Can you guys give some advice to user who's never drank before? I might be going to a social event next week at a bar and I have no idea what to order. What are the different types of alcohol/drinks?
I know about BAC and being 'drunk enough to have fun but not be wasted' but how do I figure out what that is for me? I'm around 5'11 and 180 pounds.
Take some weak cocktail and sip it for whole night fgt
Cooper Wilson
Luke Ward
If you’ve never drank before and you need to perform well socially you can have one drink, whatever you want, but just the one. What would be the best choice depends on you and the bar and the flow chart to help is too complex and subjective to be worth making.
Logan Collins
>If you’ve never drank before and you need to perform well socially you can have one drink, whatever you want, but just the one. What kind of drink? Should I ask for a cup of vodka or something like Bud Light?
Andrew Rogers
Beer is a bit nasty when you haven’t drank before. Ciders are fruity but fuck you up if you mix. Mixers can’t taste strong to the new drinker.
I would advise Malibu and Coke.
Malibu is rum, 38% I think. Because of its taste, when mixed with coke, it just tastes like a funky coke. They don’t fill you like beers or ciders do, get you drunk much faster.
Gavin Rivera
A cup of vodka is not a drink order. A bud light is a bad beer.
Michael Richardson
My favourite drink is a mojito. Why don't you look up common cocktails and beers and what-not and decide for yourself? If you are truly helpless and autistic, you can go to the bar ahead of the event and look what they have.
Parker Jackson
Pretty much any light beer is shit, but generally American beers taste like piss and are weak af.
Jace Evans
Why are you wasting 2 of op’s dollars and making people think they’re prissy and stupid by picking Malibu rather than just rum&coke
Nathan Russell
just keep chugging long island iceteas until you can't remember anything and have the other people tell you what hilariously retarded stuff you said and did after blacking out
>A cup of vodka is not a drink order Really? Shit. I might do this but I want to exhaust all my options before I do that What's stronger? Rum or vodka?
Charles Bailey
Malibu is the most popular rum, so people just refer to Malibu to mean any rum. Most bars and clubs have it.
Malibu and Coke, Rum and Coke, it doesn’t matter.
Adrian Peterson
>What's stronger? Rum or vodka? Neither. They’re both usually 40% but occasionally a little lower or much higher. A well vodka or rum, the one they serve by default if you don’t specify, is 40%
Jace Morales
Okay, if I have two or three shots of rum/vodka would I be tipsy or wasted given my weight and drinking history or lack of it
Lincoln Taylor
None of that is true
Ian Brown
Most spirits like Rum, Vodka, Whiskey, Tequila and Sambuca are all around 40% give or take 5%. The difference is what they’re made of:
Vodka is potato and has a strong bitter taste. I’d advise against Vodka until you’ve got some experience.
Tequila is agarve, a giant root plant. Tastes very good by itself.
Whiskey is grains and hops. Leaves a distinctive warm feeling in your stomach. Good for winter. If you’re somewhere warm, don’t bother.
Sambuca is anise/aniseed, often with liquorice added. Looks like Vodka, doesn’t taste as bad but fucks you up worse.
Because Rum is from sugarcane or molasses, it’s very sweet and goes well with anything full of sugar anyway like Coke or Sprite or European type Lemonade (I believe American lemonade isn’t carbonated?)
Jace Walker
Since you're new you probably want something sweet. Ask for a fish bowl, a long island iced tea, or a rum and coke.
Josiah Morgan
It’s true in the U.K.
Two or three will get anyone who hasn’t drank before tipsy. I wouldn’t drink straight unless you have another drink to wash down the burning sensation.
Lincoln Garcia
Just have a beer dude
Mason Brown
You don't need to do any math. Have one drink, see how you feel, wait 20 minutes, have another. When you're at the right level, approx. drink an hour will maintain it.
A shot is a drink, a beer is a drink, a cocktail is a drink, a glass of wine is a drink with all their respective percentages.
That fun point is subtle but easy to detect. You'll feel some euphoria, you'll be more talkative and your body will feel kind of light, but you won't feel all in all impaired.
Lucas Jackson
>A cup of vodka This is adorable. Yeah I'm making fun of you but I mean that with a light heart.
James Foster
Thanks. I'm planning on just getting rum mixed with coca Cola. I'm not that certain about bar culture but can I just say rum with coke or do I have to specify the rum?
William Cooper
Rum and coke
Gin and tonic is rising in popularity. Isn’t too strong either.
Gavin Adams
They will usually pick the ‘go-to’ rum available. Here in the U.K. it’s Malibu. In the US it’s probably Barcardi, McDowells or Captain Morgan.
If asked what kind you want, just ask what they have and choose one they say.
Barcardi is plain rum. Malibu is nice because it’s coconut flavoured. Captain Morgan is spiced, not sure about McDowell but I’m sure it’s the cheapest as is the only American brand so won’t have an import tax.
Isaac Morgan
To note: Mcdowells is actually Indian. Don’t bother.
Andrew Robinson
>Vodka is potato and has a strong bitter taste. I’d advise against Vodka until you’ve got some experience. Vodka can be made from potatoes and a variety of grains, most of it is grain liquor. its not bitter. Vodka has some of the least pronounced and most subtle flavors and is highly unlikely to offend anyone. >Whiskey is grains and hops. Leaves a distinctive warm feeling in your stomach. Good for winter. If you’re somewhere warm, don’t bother. There are no hops in whiskey. It has no distinctive stomach feel. I enjoy it year-round. >Sambuca is anise/aniseed, often with liquorice added. Looks like Vodka, doesn’t taste as bad but fucks you up worse. Sambuca is anise liqueur, which means its grain liquor (pretty much vodka) flavored with anise. I don't enjoy the taste but some people do. Alcohol is the only thing in alcohol that can fuck you up, if smabuca gets you it's because you drink it like candy liqueur is a type of flavored alcohol liquor is distilled alcohol
Ian Sanders
Last question lad, you a bartender or an alcoholic?
Jokes aside, the event is mainly going to be people I don't know. Is it weird to start off with a 'hard' drink like vodka?
Brody Hernandez
>Barcardi is plain rum. bacardi makes dozens of rums and there is no such thing as plain >Malibu is nice because it’s coconut flavoured. it sucks pretty bad. I think it's a drink most commonly consumed by teen girls someone is hoping to sexually assault >Captain Morgan is spiced they'll probably give you the spiced one, but captain morgan comes in a variety of flavors >not sure about McDowell but I’m sure it’s the cheapest as is the only American brand so won’t have an import tax. what on earth are you talking about
Chase Gomez
Mosey into the bar, and hang your trenchcoat by the door. Stare down every male in the room; you mean business. Tip your fedora to the barman and waltz up to the bar. Lock eyes with him for a second, and utter these words:
One cup of vodka, my good man. At this point it's really just formalities talking to any women in the bar, because they're all dripping wet and will go home with you as soon as you look at them.
Eli Torres
don't usually have to specify, unless it's a more upscale bar then they might ask you what kind of rum you want.
hey OP what kind of people are you going to be drinking with?
Jeremiah Flores
What are the types of alcoholic drinks out there and when do I drink them and how much? Like, there are beer, wine, malt, bourbon, and then what else? What do I drink if I just want to be alone listening to sad albums? Are you supposed to enjoy the taste or the drunk-get wasted aftereffect?
Thomas Fisher
you're retarded
Parker Price
>taste Subjective. Maybe you like the taste of beer, maybe you like girly sweet drinks like vodka cruisers, maybe you have a taste for harder spirits etc. Don't drink to get drunk, or if you do make sure it's VERY rarely. If you're drinking alone listening to sad music then drink whatever the fuck you want. Try something, anything.
Jaxon Lopez
I think of it as the categories Beer, Wine, and Hard Liquor. Malt is a type of beer and bourbon is a type of hard liquor.
basically when you're in a bar you can either get beer or you can get hard liquor as a shot or as a mixed drink. E.g. you can do shots of rum, bourbon, whiskey, etc. or you can get a mixed rum/coke, vodka/orange juice, etc. Wine isn't really a bar thing.
None of it is going to taste really good except for girly juicy drinks. Beers can vary a lot in taste- you might get used to the taste and start liking it or find a style you like (stouts, IPAs, etc) right away. Shots are almost always nasty. Mixed drinks...depends on how much of the mix is the hard liquor vs. the mixer. Sometimes bartenders will give you a strong one with lots of alcohol, sometimes a weak one with more of the mixer.
Gabriel Russell
Average Brit. Only culture we have left is a drinking one. I gave up a few years ago, but still drink here and there.
Christian Sullivan
I’ve been on drinking vacations to England and Scotland and you’re either a teen or significantly below average.
Hudson Price
25 this week, average guy married to a, I would say, higher than average looking American lass.
Gave up the drinking scene because it was a waste of money.
Jason Morris
How old are you? What type of social event? Who are the peers you will be with? If you have never drank before and are going to any sort of professional business social event I would suggest that you don't drink any alcohol. Sure, one drink won't floor you but the truth is that you should probably experience the effects of Alcohol on your body outside of anything job related. So, if you have a week, maybe go out and buy a beer and try it.
Justin Bailey
For beer order something they have on tap, the brands they have will all be listed somewhere, or just ask the bartender. Maybe ask someone what is good.
For liquor just order a generic soda mix, popular ones are rum and coke, jack and coke, vodka tonic, gin and tonic ect. I would go for the beer first and if you really dont the taste order one of these. You could also look online for more developed cocktails.
Depending on how long the event is a good rule of thumb is 1 drink per hour. This should get you tipsy without being drunk.
Anthony Gray
if I thought the drinking scene was flavored vodka I'd give it up too. Then again, if I was retarded enough to think that I'd give up on a lot of things, like life, like you should, please kill yourself.
Jose Flores
>hey OP what kind of people are you going to be drinking with?
>What type of social event? Who are the peers you will be with It's a Meetup type of shit. I lost most of my friends after moving to a new city.
Justin Walker
user just don't drink. Or drink water. No need to give in to peer pressure.
Oliver Gray
If you dont know how much you can take assume that its very little the first time i drank i assumed i would be a heavy wieght like the rest of my family i was not i got absolutely smashed and dont remember it. Also alcohol takes a while to take full effect leave about 30 mins between drinks if you're not sure because thats roughly how long itll take to get to your bloodstream