Friendly PSA.
If you see ANY thread, no matter what the subject, and it's got a meme flag poster...
Friendly PSA.
If you see ANY thread, no matter what the subject, and it's got a meme flag poster...
how dare you attempt to infringe on my freedom of speech?
the main reason to use memeflags in general is to make it more difficult for alphabet agencies to be interested in your posts.
for example, if you were to post something really edgy and you had a meme flag, glow niggers are less likely to fuck with you if they dont initially see that its oh wait, an american flag that posted it.
so like the FBI, CIA all those niggers only care or look for posts that have american flags on them because those posters they can actually fuck with.
whereas these glow niggers cant fuck with xyz nation flags bc they dont have any power there.
part of the battle of avoiding american glow niggers fucking with you is by making sure you dont have an american flag in your posts.
because thats all these faggots are looking for, american flag posts.
because those posts are the only posts that they can arrest anons for.
if you dont understand this basic concept you shouldnt even be posting here.
its anonymous for a reason and to think that any reasonable user would want to give away their actual location via a legit location flag is absurd.
and if you decide to reply to call them a meme flaggot use sage in the options field in case you're a newfag and don't know where it goes.
>make it more difficult for alphabet agencies to be interested in your posts.
yea, your IP is completely covered behind that meme flag.
Get fucked jolly green jizz bag. Memeflags are useful to weed out dickshits that can’t figure out that travel and moving to other countries is a thing.
you stupid dip shit newfag.
you have no idea how this board works or how the glow niggers use it.
>Reddit spacing
>Claims to know how board works
>muh reddit spacing argument
no one fucking cares faggot.
Bump. That’s what we are going to do to rid this board of kikes
>falling for the b8
fuck off newfag
You cared enough to reply. Butthurt much?
but they don't always have meme flags
been a big influx of threads telling anons to fuck niggers in the past 2-3 days
thanks for the (You)
y tho... I'm a gud boi!
This guy is totally right guys. You can use a meme flag and say just about anything and you will be totally fine! Those glow-niggers can't do shit kek
but what if I use a meme flag because i'm ashamed of what country im from??