In a world of abundance be it, - credit - porn - greed and degeneracy, I am truly interested in what a bunch of cynical fucks like Jow Forums inhabitants think is the cause for the continued growth in depression. maybe its really no more than existential angst rather than a clinical issue.
On depression
Other urls found in this thread:
>In a world of abundance be it, - credit - porn - greed and degeneracy,
That's literally it, right there. You nailed it. Good thread.
Evolutionary predisposition has been deemed pathological behavior and relentless social-conditioning programs take their toll on people mental health. This is everything from the intra/inter-relationships between men and women, conceptions of race, interpretations of history, and anticipation for a future that is hostile.
>have nothing to aim for
>brain produces chemicals accordingly
wow so hard to figure out
no gf. dead fucking serious.
women and sex-havers aren't depressed, they just think they are.
I blame Microsoft
You hit the nail on the head /thread
Trauma, oversocialization, alienation, "hypernormalization" and constant gaslighting by the media, lack of proper emotional development, lack of good prospects and purpose in life...
I don't know why I waste my time explaining this to Jow Forums rednecks.
>continued growth in depression
Also diagnosis. Still, I'm sure depression has increased.
Many causes:
- marketing building up unrealistic expectations about life
- greed (not just for money and property but experiences as if not doing x, y, and z, and going to a, b, and c hurt you)
- inability to accept it's not possible to have everything (trying to cram too many things in too little time)
- social media (ceaseless comparing of oneself with the illusion of happiness portrayed by others and the accompanying peer pressure to portray an illusion of yourself)
- tech binging (trapped in a world of screens and virtual realities instead of living life)
- increasing diversity depriving individuals of home identity
- being glued to the ultra-fast news cycle and all the storms in a teacup (leading to emotional agitation, ancillary worries, and the feeling of a lack of control)
- lack of a stabilizing belief system (replaced by consumerism) and purpose in life
- lack of a clear conception of virtue and vice and hence the ability to see how pursuing the former and avoiding the latter is conducive to happiness
- relationship instability (due to consumerism, commodification of self, unrealistic expectations)
- inability to deal with the ebbs and flows in life (due to the expectation of perfect happiness)
- poor sleep patterns due to worry and anxiety caused by all of the above
- substance abuse caused by all of the above
etc. etc.
no one asked for your uber intellectual explaination - your thoughts were asked - us intellectual dwarfs bow down to your excellence on all things smart.
now fuck off and do a shoe shine
Pyramid of needs.
We have it too good so our brain is free to stress over more complex issues like not having a sense of purpose or drive other than the next endorphin rush. The only people I've seen who reach the highest level are devoted Christians. It's why primitive people are more content. Also why some wish for the collapse of society. They want to drop to a lower level of needs and worry less.
kikes and their social engineering. kikes seek to destroy the natural distinctions between the goyim in order to usher in their messiah. They do this through leftist social engineering. Leftist social engineering goes against everyone'es nature so all the goyim are miserable.
nice thread op
It's diet, why does everyone think their brain is exempt from nutrition? People have been getting sicker and sicker mentally and physically with each generation of high carb low fat diets.
that and foods prepared and filled rancid oils and free-radicals
>implying abundance doesn't lead to depression
All of our basic needs are met with very little effort, so we are left to focus on higher ordered needs and desires.
This at a time when people are less connected due to technology and weak communities.
It’s psychological frustration.
Lack of purpose in the developed world, poor diet, lots of inside screen time as opposed to sunlight, low exercise, and addictive substances which trash the natural dopamine system.
There is nothing inherently unhealthy about high carb low fat diet. There are South American and Chinese villagepeople with some of the highest life expectancies in the world, with many living to 100 and they eat nothing but potatoes, yams, corn, carrots and stuff like that, with macros like 80/10/10. Moreover, they spend their whole lives around people they care about and interact with everyday. Friends and gratitude are the corner stones of longevity. Even the healthiest diet won't carry you far if you are lonely and ungrateful for each day.
I take it you don't have a gf because what you just said is wrong
"Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness.
Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society. It is well known that the rate of clinical depression had been greatly increasing in recent decades.
Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect, antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable."
Mammals have a limit to how much stimulation they can take. Humans are living in a rough equivalent of Calhoun's mouse utopia. There are too many of us crammed too tight. We interact with far too many people and have been suffering maladies of the mind because of it. There is nothing healthy or natural about how humans live today and we are regressing.
>Even the healthiest diet won't carry you far if you are lonely and ungrateful for each day.
So how come Finns make it past 30?
>pussy on a pedestal
Go back to and stay there.
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
When you grow up you will learn the shattering truth that pussy is extremely over rated and any real relationship settles into patterns where it's just not the most important thing. Then if you manage to find a mate as highly unlikely as it is you will also discover that there's a lot of shit to do and that it takes a step back as you deal with the immediate mountain of shit that is life.
First and main cause: denial of God.
The carbs they consume are unprocessed. Specifically, they don't cause blood sugar and insulin spikes.
The key to a healthy diet is consistently low insulin levels.
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
It's unironically the kids having access to technology at such a young age that's spurned on this onset of moral decay
Underrated post
Who dis
Kids were cursing, doing drugs, and having sex in the 60s. Don't be a boomer faggot.
>believing in "evolution"
you really think that's possible user?
Falling farther away from God
>Many causes:- marketing building up unrealistic expectations about life- greed (not just for money and property but experiences as if not doing x, y, and z, and going to a, b, and c hurt you)- inability to accept it's not possible to have everything (trying to cram too many things in too little time)- social media (ceaseless comparing of oneself with the illusion of happiness portrayed by others and the accompanying peer pressure to portray an illusion of yourself)- tech binging (trapped in a world of screens and virtual realities instead of living life)- increasing diversity depriving individuals of home identity- being glued to the ultra-fast news cycle and all the storms in a teacup (leading to emotional agitation, ancillary worries, and the feeling of a lack of control)- lack of a stabilizing belief system (replaced by consumerism) and purpose in life- lack of a clear conception of virtue and vice and hence the ability to see how pursuing the former and avoiding the latter is conducive to happiness- relationship instability (due to consumerism, commodification of self, unrealistic expectations)- inability to deal with the ebbs and flows in life (due to the expectation of perfect happiness)- poor sleep patterns due to worry and anxiety caused by all of the above- substance abuse caused by all of the aboveetc. etc.
In other words it's the Jews.
I alternate between this and actually being in a relationship in which I’m miserable and bored of having to spend time with vapid women
there's always been plenty to aim for it's just that getting there has become increasingly difficult these past 20 years or so
>buying a house
>getting married (for the right reasons & not because you lust over each other)
>having children & being able to actually support them financially
>living away from many of the "big cities" & shedding away from social media completely (witch in the current climate seems almost impossible for the "younger generations"
Take the fucking clownpill HONKHONK
Being enslaved by the (((financial system))) as well as your kind slowly being genocided seems like a great reason for depression.
We belong in a chauvinistic Empire and have been given weak states ruled by weak men that have produced a weak society.
Abundance is the cause of depression.
Happiness only comes through struggle.
Take the Christ pill Jow Forums. It got our forefathers through many times when they felt similarly pressed by the world on all sides.
That is a lie. Losing something that seems irreplaceable is the cause of depression.
Simple. Industrial Society:
Inability to self actualize and an obsession with dopamine from any number of sources.
The focus on pleasure and happiness instead of love and contentment.
The growth in depression is a product of capitalism. Divorced from all roots, all history, reduced to pure space, life itself is commodified, loses all spiritual value, which is to say inherent value. The progression of money, precious metals, mixed fiat, pure fiat, to digital mirrors the progress of value in general (self-derived to purely relational, unconditioned to purely conditional). Things move away from a center, they over-extend, they fall apart, dissolve, destruct, and start the slow movement back to something original. This is the natural progression of time.
My opinion while advanced the modern world is unnatural. Name any sector in human life
There are literally billions of different complex reasons, based on the totality of the human experience.
Anyone in here saying "it's these few things" is fucking retarded and oblivious to the human condition.
For me moving to the capital was probably one of the reasons for feeling more hopeless and disconnected from the rest of society. Having been lucky enough to grow up in a small island community, the sudden disconnect and egotism from City-folk really made me loose the feeling of belonging. Also i think not being a part of the mainstream society while also rejecting the trendy rebels put's you in a really weird position where you are basically forced to seek inwards instead for validation, and depending on how honest you are with yourself you will quickly realize that it's quite a tall order
I believe Microevolution is real meaning there is variations in a kind. However, a monkey turning into a human is in possible. Primarily due to two reasons one we have never observed any animal turning into another animal, and two God created man directly.
why can't you believe microevolution causes macroevolution when given enough time? like 2000000 years?
>lift weights
>Push myself doing cardio
>No longer feel depressed
Like pottery
It is not Capitalism it is the ideas of Marxist-Socialism
Because the Bible says the Earth is only 6000 years old. Any evidence that suggests otherwise is just Satan trying to trick us.
because he's a fucking brainlet that can't reconcile a belief in macroevolution with the existence of his all powerful sky daddy
Because it makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside to believe in God and he doesn't want to have to give that up. Cognitive dissonance in other words.
How about the more-than-ever tangible absence of God? The triumph of the mundane (nihil) over the solar heart? I'm exhausted with this clown world.
our brains and bodies are prepared for scarcity and misery. Literally. The most adaptable monkeys ever. Without life threatening difficulties our brain tend to over work maximizing imaginary problems. I bet this is nothing but nature curing itself again.
Boredom, lack of meaning in life. Doesn't need more than that to be depressed.
Because no one follows her advice:
The examples in pic related could also be labeled “long term” and “short term”
In all specimens that have ever lived we can see Micro-evolution. This is directly contrary in Macro-Evolution, it has never been observed and since we do not observe it, Macroevolution is not science, because science is the study of what we observe. There is also an issue with "living fossils" why would they stop adapting? You may say it is because "they've completed they're goal in life... to reproduce". However, this brakes down with other organisms such as other fish why would they continue to adapt if they were fully capable of sustainable reproduction.
Social isolation.
People have been living community based lives for hundreds of thousands of years.
People are the happiest in 50 person tribes.
But I say fuck being happy. The environment has changed. It's time for a new evolution. This is the era of the introverts.
Depression didnt't increase. Well...
it increase but its mostly because now its less of a taboo and its easier to diagnose.
Psychologist know more about depression than they did in 1960
but of course I do think i still increase
why? Idk
i personaly think its because there's more anxiety and stress
there's more stress and shit about school and college and all this ''sufering'' just to (some people) get a shitty job at a shitty company
its hard to answer in a single post but... yep
i agree
It's not real depression. It's depression that's done in order to receive attention, drugs, and welfare.
A great Dane can't physically have sex with a chihuahua. By rule of interbreeding they can be considered separate species. I actually wonder what a great Dane and chihuahua mix would be like and if it would even be viable if using ifv and using the great Dane female to ensure proper birth.
How is it so hard to imagine.
Also we didn't come from chimps. Chimps are as evolved as us and we come from a common ancestor. But so does any eukaryote.
Deep down...
Its Darwinism. Less of a spiritual take of this life, but a more animalist carnal ideology...
Homo Sapiens
I longed for pussy so much before I got it. It was made out to be the highest of the highs. By the media, hollywood and pretty much society as a whole.
Now that I have no trouble getting any, I feel it's overrated. I feel deceived.
That's depressing.
The bible does not specify the age of the earth that is only assumption. I believe god created the heavens 13.7 billion years ago and the earth 4.5 billion years ago. But how can this be if it was created in 7 days. Well you need to remember time is relative and god is above all of space and time, and there is a little thing called time dilation that allows for one observer to experience 7 days go by on his clock, But for another observer 9.2 billion years could go by. AND that is a scientific fact proven by Einstein's special theory of relativity.
>what a bunch of cynical fucks like Jow Forums inhabitants think is the cause for the continued growth in depression
The Orthodox lore is clear, depression is the separation from God, unequivocaly.
This is the true blackpill, not the one incels go on about, but the fact that after you realize sex is nothing special unless it's with someone you deeply care about. Now try to find a woman that's not tainted beyond help when you're in your mid to late twenties.
The bible does not specify the age of the earth that is only assumption. I believe god created the heavens 13.7 billion years ago and the earth 4.5 billion years ago. But how can this be if it was created in 7 days. Well you need to remember time is relative and god is above all of space and time, and there is a little thing called time dilation that allows for one observer to experience 7 days go by on his clock, But for another observer 9.2 billion years could go by. AND that is a scientific fact proven by Einstein's special theory of relativity.
That’s why I just jerk off all the time. 3-4 times a day.
>30ª Anniversary of the Internet.
I find it extremely hard to deeply care about anyone. How do I change that?