Is it truly possible to be happy working 40+ hours a week?

Is it truly possible to be happy working 40+ hours a week?

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Yes. Communism is for weak minded pussies.

It's only possible if you work more than 40 hours. Lazy millennials won't understand

I'm the master of my own destiny u beta sickle-sucking faggot. I'd sooner kill myself than live in a world where I can't stand on top of you

> "And then he said, 'there's jobs out there that treat people like shit. lol Like move to Venezuela you SJW commie."
> Got em'.

Poor tard. I have my own company. I am the boss.

Keep trying to feel better about yourself by putting others down mate. I'm sure you're a better man than I am. In the meantime, instead of trying to overthrow a cemented system, I'll be adapting to it and exploiting it as best I can. Survival of the fittest, but you wouldn't know anything about that I assume.

Millennial retards just want everything handed to them
>Hurr Durr an old guy down the street has a powerboat life's not fair why don't I have anything
>Bumps into a wall and bones crumble
>Blames guy with a job

Hahahaha what a fucking retard beta you are. Are you for real?

Ok first of all, to even succeeded in making a company chances are 10% this means you need to have a large reserve of resources to keep repeating until you succeed.

Survival of the fittest, you say? I survived hell that you can't even imagine while you got handled that company on your plate from your daddy.

TOP FUCKING KEK m8. I built it from the ground up, get on your knees so I can properly slap my massive chad cock across your virgin commie face. Stay beta and wait for handouts from the government u weak cuck

If you are a normalfag with an extremely simple mind, like most people, then yes.
>dude netflix lmao
>dude drugs lmao
>dude sex lmao

>is it truly possible to be happy to be working 40+ hours a week?
Be nicer here in America if my taxes were 15% lower without social security but that's not directly relevant to the question you asked.

Do you realize that most animals work their ass of every single hour every single day in a struggle for survival? Why is it that you think that humans are somehow so much above animals that we won't have to work while simultaneously live a life of luxury? The fact that we can live carefree for 28 years is pretty impressive.

>survived hell

Yes it must be very challenging to hunt for negative attention and get freebies from the government all while dressing yourself in effeminate costumes, you fucking twink.

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sage the thread because it's been taken over by trips

And what do you do? Taxi driving service? I doubt we have a genius on Jow Forums, either way go fuck yourself capitalistic slave
I do what i want i am not a slave like you
Suck a dick faggot, what a pussy...

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Had a week off this week. Been miserable. Can't wait to go back to work.

>retirement age is set at X
>lifespan is set at X
>you MUST work 50 years, no compromises
This smells of someone that hasn't ever worked or has been working for like 3 months. My father worked for 28 years and retired at 55. And he doesn't even have a fucking High School Diploma. I know police officers that put in 25 years and retire even younger.

To answer your question, yes it's possible. Why the fuck wouldn't it be? Do you have a 40hr/week job, OP? Are you just afraid of sinking so much time into something like work? Because that's understandable, and I can relate precisely to that feeling. When I started my job, which isn't glamorous by any means, I thought the same.

If your basis for 'slave' is 'one that must conform to their surroundings', then everyone everywhere's going to be a slave to something unless they kill themselves or become a fucking dictator. People in capitalistic societies are 'slaves' because they have to sell their labor in order to live? What the fuck kind of mindset is that?

>I do what i want i am not a slave like you
So what DO you actually do then? Care to actually answer that instead of giving edgy responses like 'I've been through hell' to shut people up?

life in the first world is easy. stop complaining

Yes because i studied to become something I would enjoy, and now I´m enjoying working as that.

It's not the work itself that's hard, it's trying to figure out how to balance your life and work that's hard. The more you work the more you realize there's more to life than work. This separates the "slaves" from the free.

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This. If you can find happiness and fulfillment through what gets you paid, that's great. But if you can tolerate what you do to get by and realize it's not what makes your life your life then you'll be fine.

Let's say you don't work, at all. How are you going to provide for yourself? Food, shelter, clothes, other essentials, and personal fulfillment. And if you want a family how are you going to provide for them? How will you provide for the shelter, food, and personal enrichment of would-be children? The future of those children? How will you pay for any potential medical bills for you, your spouse, and your children?

Work is a means to an end, and not the end in and of itself. Work isn't about being a "slave", it's about earning money to fund your life, and not just after you retire. Some people are fortunate enough to have jobs they love, work that never (or rarely ever) feels like work. Whether that's because the job is something important that they love, has great people, or both, that's good. You should strive to find a job that offers you personal fulfillment like that because you will be working for a lot of hours in a day. The image you posted's entire premise is based off a strawman. It presupposes that you're wasting your life being a prisoner during your work years, when in reality these are likely to be the best years of your life. Your job will give you purpose, easy social outlets, money to fund anything you like or need within reason, and a safety net when anything else in your life is going wrong. Work frees you. Money gives you the agency to do things with your life. If you don't want to be employed for a living, you can still choose something else like homesteading, but that's still work. It just takes money (mostly) out of the equation.

>when in reality these are likely to be the best years of your life
Exactly this. It's assuming that you're working or in 'work mode' 16 hours a day, sleeping the other 8. It's assuming that those 50 years are full of NOTHING but the work you do. It ignores days off, weekends, vacations, holidays, life building, family building, etc. You're not asleep for those 50 years. You're not 'living' at age 18, then blinking and being 67. You're living those 50 years. Whether or not you want to acknowledge that is up to you.

You are living right now. This is your life. You don't live a provisional life and you won't die a provisional death.

>Had a week off this week. Been miserable. Can't wait to go back to work.

Leisure is the flower, or rather the fruit, of existence, as it puts a man into possession of himself, and those people are happy (in leisure) who possess something real in themselves.

But what do most people become in leisure time? — only miserable fellows, who are terribly bored and a burden to themselves.

Let us, therefore, rejoice, dear brethren, for we are not inwardly lacking, but possess the ability to animate blank leisure time with our inner wealth.

>what is the post industrial age
>what is automation
Before you consider spouting more antequated platitudes about the necessity and value of everyone working in 2019. Please consider reading a book. I recommend Bertrand Russells - In Praise of Idleness essay. If that's not to your taste then read another, just wise up please.

Nah. I'll never work 40 hours again lol literally fuck that. My time is literally too important to me.

based and smartpilled

No, but the alternative is worse in many cases.

>don't work, read books instead
Literal Karl Marx incarnate.

Yes, when you love your job.

Yeah, that's not quite what I said. Strong reading comprehension.

Shut up commie

This right here. Life is about living. Work is about the resources. The whole working for 50 years angermeme is cringe. Unless you’re a boring dolt with no arms, legs and no head you’re gonna run into life

Yes. I hear you’re an entrepreneur though, and working many hours on your own company coulda shoulda be really satisfying.

Are you really happy with your company or your trait? If so, I’d study your work/free time balance. Do you have enough energy in your free time to see people, enjoy your friends and family, learn and do new things? If not I would review the way you work (work smarter, not harder) or for instance see a doctor about your general energy levels.

If you don’t like your work, it’s time to find something closer to your passion or your calling.

I’m a freelance creative myself who used to pull all-nighters and work ridiculously long days, currently with an entrepreneur who works 60+ hours a week and who generally manages to maintain a very good work/leisure balance

I like my job though

Depends on what you do and how much you like it. If you can't work your way into a job you enjoy then find something you can at least tolerate, cut back on expenses, and start to find other sources of income.

Just kill yourself already retard your cartoon gf wont miss you

stay mad wagecuck