Anyone know how to hack the mainframe and get control of the drones? We need to get the party started!

Anyone know how to hack the mainframe and get control of the drones? We need to get the party started!

Attached: Movie-Poster-Hackers.jpg (400x762, 67K)

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you need a 28.8 bps modem with a million psychedelic colors and a RISC processor.

drones? you fucking nigger...
the mainframe is the GIBSON
drones used to be easy to spy on it was unencrypted Ka band or something up to 2010 or later i'm taling about just viewing the cameras
drones are dumb its all about satellites my man

Great party places:

this guy fucks and he also happens to get it

ask these guys although this video is a few years old some of them have probably retired or are more obscure now
hacker conferences are amazing btw

Pori after an Ässät victory. Jesus Christ, those fans are INSANE.

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Why no European countries? There are many famous European hackers.
watch the video i posted it literally name drops a bunch of hacker conference people of varying skill/importance
here is a video on hacking satellites but I personally don't know much about that, I just know that NRO budget is bigger than NSA and CIA combined, allegedly

this really was the best film of the 90s
I dunno how to explain it but they had some serious magic in the casting and set/character design
if I recall correctly that 2600 magazine guy was their technical adviser and even tho he is kind of a libtard and allegedly a pedo he kinda did a good job with the 90s movie hackers of both making it look fun and sexy as well as throwing in a few nods like the rainbow books

>I'm a hacker
>I put a GoPro on a Drone
>I skateboard
>and yes
>I'm bi-racial

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we have later movies like Snowden and The Fifth Estate about Snowden and Wikileaks and they show hacker conferences and it might be more realistic I guess...
but Hackers even tho it didn't show any national or international events just the local NYC scene, they did a pretty fucking good job even though it was a Hollywood facsimile

dude I literally met this guy at a hacker conference he couldn't stop slobbering on FBI cock

I was a Tim Pool fan both before I met him and after but after meeting him I realized his covering occupy and anonymous was not a mistake he basically is a wannabe patriot guy he just takes up the journalist motto for, you know, the game

>this really was the best film of the 90s
It's in the top echelon for sure. Utterly ridiculous movie but the best movies are. Sadly some people can't over the "but its not real hacking!" bullshit. You know those fuckers love it. Who cares when it's so fun and engaging.

i always assumed "Hacker Cons" were just for try-hards that wanted to put stickers on laptops and repeat "le epic hacker memes".
>i knew so many "le epic hackers" in college
>i worked with some of them in our fist IT jobs
>they couldn't troubleshoot for shit, and they just made excuses for not being able to troubleshoot
>"Oh, i'm only used to Kerberos v2, so uhhh"
>nigger, it's literally a locked account from too many wrong passwords. fucks sake.

>mmmm ohhh Tim Pool *smooch* *smooch* *smooch*
calm down

the realistic movies are worse unless they do the international intrigue element well
the utopian vision of tech with all these silly visualizations... that was HUGE in the 90s, lots of cheap software makers doing 3d modeling and shit because it was new and cool, now its retro
now defense contractors actually do make visualization software but it has to be something useful not numbers dancing on the screen, obviously that shit was just metaphors
they did a pretty cool job with the mainframe its almost like a william gibson novel (they named it after him)
Honestly Hackers (1995 MGM film) did nothing wrong despite being made by MGM

Some days I don't know why I bother helping out...

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>hack the mainframe
Retard basement dweller detected

For instance that famous director who did Heat and Miami Vice ended up doing a hacker movie and while he had all the tech advisors and budget and it was more realistic it SUCKED it had no soul basically
a perfect microcosm of where cyber-security went from 1995 to 2015 is the stark contrast between Hackers and Blackhat
The director is Michael Mann he is really damn good but for some reason I thought that movie fucking sucked even if they "did everything right"
maybe because they casted the guy who played Thor as the hacker and they casted that black lady as the glow in the dark that is probably why it bombed nobody wants to go to the movies for that shit

I don't know who you met but the top conferences are actually pretty cool... you aren't going to meet posers at RSA

hAx0r t3h G1850n

oh unless you meet Tim Pool I guess he counts as a poser I think it is in his job description
I like Tim Pool's coverage and opinions, I'm grateful for him, but yea basically he's a NatSec nerd even if not very NetSec talented and thus his saliva is his strongest asset

No, but I saw the matrix before those guys cut their dicks off


RISC is good.

acidburn and zerocool can help you with the encryption.

They're trashing our rights. Trashing! Trashing!!!!!
Hack the Planet!!!! HACK THE PLANET

oh btw if you wanna hack drones ask the Iranians they supposedly hacked that B-2 looking drone by Lockheed and got it to land in their country hah

FBI recruits at the conferences and they pay really well from what I've been told.

Each drone has an insanely complex UNIX environment hosted by individual satellites, technically it could be done, but you'd be caught unless conducting your endeavors via CAPANY system in international waters. With such a shitty connection I'd be astonished if anyone could even turn the engines on remotely.

Tim Pool would die for Israel. I heard he's mixed race but he is as white as you or I by my measure.

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It's amusing when kiddies say Hackers is unrealistic for not being 2 hours of staring at a bash prompt instead of the pretty colors. SGI workstations were already doing visualization before hackers even came out:

Muh realism makes for boring visuals too.

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RISC is for n00bs. CISC is universally better in the hands of a master.


does anyone wanna hack the baincapital mane frame?

You need help from chinks, niggers and latinos to do that. "Hackers" was/is multicultural movie.

how new are you to think that identity issues weren't already solved here?

its all turing machines bro

you need to create a GUI interface using visual basic first.

>Each drone has an insanely complex UNIX environment hosted by individual satellites, technically it could be done, but you'd be caught unless conducting your endeavors via CAPANY system in international waters. With such a shitty connection I'd be astonished if anyone could even turn the engines on remotely.

does this mean the satellites does the computting of subsystems. WTF GUISE, is this sekret?

b--but-buttt .net is for pajeet. it was microsoft's way to devalue the labour of hackers in the west.

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Yea I mean, RSA is the best conference if you're job hunting, it is like the most professional as well as the biggest.
My guess is that they've been reviewing/revising their standards to recruit more, I did hear about this
I remember seeing the EFF table and ACLU table next to the NSA table
what is funny is how many don't understand EFF/ACLU types are friends with people at NSA, it is one of those things they're the "defenders of liberty" so they gotta have a mutual understanding with their opposition and sometimes they actually have friendships usually not, but basically my point is EFF/ACLU as well as Tim Pool are cocksuckers

I dunno about the Israel thing but I also had interactions with Tim's bosses boss (the editor in chief of VICE) and that guy got famous for the drama and getting McAfee arrested as he escaped from Belize
All these VICE fuckers are druggie hipsters honestly Tim is by far the least bad one I've ever met

No, only elite hackers use it.
I saw that on a hacking documentary

none of that makes sense... a dedicated satellite for each drone? why on earth would they do that?
uhm like I said predator series drones used to broadcast their images since the Serbian/Yoguslovian war in the Clinton Era, that we know of.... its been easy to spy on drone cameras all the way up to the era of wikileaks, then they started trying to encrypt their outbound video from the drone

When has hacking ever been realistically depicted in film? Almost every depiction in TV and movies is fake and dramatized.

Uhhhh hacking turns out to be a pretty nationalistic things but if you're talking about American Chinese/Latino/Blacks like in the movie? They exist but pretty rare maybe they all went military and never left I could see that, would still be rare
Not that many asians latinos or blacks in IT security

Yes. A dedicated satellite for each drone. Makes sense to have a completely closed system with one, or few operators. They're not even joystick style controllers anymore, more like XBOX controllers.

>All these VICE fuckers are druggie hipsters honestly
Im pretty sure Shane is actually a glow nigger.

I know a guy but we all got to chip in to get him some new hardware

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I hate hamilton so goddamn much 10/10 would curbstomp on sight.

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The realistic elements are there if you look for them however buried under the drama. The autodialer to find carriers in Wargames (technique forever known afterwards as wardialing, and the war- prefix lives on for finding wifi an shit), dumpster diving plus social engineering in Hackers.

hack the planet

Vice is why the pirate bay went down
Vice is why we can't have nice DNMKTS
Vice needs to go.

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distributed services

satellites would run chron jobs to do navigation and fuel planning and whatever, and whatever computing processing is done on the drone would be for drone shit. i dunno

this is not a good idea for architecture?

i run shit on a 10 year old macbook

>if you say you don't like it you really do
Dude it was full of cringe nonsense.

u gonna go mad with the ys sun

drone shit

>pid shit
>computation involved in sensing (iding shit on radar)
>computer vision to follow targets

satelite: arch linux chron jobs etc etc

Search the trash folder

If you want a hacking movie with drones, you should go with War Games 2. Hackers had roller skates but no drones.

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>Is this a game or real life?

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its meant for 90s kids, it offers a template for experience. if you wanna pick part the lack of reality of something, go watch star trek or something you faggot

I guess I can see this working but it is only tasked to be dedicated for a time not for the life of the satellite, of course.

I know the least about Shane and the Pakistani guy looks weird, Soroush, I mean he may not be a glownigger but being Pakistani kinda makes you one by default doesn't it? Like if you're pakistani it seems maybe it would be easier to become a glownigger like how Brezinksi was Ukranian and did natsec stuff

My experience was not with Shane but what is so strange is they have a HUGE hard on for McAfee but they also sabatoged his escape from belize.... I'm not sure what the full story is there because I would think if they really tried to get him captured on purpose Mcafee would have ended VICE magazine by now, so maybe McAfee was in on it?

I dunno man basically VICE leaked McAfee's location via instagram, on purpose, to get him arrested in Guatlama and then he got lucky with a good lawyer and got deported to Miami instead of Belize (to face murder charges which he claimed was trumped up)

dude this is so funny where is this from?

/b/ tell me delet system 32 to make it have ebin haxorr power now computer is potato

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Hackers was cringy.
Watched it a couple of years ago, and it was really bad.

well user, pirate bay isn't down

Damn was that line in the movie hackers? Damn that era was so fucking cool.
It was made for 90s kids the same way GI Joe was made for the pentagon
aka glorify tech and computer security towards the rock star image which slowly many have actually fallen for that meme
Look into the death of Barnaby Jack I mean maybe he was murdered or not but you never know because hackers drink like a fish and generally have other bad health habits
Now you don't see that in the movie hackers but it is kind of implied

more information about this please

No, Hackers was good.
It was Israeli propaganda "The Net" that was fucking bullshit

dont be tempted user its not a good idea.
the game watch dogs is as close as you should get to it