollett.

It's Obama and the entire Democratic Party, and their orchestrating violent hate crimes to advance Dem legislation and capture the Congress and Presidency.

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hes already lost. Even the Colbert report had charles barkley come on it and condemn the act, while colbert just sat there nodding like a fucking cuck "oh yea definitely not good". You have no idea how many normies this trial upset, people are furious.

>Worst/best case scenario, he probably threatened to roll on his Elitist handlers over the 16 counts
Smollett is a black-gay-Jew, he doesn't have the balls or brains to do that.

The Democrats were terrified that discovery into Smollett's phone records would reveal the "modern day lynching" hoax was coordinated to pass Senate legislation and launch Harris' and Booker's Presidential campaigns.

Exposing that the Democrats were actively creating violent race war in America would end the Democratic Party.

Attached: Democrats support Smollett.jpg (2320x2246, 2.31M)

Excuse me sir, it's "Chicongo" from now on!

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One of you fags are going to shoot him and it's going to be exactly what they wanted to happen, so he won't get away with it physically but he will martyr himself for the cause he was intially trying to push by faking the hate crime. They want you mad on purpose, that's why they didn't even give any details. They just dropped the charges and tried to memory hole it, they want it to be suspicious.

Ignore Hanlon's stupid razor, whenever you see incompetence at the state level realize that it is pure intentional evil. That is how they operate

Furious like...expel kikes furious or some regular shit no one cares about...

furious as in, going on liberal media platforms and saying he's guilty and should stand trial. Thats as good as its gonna get I reckon but I wasn't even expecting that.

Wrong. The FBI is going to find that inconclusive evidence that faggotniggerkike mailed the fake anthrax. Moochell’s lackey wanted magilla the gorilla to push the transfer of the case to the FBI because they have assurances that their assets there will bury it. Since the idea was too corrupt for the CPD of all institutions, she couldn’t swing it so they went with plan B which was fake recusal and simply drop the charges. This story will be memory holes over the next month until the FBI releases their decision, causing a minor blip in outrage until the news cycle moves on to the next manufactured outrage.

>Maybe if he started a race war or someone was killed
but he literally tried to do that tho you fucking nigger

Get bent

He'll probably get away with it. At most the charges from mailing the letter might catch up to him but I don't see him actually doing time.

What bothers me the most is what could have happened. If they had picked up 2 innocent white guys and he said "that's them officer" and they went to jail for a fake hate crime, he would have been FINE with it. That's really god damn low.

But hey, those fake tears on good morning america are probably the best acting he's ever done.

how did he get off?

mamala gotz da whiteface dats raciss

muh nigga kimz gotz dat mooch call and kamala and corey gotz dat lynchinz law now gets muh lggbbtqqiaartfsdds fag boi off

Something shady happened behind the scenes and they just dropped the charges.

If I had to guess, the person pulling his strings who put him up to this (or forced him to do it, you never know - hollywood is blackmail city afterall) didn't want any investigation to come back to them so they're trying to squash it in the cradle.

i don't understand your basketball-american jive, friend

Why didnt cpd release the video they got?
Why did they send the nigerians back to Africa?

Bathhouse Barry Sotero pulled some strings ang got a fellow black homosexual from Chicago off the hook. This is the way things work in Chicago land.

i thought they went after they were paid the 3500.
what did they do in Nigeria?...

get? he already got away. he won. the feds wont do shit

Excellent question
Seeing as cpd sent them away when they would be criminals or there is no event
Very fishy

Well if the FBI has been thrown on the case because the entire country outside of the courtroom has evidence and thinks hes guilty... I'd think everyone in the courtroom is going to be making some plea deals within a month.

Yes of course he’s Jewish and connected to all the top lib niggers: Kamala, Booker, Michale Obama.

>I keep trying to tell people that movie is about working class vs elite class but everyone thinks it's about da jews. This whole Smollett thing proves it's a reality.

Proves what’s a reality? Jussie is a kike.

Was it worth getting your pet nigger kike off to make yourself into a laughing stock?

You know the Duke was a kike right?

Yes and no.
Yes, he got away with the legal stuff thanks to corruption. But now he is a loose end. The know they can send an ever stronger message by killing him as a false flag. Imagine the reaction to the headlines when he really is lynched by a supposed "MAGA hat wearing white supremacist." I wouldn't call death getting away with it.

its starting to look like he possibly was blackmailed or otherwise coerced into doing it by kameltoe Harris and or obongo

no he fucking wasnt you lying zoomer faggot

What is the realistic options? You can do a solo mass shooting, end up dead or in jail, and nothing will change except give kikes another excuse to take away more white rights. White people atent even as well organized as the BLM niggers. White people dont chimp out (we should) because at least a third of white people hate white people and want us dead and demonized.

He’ll be back on that show before he’s behind bars. Bank on it.

>Squash it in the cradle


It's Kamala Harris, potentially the Obamas, some others. Should be blatantly obvious,
as other anons have pointed out the "coincidental" timing of this fabricated attack and the anti lynching bill, or whatever bullfuckery that was. Absolutely no way there isn't politicians involved.

i wanted him to do time, but ive seen this movie too many times before. i barely even got mad. this shit is expected.

I would be willing to brush that off as Harris and Booker just being opportunistic, if not for the fact that Harris and Smollet are close friends who have worked together a lot.

Shit stinks to high heaven and they do not want that coming out.

Just watch - if they start actually pushing the federal investigation and getting close to the truth, Smollett's tragic mental issues will finally catch up to him in the form of 5 bullets in the back of the head.

I am almost hoping he goes to a typical enlightened black neighborhood, and accidentially walks in front of a bullet. They will claim it was some of the MAGA hat racists that did it.

Personally I was mildly surprised that your "justice" system is that fucked. I knew it was fucked, but not "I just recused myself, but I'm gonna go back and dismiss all charges and seal the entire case including evidence anyway" fucked.
Hope your feds actually earn their paycheck for once and royally fucks him + that Chicongo prosecutor in the ass.

He already did.

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Even the niggers hate him at this point. He won't get away with it in the long run.

So what happens if this turns out just like the covington boys and people running off without facts, making them up, then meeting a lawyer?

If this is the true intent I don't want to live in this world. Truly.

I imagined he already signed the equivalent of some settlement papers with the prosecutor and can't be fucked on it anymore. Could lead to someone in the prosecutor's office or higher getting fucked though.

Maybe they try to take the letter to trial but that one seems like it'd be harder to land. They could perhaps get a warrant and try a DNA comparison between the letter and Smollett tho.

The charges from the Chicago PD are over and done with, but he can still absolutely be brought up on federal charges for mailing the powder-letter to himself. They take that kind of thing very seriously.

jussie might get suicided but if he's willing to say who put him up to the hoax, he'll be able to make a deal

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Of course he'll get away with it. It's the niggress that is being looked at.
He just accepted a plea deal that was given to him. He (I assume) had nothing to do with all the back door dealings it took to make sure it happened between queen nigger's wife's CoS and the niggress prosecutor.

That entire area of Chicago is race bait. A while ago near the Depaul University campus, a black person faked a hate crime by planting a noose on a tree. They'll go on BLM protests, block the express way, and call for the death of cops, while denying it during media interviews. They've become tantrumous cry babies. Go back to regular cherry Kool-aid and not the sjw Kool-aid

Of course they hate him. Wouldn't even use domestic niggers.

Depends on if they're going to have him killed in fake hate crime 2 electric nigaloo

Personally, I'm just going to grab a can of Bangs from the icebox sit back and watch the fireworks.

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Don't be so sure. Many people are waking up. It takes time, and some people can be pushed pretty far. But there's always a breaking point.

Jow Forums is a board of peace. Always. If anything, Kamala will have him suicided instead of beat up and pin it on the scary alt-right and Trump. Just like they tried doing the first time. Then they'll pass another law limiting what freedom we have left. These people are pure evil.

fake news

He's more likely to be shot by a "brotha" than a random shitposter from Jow Forums.

nah somebody will end up doming that worthless animal, hopefully another one of his black bull drug dealer student philanthropist king friends