Why am I only attracted to broken men? Men who need to be fixed...

Why am I only attracted to broken men? Men who need to be fixed? Is it possible to stop being attracted to this kind of person.

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Why? Someone may need you. It's nice that you want to help. I wouldn't try and eliminate that

Have you thought about trying to do a career in helping people, or even volunteering at a homeless shelter or something? It would give you the same satisfaction without putting your personal life at risk.

You are a masochist. Embrace it desu.

Are you retarded. It’s insanely unhealthy

Yeah, I’m going to be an elementary school teacher

Applications incoming

What about broken people who are ridiculously smart and squandering their future?

Hey; ridiculously smart and wasting their future?
That's Me!

What if told you...that’s not smart.

you would be right.

Says who? Does a successful life mean anything to the universe or society 1000 years from now? Why not just do fun things, keeping survival necessities to a minimum?

However, the choice to waste a life may not be reflection of my intelligence.

I’m confused.

It definitely could be.

Everyone needs to be fixed. It might take longer to break through the facade of strength and see the issues with some, or perhaps with some you may never see the weakness, but it is always there. If you cant be attracted to someone with issues then you really aren't attracted to humans, you're attracted to abstractions.

Low correlation coefficient is observed in different societies with different Is which means the Barlow Number will be irrelevant. Basically the conditions of wasting life has little to do with autistim level

Yes. But we all have the opportunity to decide for ourselves what is best for us.

There's a certain attraction to wanting to "fix" people, especially if you feel like you want someone who will take care of you too. Doesn't usually work out that way though: you can't fix someone else, and someone who's fucked up is not likely to be in a good headspace where they're able to deal with much else other than their own shit.

I used to look to get into relationships with "broken" women for this reason until I realize that it just wasn't working.

You can't stop yourself from being attracted to someone who's "broken", but you can stop yourself from acting on it.

When I got into a relationship with a "normal" person, I realized how less stressful it was. I wasn't "needed" to help prop her up, I was appreciated for who I was in bringing companionship and happiness into her life.

It's harder to find someone you want to be with than just finding someone who wants to cling on to you because you're willing to be there and will put up with them. You need to actually find someone compatible with you.

But it's way more worthwhile.

The only real freedom you will have in life is to decide meaning for yourself. Everything else falls under interpretation.

Based retard

I was joking in this post and others. I'll give you a legitimate response.

I believe humans are "working as intended" and generally adhere to viable reproduction strategies, even when society claims they are wrong.

But this answer is boring. The right answer, perhaps, is that romanticism isn't dead. Melancholy is cool again.

I’m talking about major fucking issues here.

Thank you. The first decent answer.

>What about broken people who are ridiculously smart and squandering their future?
Where do you think you are, faggot?

You might consider the possibility that you should spent less time thinking about what you are attracted to, what you want, ect. And more time on developing your own self, independent of other people.

The quality of a man is the reflection of a woman's perceived self worth.

You see yourself as broken, and thus gain life purpose by "fixing" broken men.

Fast cars with high payments and lotto tickets strewn about the house?

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because minimum effort people get bumped first when shit hits the fan

Define broken

because youre a tard and have an aversion to people who aren't complete retards like you. youre insecure about how to act around someone who hasnt been to jail or has all kinds of crippling additions and can 'just' live life on their own terms. youre scared that your one chance out of your miserable lowly lower middle class will be ruined and it will be your fault, not his. youre scared of work. youre scared of facts and facing things you domt want to face. youre scared of superiors. youre scared of authority. youre scared of finding out that your entire life of believing that we are all equal, when we really arent, was all a lie. you dont want to know how far below 'everyone' you really are. you want stay hooked up to your steady stream of the adrenaline you get from the drama that comes with controlled self sabotage. you want the assurance that you had an EXCUSE for failing because you dont want to cope with the fact you put your best effort in, and failed. you live u der the delusion that you cant brake something thats already broken when in reality theres so much further to fall so you stay comfortably stupid so you dont have to face failure and be reminded that youre broken and useless.

Attached: dont date broken people.png (540x488, 138K)

You’re the retard, and an asshole. And I’m not lower middle class.

>And I’m not lower middle class.
>you got like one thing sort of wrong haha ur so dumb

Bro I’m fine you sound like the fucked up useless one.

sage this thread. op is an absolute retard and refuses to listen

I’m quite successful and I’m sure far more than you. Try and take down my thread


Femanon here. I have the same problem, stems from low self-esteem and long-term abuse. It took me years of therapy on and off and about a solid three years on my own to break those compulsions.