Daily Reminder

Amerimutts elected a MUSLIM NIGGER president for EIGHT years.

And they mock Europeans...

Attached: UnitedStatesUnderSharia-USUS.jpg (306x370, 23K)

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Reminder that europoors worshiped him

At least we have internet yarupe

Kek, it's true. I voted for him the first time but in my defense I was 25.

And us Europeans elected a fucking woman for 20 years straight.

And with a Tranny as a wife

This. You also just passed a law making Europe Afrikan and paying reperations. Get your shit together EU.

A grave mistake that we have since learned from and will never repeat again.

For a muslim, he was pretty good at killing muslims desu

>eurofag with a fake flag makes a post about leadership
>Forgets about this cunt

Attached: downloadfile-2.jpg (539x753, 95K)


Attached: TypicalFirstWorld_US.jpg (1296x968, 375K)

That’s not an excuse.

White woman >>> Muslim nigger

At least we have a nigger to blame it on, so what's Europe's excuse?

A race trader is 10X more dangerous to the white people than some sand-nigger

After Zion Don, I'd about welcome Obongo back

Attached: Zion Don puppet.jpg (192x262, 6K)

>blaming 1 black guy for fucking up US
>blaming white people for fucking up Europe
Weird Flex but ok

>white people

Attached: 1537112743955.jpg (720x558, 47K)

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

Attached: join degeneracy akarin 11.png (320x360, 219K)

>the worst union is afraid.

Attached: 1547743612472.jpg (741x711, 100K)

That's not a valid defense. Maybe if you were 18-21 it would be but you should have your shit together by 25.