You don't need women to be happy

>you don't need women to be happy
>there's more to life than relationships

Who here is happy without a wymen in his life and what the fuck makes you happy then?

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Good question.

I need a woman in my life to be ultimately happy, but they keep fucking me over tremendously

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studying, writing, reading, experimenting with food, occasionally playing vidya and meeting with friends, working on and working out in my homemade gym, visiting family, working on some other miscellaneous projects.

they're called hobbies, user. hobbies which make up a life, the thing that happens between moments that never come. but having those hobbies sure as shit beats trawling this basket weaving forum, balls deep in the belief that if you just had a hole to fuck and receive backrubs from, your life would be so much better.

I'm usually miserable because I work a lot and I'm stressed. But when I actually got free time to just sleep and think about other shit other than my job, I am kinda happy. When I had a gf it was really better though.

Point is, if my life wouldn't suck overall, I'd be happy most of the time.

But my life actually was better when I had a gf.

Well femanon but same with not needing a man either. I love my job, it brings me joy even though the leadership team has been giving attitude lately but oh well. Also, my two dogs and just sitting outside and sunbathing. I do love games but I don't have time or I'm too tired after work, I miss those days when I could play all night long.

Pretty simple.

then change that. get some hobbies, fill your time.

But I want a bitch to cum in, not get more hobbies for coping while I see 13 year old boys having gfs.

never gonna make it

Sometimes women make me happy. Sometimes men make me happy.

But it's frustrating, I feel like punching someone in the face every day. Right now, I'd like to break the nose of this dumb bitch

You don't need a woman to be happy, you just made it so you are unhappy without one.

This is the problem:

> not get more hobbies for coping while I see 13 year old boys having gfs.

Jealousy, low self-esteem, anger and impotence, etc. That's what you guys need to deal with to be happy and to date.

How u do that?

>How u do that?

It's hard. It needs introspection, changes in your life, and effort.

You need to want to change first. Do you want to change?

Also be tall

Honestly just sounds like filling the emptiness with work rather than a bf.

Same for you.
Self appreciation and contentment doesn't come from spending time on hobbies.

Will you be my guide?

This is another example of everything I mentioned. Jealousy, low self-esteem, anger and impotence.

Thanks for being a living example of what not to do, user.

I can't. Try therapy. Don't trust strangers online, don't open your life to them too much. Protect yourself.

thats a matter of perspective.
to me, sitting up and getting drunk with a gf just sounds like wasted time i couldve spent on any of the above mentioned hobbies.

You've abandoned me :' (
I feel so betrayed.
send halp

See, you are just joking, but some people actually hope they get a coach on here. And that's so fucking dangerous. I hope any of those reading this can understand giving too much power to an atranger online is super dumb.

Also, therapy is not the be all end all to every problem.
Therapists are mostly just guessing. Hoping that what they say helps people. If there is anything unreliable, it's therapy.

I wasn't joking about wanting to change. I was joking about your guidance.

Going to therapy means you are at least trying to do something about your situation. Going to therapy is better than sitting at home and wallowing in self pity.

No you don't
Once you get one, you'll realize how fucking overrated it is

if u are unhappy single ur shallow and have low self-esteem and u try to fill that void by having a gf
pursue ur interests and do things that increase ur confidence, because being happy on ur own is key if u dont want a midlife crisis or regret when ur older

I've had multiple girlfriends, including a 5 year relationship. I'm talking from experience

le rational gender

I'm happy.
Don't currently have a woman, I just enjoy everything.
If I had a woman I would enjoy that as well.
Some people think they need something more to be complete, sometimes the thing they think they need is another person.
I am always complete.

How come you enjoy EVERYTHING?
How did you get to that place?

What the hell is going on with that outfit?

>How come you enjoy EVERYTHING?

Dude was being hyperbolic, no one is happy all the time. Even happy peopel deal with crap. If your goal is to never feel bad, you'll never achieve it.

You have to not be depressed to enjoy mundane things like a normal person. As for how do you stop being depressed? Fuck if I know I'm depressed as shit

Y'all are dumb and you advice is terrible

And some good it fucking did, if they're all bygone relationships, retard
You're swapping partners like shirts, obviously they don't bring you ultimate happiness, your hamster ass is stuck in a loop

This user understands.

If you can be happy without women than you'll just have the added bonus if you do meet a woman you like.

>How come you enjoy EVERYTHING?
>How did you get to that place?
A lot of contemplative thought. You need to come to appreciate everything in your life. That includes your short comings and problems that normally people put out of their thoughts in order to function.

I thought I was content at least but I'm not anymore. Lonely as fuck

I was lonely and miserable. Then I got a lot of friends, several of which where women. That made me kinda happy. Then I started dating one of said friends and now I am very happy.

how so user?

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You need a woman's touch to be happy. And don't let the incels try to convince you otherwise.

Doesn't mean you have to be married or have a GF though. Those things are just generally tied to sex

Everybody above this line eternally BTFO

Ya 20-something years of life experience gives you the self-discipline and mental capacity to override 7 million years of human evolution directing you to seek a monogamous long term relationship.

>Being this naive
>Coping so hard you're actively seeking justification and validation

Honestly all I've ever got from pursuing women is a few fleeting highs, and a lot of lows. I'm happiest when I'm with my group of male friends and we're hanging out together, joking banter, fucking around. Whenever I'm with them I'm smiling and laughing the whole time. You want to be happy find yourself a group of friends (male exclusively, the dynamic changes drastically whenever females are involved) who you can be yourself around and have fun with.

working out is a hobby that directly leads to self appreciation

(Sorry for not making a thread, but for some fucking reason, 4chin doesn't allow me to upload pics because of muh ISP) But I need help
So the other day I was drunk as hell with a female friend, it was late in the night. Last thing I remember was talking with her about something. Then next day I wake up go to shower and notice my dick was like if I had eyaculated a lot, there were semen/fluid remnants along with some a little smegma (this has never happened even if let's say, I fapped in the night and didn't clean, also the weird thing. Is that when I fap you know, obviously the cum bursts out of my dick and it doesn't leave remains all over the glans, I hope you get what I mean) as if I had nutted a lot and didn't clean it right away. But I didn't masturbated that night before driking (meaning my dick was completely clean) Not only that, but my glans was sore and irritated as if there had been lots of friction. On top of that, I have a small pillow on my bed but I hadn't been using it to put my head on it. Guess what? The frigging pillow smelled like woman's perfume and hair as if someone put their head there, the smell faded throughout the day. Is it possible that something happened and I can't remember shit because of how super drunk and stoned I was. Pleas advice.

it sounds like you fugged, ask her

I don't necessarily disagree, did humans really evolve for monogamous relationships? I'm sure before a few hundred thousand years ago Chad cavemen were just going around fucking any women they came across. Even in recent history Vikings just went around raping and pillaging fucking whoever they liked.

> 20
> M
> 6'2
> 150lbs
Kissless virgin. Never been in a relationship, miserable.

That would be difficult to address with her, I don't even know if she has drunk amnesia too. Well, if I did fuck, it would be my first time. Goddman I hate that feeling of not being able to remember shit because of alcohol

then you probably ought to find out then. Literally just say to her: "Hey, what exactly did we get up to the other night, my memories a bit hazy haha"

Sounds good. I'll see how it goes. Thank you

What I can tell you for sure is that being with a girl, even an amazing one, won't give your life meaning / magically fix everything.

>won't give your life meaning
That it will actually do. Or at least it will make you stop worrying about happiness and meaning and all this bullshit.

Agreed. Having someone you can talk about anything with is the greatest thing in the world. This can also be achieved with a really good friend, but honestly it seems like there aren't many guys who seek intimate friendships with other guys

>happiness and meaning

I don't believe in meaning, but that mentality is what has people chasing after things that only amuse them for short periods of time. Better to tackle those problems now instead of waiting to do so when your old and incapable of doing what you enjoy anymore.

t. slave to the hole
not surprisingly, there are men with more discipline than you.

Krav maga and Hapkido

>refers to women as holes
We get it dude, you're an incel.

do things for yourself, live an interesting life where you relentlessly pursue your hobbies, interests and self improvement.

i have been happier in the last few months than I have been in the last few years in serious relationships with women, i can finally focus on myself and my own development without constantly having to think of the other

>can't get sex
>obsesses over sex
Never understood it. Women have been a constant in my life since I stopped giving a fuck whether they were there.
>What makes you happy?
Fulfilling small pleasures, living out the simple things. You're going to fucking die. In fact, lucky you dumbshits for being born now-- you're probably going to die when you get killed, by China or the Middle-East or whatever other bumblefuck backwards peasants failed to define 'civility' for their country full of chucklefuck clowns.

The fact is it's just not important. It's not all that interesting. And better yet, once you actually get into a relationship, you realize pretty quickly that if you're a person with problems, you're taking on any problems the other has or you're desperately hoping someone who has it together is taking up your shit.

I think the problem is you guys have become so enamored with the idea of a 'solution.' But how many guys have gone so far out of their way just to get a girlfriend, only to realize it does nothing to plug the void of despair? Your sadness is not caused by lacking something warm and squishy to jam your dick into or a soft shoulder to lean on. You're sad because you know even with those, you wouldn't be exempted from having to do the shitty grind, from having to give up your free time and energy in order to make someone else money or provide someone else a service and that no matter what you do there's always going to be some faggot with the potential to fuck it all up for you if the spiteful inkling so hits them. It's the inertia. The limbo. The 'nothing' you're expected to be satisfied doing.

That's life. It sucks. Nothing, and I do truly and well mean nothing, will help you more than purging the notion that anyone, or anything owes you, or will give you anything closely resembling, a solution to what humanity ultimately is in this modern age.
Maybe if you live long enough you'll see new tech. You could become a major VR porn mogul, right?

How is going to therapy fixing problems in one's life?

Serious question, where I'm from no one has ever said therapy has helped them, and I personally have family that are therapists and they seem to think they don't help people too.

So what are your hobbies and interests?

Actually plugging a squishy hole made me feel a lot better. Didn't feel like there was a problem I couldn't handle.
I'm a simple man.

my job was making me happy until all the coworkers and people assumed I was gay because I'm not married out of college

and they're all try to matchmake or pair me

oh and I got rejected today

so fucking nothing makes me happy now

tattoos, gym, fiction (contemporary sci-fi), non-fiction (philosophy, urban planning, economic dev - specifically of neighbourhoods/revitalization), film, horticulture, music, and even video games.

The point is I don't let one single thing define me. I wouldn't let a woman do that, just like I wouldn't let just one singular hobby define me.

Think about your experience in high school, those nerds who literally could not feasibly talk about anything beyond their interests. They could only ever focus on whatever they liked. That's not an interesting person. Worth noting I'm also not judging people who have hobbies like that, I love that shit too, but the point being is I am not stuck in a hamster wheel to where it dominates my sense of being and it's all I want to do. Take away their weeby shit and what's left? Nothing, really.

Life is full of interesting things for you to explore. Nobody is one dimensional unless they let themselves become that way.

Complex societies worked out the idea that the best type of relationship for long term success is one where to woman bears a child and a man provides for her. Sometimes some people rape, doesn't mean everyone does or has the desire to, or that we've activitely self-selected for rape. By definition rapist force proliferation of their own genes.

Fairly easy.

I just enjoy being alone, being with my friends and having fun. I make decent money so I'm never pressured at all. I've had some pretty terrible experiences from high school so I've never taken it further with a girl than just being colleagues or co-workers and it does not bother me. Perhaps at some point I'll feel the need to start a family but so far that hasn't happened. I just enjoy myself and hanging out with friends.

I'd like to note for honesty's sake I'm not an attractive individual. Women don't find me attractive and that's perfectly reasonable. I don't hold it against anybody as it's my own responsibility to be found attractive, not demand it like an angry incel.

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A little over a decade of self-reflection.
At the risk of being immodest, I have been estimated by two sources as being within the top 2% of intelligence, so my self-reflection is probably more efficient than most.

No I was not.
I enjoy my own suffering and cherish the experience.

Idk, im working around the assumption im gonna be single forever.

I mean, we're biologically built to have partners , how can we be happy alone for all our lives?

Im especially worried about when im old.

I also don't have any real friends, and don't see that changing.

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What do you do in your life?

Currently uni student, studying CompSci

Ideally, hoping to graduate and getting a good job, and build some wealth.

I have no real hobbies, interests, and personality traits. I used to, but kind of lost it and know feel indifferent towards anything.

I tried hobbies, but they never give any real pleasure.

Idk, seems like being a father is natural and purposeful.

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trying to work towards your goals, either it be a dream job or even something small like picking up writing and perfecting it.

If a woman comes by then by all means but meanwhile, im going to focus on me

Of course. But you cannot be happy and alone. Humans are social creatures. We need love, friends, family, tribe, and even more things to belong to.

I'm alright without a woman. Some of the most miserable times of my entire life were heartbreaks because of some women.
I do feel like I've lost focus though. I'm improving my life and existence for myself first and foremost, not for a woman, bit ultimately I feel like a woman could only -potentially- make me happier. Not that a woman would really make me happier, most likely a woman would me my ultimate cause for suicide, but I feel that the potential for happiness is there.
Don't know why or how though, I've only recently broke up with a short term gf because I couldn't feel anything but stress out of the whole thing. Ever since I've been rather numb

>Who here is happy without a wymen in his life
>and what the fuck makes you happy then?
My boyfriend :^)

>Self appreciation and contentment doesn't come from spending time on hobbies.
If you dedicate yourself to some of these hobbies, they become passions, and then they absolutely do.

I dedicate myself to art and have yet to find fulfillment, also i don't like anything else.

Nothing is better than having a house and a nice wife who supplies you with all the pussy you need and lets you partake in all the hobbies you want. Maybe some children too. Family life is the best, don't listen to anons who think being single for life is good.

As someone who doesn't love himself, there is no point in having a girlfriend.

Why should I offer my love to someone when I cant even offer it to myself?

My subconscious must hate women cause I always push them away despite desiring their affection

Maybe exactly what you need is someone else to love.

Sure you're not just insecure?

Intellectual achievement you emotional slug

My girlfriend and wanting to wife and put a baby in her is literally the only reason I get up in the morning

You should take the lesbopill, sweetheart boys suck

no, you are afraid of them
i hate them and i fuck them, good setting for sex

Duuuuude I like Nintendo and weed.
I like god damn life in general right now, a woman is an optional thing that i definitely don't NEED

You're asking for a disaster if you place your happiness in a women.

Women provide happiness, but that isn't the only way to happiness

You need sex and relationships to be self actualized.

The pyramid is outdated

Agreed. Theres nothing comfier then taking the lesbopill and finding a cute girl to wife.

Nawl, enjoy being with yourself and love being in your own company. Totally healthy. Just remember not for ever when you're ready to pursue a relationship do it. Coz living in your moma house playing nintento and smoking weed being single in your 40's is a sad life my dude.

I'm pretty happy. I have close relationships with friends, I have my family, I have hobbies, I travel, I go out and have fun. Yeah, I'd like someone to have sex with, but realistically, if that's all I'm missing in my life, I'm pretty well off. No point focusing on the shit I don't have, when I have so many good things in my life.

Your life sucks then.

I mean I feel a lot better since I mouthfucked my wife while spanking her last night. She moaned, “I love you,” around my cock and I blew my load. Seems like the road to happiness to me.

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Seconding this. But I'm an introvert, the thought of having to entertain some guy at home after a long day at work sounds downright awful to me.

I love Barron.

I can't help, but want to give him a brotherly nugie