Is the 21st century the first time in history that the word 'incel' has been used widely...

Is the 21st century the first time in history that the word 'incel' has been used widely? There were no involuntary celibates for much of history, but in this age we see a sudden rise of them. Why is this?

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>what are eunuchs

>why is this?

The pill, dating apps, hypergamy, dissolution of the importance of marriage, etc

Females flock to chads harem now, leaving the majority of men out in the cold. In the past women relied on men for protection , provision, etc. So most men that were willing to work and provide could have a wife, but it's not the case anymore.

Dont forget about extreme male influx from uncontroled immigration into western civilization. This creates huge gender dysmorphia making incels at high rate. Males will continue being unhappy and this will cause huge scale war across whole western world.

We live in times where men will go mad because men in power are already mad.

revolting and stupid men who didn't have sex used to have the dignity not to cry about it. there is no stronger argument for moral decay in our society than incels not being shouted down every time they bring up their stupid misogynist theories

The Internet gives people a place to be faggots without repercussions. That's it.

>t. roastie

Hahaha “Lol incel” is the only argument you people have. Here’s the real answer OP. Women used to not have a choice. They should never have been given one. They abuse that privilege at every turn. Put women back in bondage and 75% of the world’s problems disappear.

>Women used to not have a choice. They should never have been given one.

Prove me wrong.

>Women used to not have a choice
spinsters always existed. nuns too. the list goes on

The word is more peaceful than it's ever been before and all the societal changes in life so far has been pleasant and created a better living for everyone and it's all because women were given suffrage :)
Besides, women are smarter than men.

Tell that to Eastern Europe. Especially to serbia, yugoslavia and bulgaria.

Women are people and deserve all the rights and privileges of men, you misogynistic fagwagon. Way to prove the person you responded to completely right. If you said this shit anywhere other than this Cantonese shoe waxing forum, you'd face permanent social repercussions, as you should.

You’re right. Men have rejected some women throughout history.

>Tell that to Eastern Europe. Especially to serbia, yugoslavia and bulgaria
I don't live there. I don't care.


Women’s suffrage is why Western civilization is collapsing. All those advancements were men who were raised in stable environments with properly docile and submissive mothers. The advancements slowed down to a trickle when that situation changed.

“You can’t say this out loud” is a terrible argument. I’m already facing permanent repercussions because of everything we’re talking about. Enjoy getting gang-raped by “refugees”

>Western civilization is collapsing
No it's not, retard.
>All those advancements were men who were raised in stable environments with properly docile and submissive mothers.
Well, if their advancements are leading to the collapse of Western society, maybe we should do away with docile and submissive mothers since it doesn't sound like it's doing the world good, hmm? Why not go back to Medieval times where the mother didn't even raise the son and had a house slave do it for her?

>Why not go back to Medieval times where the mother didn't even raise the son and had a house slave do it for her?

The shit. Are you for real. Do you have all your infomrations about medieval ages from games of thrones or something.

It's a fallacy to imagine that what's socially acceptable is what's best for society.

You're essentially saying what makes people feel good is always the best course of action. This is what we get when women dominate society and this is why the west is decaying. It happened in Rome and it will happen again to the anglosphere.

Western civilization isn't collapsing, retard. The opposite. You would still be a kissless virgin retard 50 or 100 years ago, but your life would be worse since neetbux didn't exist.

Incels hate being called out. They think that people don't easily recognize them when they make retarded arguments only incels could believe in.

No, from Shakespeare, dipshit.

It's pathetic that ad-hom and "muh feelings" are the only arguments that femoids and whiteknights can come up with. We're stuck in a permanent intellectual quagmire because you carpet munchers are eternally incapable of making a rational argument.

>Besides, women are smarter than men.

So, even though society is more peaceful and happier you're still saying antagonistic things?


>Stone age
Glubruk the big hulk with the mighty club has all the women. Most of the other guys around just do what is barely necessary to survive themselves, don't contribute because what for..?

>Some point later
People notice that you can harness the potential hidden in young males by promising them a shot at reproducing in exchange for good work and honest labor. Also they become less violent.

>christian monogamy etc etc
All institutions to reinforce this so guys play nice, work hard, don't fuck shit up all the time - in exchange they get a woman

>enter feminism
monogamy bad, religion bad, women need to ride the cock carousell to find themselves blablabla. Suddenly millions of young guys don't have any incentive to do anything anymore..mmmmmh it's a fucking miracle nobody could have anticipated that.

there have been incels before, in the stone age. And that's where we are again.

Nah, it's definitely a different world right now. I was at a party and heard a Chad literally say "how does that ugly bitch have a bf yet I'm still single without a gf?".

Jow Forums virgins, never change. It is a fact that during the "christian monogamy" phase people were far more degenerate than today. Also incels would have died quickly because no neetbux.

>Is the 21st century the first time in history that the word 'incel' has been used widely?
Probably because the term is only a few years old.
It's also turned into a meaningless pejorative. Incels as they define themselves, involuntary celibates, are degenerates, but normalfags don't care about distinctions and use it as a synonym for "bad" to avoid thinking.

His characters are nobility. They don't represent 90% of people

eunuchs weren't incels though. they had their genitalia removed for religious reasons, thats different than an incel which is just some person who wants to fuck but can't.

They did exist, they just didn't have a name, or they existed in the form of asexuals and aromantics. When people reference incelism now they're mostly talking about it as an ideology or a cult, because that's what it is.

You realize people use the word eunuch as a slang insult synonymous for "incel" and I'm not talking about the religious ones?

The term incel is what slut used to be.
Now being a slut is trendy, while being celibate was just fine before.

Dumb yikesposter.