If an alien invasion will start tomorrow, I will not fight them, I will not stand in their way, I will help them...

If an alien invasion will start tomorrow, I will not fight them, I will not stand in their way, I will help them, I will cooperate with them and follow their every instruction. And I want you to do the same. Please allow me a chance to convince you with my modest arguments!

1. If the extraterrestrials can reach us, it is, of course, obvious, that they mastered space travel and can at least travel with near light speed.
2. Our species is not even to some extent close to developing a precursor technology to such incredible space travel abilities.
3. Ergo: The alien visitors are in every scenario technological superior to us, in such a massive way that we can only comprehend it by vague metaphors: They would be to us, what we are to chimpanzees or even what we are to ants. So our military capabilities are completely useless against them.
4. Ergo: Resistance against our visitors would be futile and a complete waste of lives and resources.

1. We know resistance is futile.
2. That leaves two options: Nonconformity and reluctant collaboration or full wholeheartedly cooperation.
3. A fully cooperating asset is more worth for their economy and other purposes than a nonreliable forced one. A worker is more useful than a slave because he contributes fully and is not waiting for the first chance to throw a wrench into the works.
4. Ergo: Because of the fact a willing cooperator is worth more than a slave and much more trustworthy. He will get allocated more and more important resources and will, therefore, experience a higher standard of living and more rights.

I urge you to consider these points. And hope you will be on the side of reason and hope when this fateful will come.

Always awaiting our benefactors from the stars.
yours truly,

The head of the welcoming committee

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Other urls found in this thread:


>If an alien invasion will start tomorrow, I will not fight them
like a true faggot, just letting mexicans across the border.

Spoken like a true cuck

Why are jews in overdrive demonizing white people rright now? Think about it. Why do they want to make people scared of whites?

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Good goy

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Fuck off, I’m gonna go with an XCOM-type group

Aliums are demons. They will herald the end of days


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They want you to think the earth is round because that would mean there are limited resources. The earth is flat and there is unlimited resources, over the arctic wall is another society that wants us to get rid of nukes and fight over the limited land so only the strongest society whose consciousness is open enough to transcend good and evil comes out on top to join the ice wall society.


Admiral Byrd, Antarctic Treaty, Nazi bases in Antarctictica, fucked up flight paths, Navy missile lasers staying level on water for over 100 miles, NASA fakery.

The sun and Moon are exactly the same size. Tides do not correspond to any model of gravity currently on the table. We only ever see one face of the moon. THERE IS NO SOUTHERN POLE STAR. THE STARS SWEEP ACROSS THE SKY. GOD IS REAL AND THE EARTH IS FLAT!!! SPREAD LOVE!!






>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50


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we've been being invaded by "aliens" of a different variety for a while now

If they have enough technology to travel the void of space, they have enough technology to divert a large asteroid into a collision course with Earth and wipe out surface life.

God will save me and take me to heaven the alien is definitely the devil in disguise be warned

meme flag larp fagot

shut the fuck up you borg cunt

>meme flaggot

You know nothing of demonology. You think all angels are equal? Hell no. Hence all fallen angels are not equal.
Sure the nephilim probably control a lot of sectors but aliums as we will come to know them are the multitiude of lesser demons which make up the bulk

>Hey look at this rock!
>Its a weird shape for a rock!
>Did I mention it comes from space!
>Hey look at this weird space rock!

You're a faggot but I'd back you, because ayys >>> Jews any day

>Why do they want to make people scared of whites?

Because they should be?

You know nothing about the true history of man

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i just want them to come here legally and to love america

Nope. Because the elohim are returning. Glory to enki glory to enlil!

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it does not work this way sweetie

cool story bro
here is the reality:
>we discover mushrooms on mars
>bring back sample
>mushrooms bloom uncontollably and kill off our planet

>they mastered space travel and can at least travel with near light speed.
wrong. they bend time/space to travel

>Our species is not even to some extent close to developing a precursor technology to such incredible space travel abilities.
wrong. we have same bending time/space technology. but it's forbidden. deep state has it.

Whole thing will be project blue beam false flag attack so they can push their agenda.
Real aliens who created us don't want to destroy us. Why would a farmer want to destroy his cattle on his own farm?

blue beam shill doing his prep work. they're gonna flip that switch in your brain that causes religious fervor.

>they would be to us, what we are to chimpanzees

And how would you fair against a tribe of Chimps if we dropped you off in the middle of their territory? You are fucked, you dumb cunt. It doesn't matter if your government or our collective species can genocide those chimps/ You would die and it is possible no one else will ever know or care.

If extraterrestrials show up here it doesn't mean they have with them the totality of their species power.

You would have us surrender to an unarmed mining expedition from the ass end of the universe that no one else gives a flying fuck about for all you know, you fucking coward. And even if it was more than that, who knows what their political situation is back home, or what their beliefs are. A bunch of rice farming communists stood up to a superpower not that long ago. Things are more complicated that your dumbass four point assessment.

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Suck my balls OP
All Fields
Get off my Board End yourself

surrendering in advance? show flag frenchy

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If they are nice to us, sure we will cooperate. If they want to genocide or enslave us, we should fight to the death. If we are lucky and they are an unstable empire they will retreat from an attritional war like the US did with Vietnam. Remember that against a technologically superior foe conventional warfare rarely works, we would need to constantly use guerrilla tactics and skirmish until the attackers lose morale and retreat, or we weaken them enough to beat them on the field...

Remember that Humans have a glorious tendency to fight viciously to the death when cornered. We must exploit our caveman nature and claim our most heroic victory if an Alien Invasion ever comes my Brothers!!!

Fuck off nerd. I want Heavy fucking metal. I want intergalactic prison Olympics. I want intergalactic entertainment not brainwashing propaganda. I want to see a fucking planet designed liked how Australia used to be utilized. I want a fucking interspecies collaboration finding new species, flora, fauna. Fuck the average nerds idea of space.

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Only an ass spreading eurofag would bend for the Invaders. Quisling shithead.


>If they are nice to us, sure we will cooperate. If they want to genocide or enslave us, we should fight to the death
So how is the battle going here on Earth now with that exact same scenario playing out?

uh what about nukes my friend?

no, the human race and aliens have relative advantages, we could probably throw sand in their eyes and touch them with ice cubes so they'll explode, a species foreign to this planet would probably not fare well

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We are all made up of the same star dust in the same universe. There is No differance between an invading force and you.

#SayNoToSeparatism #NoMoreNazis #WeAreAllOne

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> If the extraterrestrials can reach us, it is, of course, obvious, that they mastered space travel and can at least travel with near light speed.
Not necessarily: if they have technology that allows them to put themselves in some sort of hibernation, they can make do with 10-20% of light speed
And while we do not have anything that would allow us to do that yet, there is nothing impossible about it, we are already freezing and then recovering cells and embryos.
Some frozen-unfrozen pigs even managed to live for a few hours IIRC
And hypothetical aliens may be reptilian, so it might even be their natural ability
> Our species is not even to some extent close to developing a precursor technology to such incredible space travel abilities
Wrong again.
Orion drives can, in theory, get us to about 3.3% of lightspeed, and we already have all the necessary technologies to build those.
Once you start going into more speculative tech, such as beamed propulsion/bussard ramjets/fission-frament rockets etc, 10% of c suddenly become achievable

So it is possible that there would be nothing inconceivable about invading alien forces tech.
Therefore, we might still be able to put up a good fight.
Did you read "Worldwar" by Harry Turtledove?

And I'll look for the people like you to kill first, OP.

Aliens would be disgusted by you for so eagerly turning on your race. You would be their pet, dog.

Speak for yourself cuck. If the ayylmao’s want to land I plan on fucking their shit up six ways from Sunday

Fuck y'all eggies, the spirit of Humanity will live on forever on all worlds.

Speaking of Turtledove
>The Road not Taken

I'm actually retarded and should read posts before posting.

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Based, our destiny is to tame the Universe

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I would fuck an alien

We are the alien invasion. Meteor that took out dinosaurs (evolution dead end) followed by viral manipulation of mammalian evolution to colonize a planet with intelligent life with least effort/energy possible. Once we progress to a certain point, our society joins the collective, continually adding to science, art, and philosophy. There is no need for mass travel, that's dumb and wasteful. Entire galaxy will be colonized in this manner. Slow and steady, the Jeb Bush way.

Alien invasion actually already started more than thousand years ago, by now it's nearly complete and most of the planet's population has been replaced with their human-shaped drones whose brains don't even work outside the areas which allows them to sustain themselves, see psychopaths MRI scan

Just visit a nearest prostitute, it's not human

What is this

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>I will not fight them
>not summoning kek to get the upper hand

This is 100% spot on
Remember anons, do not trust the triangle UFOs.
The disks and cigar are pleaidian/nazi so they’re good

Once we progress, we need outward in a similar way


>Fuck y'all eggies

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So will we be getting project bluebeam'd tomorrow?

It's those motherfuckers we were shooting at during the battle of Los Angeles, they come from the ocean. Probably ancient Earth-born Annunaki bastards, or some shit.

You will recall Tom DeLonge (of Blink 182) got some pentagon spooks to release an ayy lmao video, F16 chases egg.

Since the pentagon says it, you know it's either incredibly fake or horrifyingly true.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

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I won't give a fuck, humanity is too retarded to be alive and I don't care about the ayys.

People are calling you a cuck but our Nations are being invaded right now via immigration and not one us are fighting back.

If you have a gun with two bullets, and you're faced with an enemy and a traitor, you shoot the traitor twice.

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This is probably the right question to ask. I've seen no less than 3 threads alluding to habbenings tomorrow/Saturday. I think it's coming.

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Holy fuck if 1bb aliens visit/invade/colonize/destroy Earth and they're as fucking grey personality wise as the surface dwellers here I'll off myself.

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>be tomorrow
>Advanced spacecraft crushing the white house
>advanced AI give us the cancer vaccine to prove that they are superior
>instruct us to anihilate niggers and jews to survive and access the final stage of human well being

Take your meds

or we use aliens as an excuse to forcefully take control of earth, push all cucks aside (since they won't actually fight back anyways) and then conquer the stars with our new Imperial Theocratic Empire.

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space niggers get the rope too

>They would be to us, what we are to chimpanzees or even what we are to ants.
> a willing cooperator is worth more than a slave and much more trustworthy.

Do you really think a species so advanced that we are like ants to them would bother looking for cooperative ants versus non cooperative ants? Do you think they would even care? It's an important question since you would be betting your life on the answer.

wtf I love our new alien ai overlord now.

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Hello I am alien gib resources ok?

Nothing's gonna happen. We all know the galactic UN equivalent has our little ant farm guarded pretty well.

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And let your enemy kill you when you're empty.
>if you kill your enemies they win.

based und imperialpilled

fucking alien shill nigger, anyone with half a brain realises that the whole “aliens and outer space” thing is a fairy tale to implant an inherent nihilism into your psyche, where we once looked up and saw god, all we now see is empty space and infinite possibilities. (((They))) want us to believe in aliens which is why it is one of the only conspiracies that is allowed in the mainstream. You are no longer called a conspiracy theorist if you believe in aliens, because “science” says it’s possible. It has been planted in popular media for a long time to get us psychologically prepared for the day they fake an invasion to push humanity into total submission. Seriously fucking alien and space niggers, always talking shit about “so when we get to mars ...” like anyone in their right mind would leave gods greatest creation, the only place where life exists, to live on a (theoretical) lifeless red rock. That’s even if everything they tell us about other “planets” is true. They want you to stop focusing on earth, make you think there are other options. But earth is all we have.

Don't worry a major conflict should balkanize or unite us all within this century... Either way our race wins...

>OY VEY why have you abandoned our jewish sky king myths, goyim? Go back to church and stay dumb and donate your money!

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this kind of logic is the exact reason the native americans lost to the Spaniards.

Sure, muskets, steel, horses and huge ships might have looked like magic. But it was not. The Spaniards managed to crush the greatest empires in the world, with less than a hundred men. The technology only gave them a psychological edge at that point.

Meanwhile, up north, far more primitive natives didn't fall for the bluff, and kept fighting for hundreds of years.

If aliens come and say "Diversity is our Strength" then I'll fight knowing its the masters of the jew. If they just start killing people indiscriminately, then I'll eat popcorn. If they have any German insignia I'm going to side with them.

you have no way of understanding the modern world without the catholic church and the wars waged against her.

Space poop is back!

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Aliens are robotic. I heard a whole thing about it...

Gray aliens are time traveling twinks. They come to this time because there are so many fags now.


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I want to fuck alien pussy. I will do whatever it takes.

t. illuminati member or fallen angel


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let me fix that for you….
>If an alien invasion will start tomorrow, I will fight them, I will stand in their way, I will sabotage them, I will play with them and follow their every move. And I want you to do the same. Please allow me a chance to convince you with my superior arguments!

>1. If the extraterrestrials can reach us, it is, of course, obvious, that they mastered space travel and can at least travel with near light speed, but are stupid as evident by them coming to us.
2. Our species is close to developing a precursor technology to achieve fractions of incredible space travel abilities.
3. Ergo: The alien visitors are in most scenario technological superior to us, in such a way that we can only comprehend it to some degree: They would be to us, what we are to Romans. So our military capabilities are completely alien to them and may not perceive us as dangerous.
4. Ergo: Resistance against our visitors would be logical and a completely justified if provoked.

>1. We know resistance is normal.
2. That leaves two options: full on assault,guerilla warfare
3. A full assault is more worth it if the gap is smaller than thought before, at worst we will take a significant part of their capabilities out of the picture giving the rest of us a greater chance
4. Ergo: Because of the fact a willing rebel is worth more than an alien fighting what he thinks is lower life form + the home turf advantage, resistance should be able to work long after conventional methods are exhausted.
I urge you to consider these points. And hope you will be on the side of reason and hope you will fight the good fight!

Always awaiting threats from the stars and at home.
yours truly,

The gut feeling

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>Our species is not even to some extent close to developing a precursor technology to such incredible space travel abilities.
This premise is bullshit.

Having the capacity to space travel does not mean to be advanced in any other technology. In the worst case you have an alien race just overthrow some others and captured their crafts and just use them.
Second if the superiority meme of technology is true, it just has two consequences. Aliens expand into space to further their knowledge. So no harm is done and cooperation is posible. No need to slave for them. Or they are on resources conquest. And if it is the later, we are not needed since their methods of regathering of ressources don't need to exploit shit lifform labour. Therefore we are HRC deplorables. Then the only way to survive is to fight as if there is no tomorrow or get annihilated anyway.

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Aryan ET must invade my home and give me hot females.

An alien invasion is already happening and we are already not fighting them

Coincidence? I Think Not!

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First thing you need to do is make sure its actually aliens not (((aliens)))


Kys drumpfcuck

Fuck xenos
Fuck heretics too

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OP is species traitor and should hang