Trump's daughter dating an Arab
Fucking race mixing family of whores and pimps.
One for the Jews, one for the Muslims
stop being a currycel and get a life
i want to watch a nigger fuck tiffany in her ass
Sorry buddy, you'll have to get bobs and vagene elsewhere
Yuck Tiffany is ugly. Have better standards bhenchod
I get what you mean but shes ugly in a cute way
>He thinks women with fish faces are ugly
Imagine the smell
He looks more white than her lol
Whats up with the snake on his collar.
I know its probably just being edgy but I'd like to know what for schizo shit Jow Forums can come up with.
WTF I am part of the Yang Gang now
you need money bro
There's a reason the rest of them pretend she doesn't exist.
>part of the Trump family in anything other than name
Pick uno.
She's always been a coal burner.
Dude you Poos are the true alpha chads. Most wh*toids don’t have the balls to talk to a woman, let alone demand to see her genitals.
Lol, Not only is the Trump bloodline going to be entirely Jewish. There will also be arabs in the family. Imagine being that much of a cuck.
the ID makes my sides hurt
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He’s actually Nigerian
They couldn't find another jew?
And he's giving them nukes as a wedding present.
Based and most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis-pilled.
>U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry has approved six secret authorizations by companies to sell nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia, according to a copy of a document seen by Reuters on Wednesday.
>pumped n dumped by kike
>currently getting pumped by sand nigger
Shes so fucking ugly holy shit why are all of trump's children kill it wife fire tier? Only baron stands a chance and that's because his mother is a literal supermodel.
This is how alliances are sealed among the aristocracy you pleb. One daughter went to the Jews. Now one will go to the Arabs and that's how Trump will unite the desert tribes.
Born in Nigeria to Lebanese parents.
There is something seriously not right with this chick's face, like stuff isn't where it's supposed to be.
its a good thing that our 2nd greatest ally will have this
he cute
Good. Trump bloodline needs to be mongrelized.
>random brown people in the background
are they at the DMV or something?
As bad as a nigger..I hope the camel jockey beats the living shit out of her
I would empty a quart into Tiffany
It's like a sisterly rivalry to be the whore of Babyalon...
>Arabs are Tiffany tier
Boy is wearing a $400 Gucci shirt
The funniest part is that this dude's father is part of the Marada movement in Lebanon, a close ally of Hezbollah.
Is this 4D Chess?
>I'm not racist, my daughters both married Semites
>Proceeds to nuke Israel
Show bobs and vagene
It’s okay, she can be part of this family now
Who cares, she’s so ugly
Damn, the guys are hot compared to her
Baron looks very European, that’s why he’s so beautiful. Thanks to his mom
He passes as white.
Trump knows that due to his policies the White race is finished forever so he's making sure his descendants breed with the winners (kikes and muslims)
Are you a gold digger or just Indian. She’s not even pretty.
that shirt looks so fucking dumb lmao
I was thinking the same, one on the left is gorgeous
Royal marriage +25 relations
You know a female is supreme uggo when a Poo-in-loo doesn’t want to see bob n vagene
ficki ficki.
fakin butter face. her body isn't even that great either.
Isnt he jewish? Just carrying on the trump legacy
Pimps and Playas
holy based.
she’s trailer park hot. she would suck you dry behind a dumpster after a few tequila shots.
Thats a jew
but you're a 5'4'' manlet, that's the problem
i'd stuff her face.
i'm down
which one?
They're Maronite Catholic, not Muslim.
lol, yeah, and I'm an Apache Indian. a wha wha wha wha
and yet you voted for Trump when this was all public knowledge
Those are both trannies. Guy on the left has total FtM face. All of the Trump family is a family of trannies. Donald Trump is a granny on testosterone. Barron Trump is a girl.
Trump sold her to them like he did Ivanka to the jews. He is covering all his bases.
*and traitors
ew wtf
a christian sand nigger is still a sand nigger
only eyes for Ivanka
Jow Forumsacks absolutely BTFO!!!!
My race got Ivanka
I am happy
Shes short with a big ass head
Post a vid of her doing sek or I'm leaving
Heh, you're alright Sanjay, hope you get vageen.
I'd add Tiff to my harem if I was a rich sandnigger
lmao that faggot isn't even out of puberty
god almighty. Your racial discernment on burgers.
Ivanka jewed
This one arabed
Baron will date a spic man
And Ivanka is a Jew
The state of this man's legacy...
>Implying boomers think about legacy.
He's a Maronite Catholic, like Danny Thomas
Who gives a shit about Trump? Most Trump suppoerts are off the trump train since last year summer...
Fuck Trump and Fuck Magapedes.
The favorite daughter is married to a jew
The who is she again is dating an arab
I wonder what Trump thinks of her
lol she looks like the quintessential anglo. i'm not sure how that is, but nothing of value has been lost.
probably loves it, faggot wants record high immigration. he's a civic nationalist.
Even worse.