Antifa calls for ourguy to be killed during anti-racism march, police opens investigation: > 'If you want to shoot Thierry, then say: BANG!'
PM calls for decency: 'Threats are unacceptable' Dutch Senate elections happened on the 20th.
>Our guys FvD became the biggest >The leader Thierry Baudet gave a huge nationalist 20 minute speech:
honestly, I don't think that statement should be prosecuted. but at the same time I don't think far-right statements should be prosecuted either. free speech and all (we don't have it)
Nathaniel Howard
We also can't let it slide, it's the same rhetoric that got Pim killed.
oh no I totally agree, especially with the double standard they're having when it comes to prosecuting persons
Cooper Howard
I was watching Pim Fortuyn vids yesterday. The debate they held after Pim won the Provinciale Staten Verkiezingen in 2002 was very telling. I'm absolutely certain a lot of politicians in that debate knew what was about to happen. There are a lot of similarities with the FvD and Baudet. I legitimately fear for his life.
Easton Lee
he needs protection like wilders, minus the moroccans
Brayden Williams
can I have a quick rundown, my fellow toothpastes ?
Xavier Jenkins
For sure, although I don't think Wilders really needs protection. That shit's all optics.
Like who is the guy your local Antifags want to kill ?
Jace Hughes
Wasn't there a guy making a Pim Fortuyn movie who was also assassinated?
Brayden Collins
Thierry Baudet, leader of the political party Forum voor Democratie. Last week we had elections for the senate, and his party came out on top with 13 seats, having only started 2 years ago. He's the best hope our country has, and a lot more sincere than for example (((Wilders))). The media is already painting him as a fascist, and therefore the indoctrinated left is calling for his head. The salt was terrific last week. I'm not all that well versed politically, so if anyone else wants to chime in it'd be greatly appreciated. But this is the basic gist of it.
Evan Gutierrez
Theo van Gogh? He got stabbed by a muzzie in Amsterdam in broad daylight. I saw an interview conducted by Theo, with Pim as guest yesterday, from I believe 2001 or 2002. I had goosebumps. Theo van Gogh accurately predicted Pim Fortuyn's assassination. Pim himself also saw it coming. And our country was a lot more decent back then. Make of that what you will.
Eli Gonzalez
If you want to get an idea of who Baudet is, watch his speech posted in the OP. It's last week's victory speech. I won't spoil anything, but that's one of the most based speeches I've seen in a long time.
Jaxson Morris
Thanks mate, watching it
Alexander Morgan
No problem. Your country definitely had a hand in this historic victory.
Aaron Clark
Theo van Gogh (grandson of the brother of the famous painter Vincent) and Pim Fortuyn were both murdered in the same time frame of the post 9/11 Afghanistan/Iraq Wars period.
Theo interviewed Pim twice and he was very sincere about his views. He calls out the Eurocrats and their religion but he puts it all out on the street too eloquently and also too soon. The euro currency was enacted in the same era as well as the speedy enlargement of the member states list of the EU. After these two murders the debate in the Netherlands was stifled for years to be honest and kosher geert was the only one to pick up the pieces.
Now Thierry... We´ll have to see whether or how what who he is
(heiled) Never forget the trashcans user. The poor, poor trashcans. They hate it because it neatly disposes of filth and dirt in a handy way.
Tyler Baker
Kom terug naar het vaderland Vlamingen. We missen jullie.
Joshua Scott
Beste heren van het goede leven, zijn en naast /polder/ nog andere Nederlandsch talige fora waar men rechts gedachtegoed met welgemutste lieden kan bespreken en bediscussiëren?
Ik mis na deze korte maar krachtige verkiezingsavond toch een serieuze uitlaat en een kleine cirkelaftrek.
Kreupelchan heeft een /polder/ bord. Jow Forums daar heeft een /polder/ generaal die ik persoonlijk in leven zal houden, het is er echter een stuk minder druk. Verder ben ik wel erg benieuwd naar andere fora.
Grayson Harris
Misschien een idee om op voat een /polder/ aan te maken. Moeten er wel luitjes mee willen werken. Ik ga die shit niet in mn eentje doen.
Had, dankzij je vorige paal, ook niet verwacht dat je kwaad in zin had. Filmpje doet me altijd lachen. Alsof je je basisschool leraar in de supermarkt tegenkomt en je beseft dat dat ook mensen zijn.
Cooper Stewart
Ik ga een frikandelbroodje halen bij de lokale patatboer. Zou mooi zijn als dit draadje nog in levende is als ik terug ben. Tot zover een hoogstaande /polder/.