Explain your obession pol

If blacks didn't have something going for them, why do they take up so much outrageous amount of conversation and interest? Caucasians are literally obsessed with them and know more about their culture than they do. Based on this obsession, you would think they were the only race to exist aside from caucasians.

Honest the only races of importance right now are blacks and whites everyone else uselss and boring.

Attached: Smug negro.jpg (700x700, 29K)

>them and know more about their culture
What kind of culture?

>Caucasians are literally obsessed with them and know more about their culture than they do.
It's perhaps because "Caucasians" are forced to attend "Black history months."

So you are scizo tier obessed with subhumans?

Attached: 10938068-6801249-image-a-146_1552489171713.jpg (962x641, 145K)

So.... what kind of culture?

Literally no one cares about black history month.

Give a proper answer without sperging out or pulling shit out of your ass.

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Why do I see that image posted again and again to make a "point?" Apparently it's terrible hard to find unflattering pictures of these people.

They taught Russia how to bath!

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Are you being retarded on purpose?

Wrong. Blacks are increasingly being foisted on the West; everyday it gets worse. No one is "obsessed" with blacks, except for blacks, their retarded white guilted fans, Jews, and the ultra-rich, who want everyone to be brown so they can destroy us that much easier.

Black are stupid, useless eaters who've contributed nothing of value in the greater scheme of things.

pick one

I was sarcastic. Look at the image.

Blacks are obsessed with themselves. See BLM which claims that "all lives matter" is racist.

>Despite being 6.5 percent of the population.

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My bad. Didn't read the pic. Sorry.

Im a quadroon and I love my black side the most honestly being white is boring everybody around you already is

(((They))) want (You) to make the same mistakes that {We} have made. Don't fall for it.

what culture?

FBI Table 43

>Caucasians are literally obsessed with them
The opposite is true.

Wtf is a "obession"??

Don't know how's it going for eurocucks but in Brazil the narrative is white man bad killed all niggers n shiet, the only thing that matters is the genocide, the culture(or lack of it) is disregarded, only the blackhole niggers actually care

I never think about blacks. Unless the Jew media shows them in my face. Same with porn. But their new big thing seems to be incest. Fucking Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the degenerate shit in the world. Did you know that?

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take away the image, it scared me!! now I'm crying

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>why do they take up so much outrageous amount of conversation and interest?
Ask the media. Here's an experiment: find 7 different popular magazines (the kind you'd find in a waiting room) and take note of who is on their covers. Do this for each issue of each magazine for the last year. Count the number of blacks that appear on the cover. Divide that number by the total number of magazines you've inspected. I guarantee you'll get a fraction that's significantly greater than the fraction of blacks in your nation's population.
(i.e. if you do this with US magazines, I'm betting you'll end up with a number greater than 0.13, since 13% of the US is black.)
If they weren't over-represented, they probably wouldn't take up as much of our conversations.
Another idea, people who bitch about blacks (like me) often have had terrible experiences with blacks (like being constantly harassed as a kid for my skin color, called names, had rocks thrown at me, got beat up, all the while getting a pass from every adult who witnessed this violence and harassment). This is one of the only places left to vent.

Attached: ten_thousand_whites_and_ten_thousand_blacks_violent_crime_stats.png (869x2074, 706K)

Please go into more detail about how much of a cocksucking faggot you are britbong

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The only reason blacks and overall colored people are such an annoyance to others is because they are intrusive.
Nobody minds it, let me tell you in honesty that nobody gives a single shit about your color or you as a person. The low-end culture just has it's members screeching because that's the only way they can get attention.

But having this shit forced through
>media (diversity)
>behavior (yelling like a baboon)
>hood talk
>refusing to learn the language in the country you live in
>stirring up shit
>BLM hoax
and so on, makes racial profiling only more amusing because it's either the people themselves with their wrongly placed pride or the liberal media making the monkey the laughing stock.

I don't see chinks, nips or other gooks complaining or being put on the pedestal. We also have a bunch of Thai folks here, they don't cry either.

Noooo but the black kid, poor black kid, poor, poor, poor me a drink.
Imagine if we had the opportunity to do the same with (((them))).

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Darwinism is such cancer, get well soon holy fuck

I noticed that when there aren't any Jews around to muddy the waters, black and white people genuinely appreciate each other's honesty despite that they tend to disagree about a few fundamental things.

but for people in difficulty in general, do you think they should be helped? (excluding race and origins)

Well you can't exclude race, thats a completely stupid thing. I would happily help out a Chinese family or a Russian family. But I would never help a nigger even if they were dying.

>un negro completamente irracional hablando algo que ni el 10% de la poblacion se cree

>veryone to be brown so they can destroy us that much easier.

¿y cual es la ganancia?

Because they are afraid of your superiority as they are of jewish superiority.

>But I would never help a nigger even if they were dying.


you are invading our counties and we want you the fuck out

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Literally don't think about them unless I see one
Then I think "oh, I can't relax, there is a black"

Because of you we can't have nice things.

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It's an anti-obsession, a phobia. I'll admit it, I have niggerphobia. I have xenophobia in general.

they appeal to the lowest denominator

and if it was good?
what do you think of a son with his Aboriginal mother and a peasant father of monacense origins on an island in the Pacific?

Oh and you cost on average over 700,000$ to the American taxpayer over your lifetime.

we just want you to have your own country. we want you all to be safe from discrimination , so maybe if you took all that you had going for you and went back to your homeland and teach your race to have something going for them too.

you never have to worry about whitey again

the culture of living poor and rapping about getting jewish paper and buying drugs and jewelry

we are not entirely convinced that you have proper human souls, and are unsure how to efficiently deal with the myriad of problems that exist within you communities that spill over into ours, because freedom of association has been outlawed
this might be an example of Jow Forums's interest
normies whites are propagandized from an early age to be deferential and apologetic toward your people, and good puritans that they are, are dutifully commited to abstain from even the appearance of sin (racism) this leads to overcomensation a la mimicking nog culture

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>If you don't like a thing, it must because that thing is good
Wow, you're retarded. Thanks for stopping by.

>whites predominantly control government policy and business practices in the US
>whites create policies that hyper-inflate criminality in non-white populations
>whites address that criminality by creating more policies that make the problem even worse
>minorities have little autonomy to affect public policy against the white behemoth that controls these things demographically, socially, economically, judicially, and militarily
>whites continue to blame minorities for problems that they create in order to scapegoat minorities to initiate policies that would advantage themselves over poorer populations even among their own group
>Jow Forums statistics poster thinks whites are victims and not inherently the force behind a system used to protect their own kind at the expense of everyone else

>you cost on average over 700,000$
Hmm, makes you wonder who gets all that money, doesn't it?

Tv programming is not reality Ahmed.

God I hate niggers. Just end them, end all of them.

Nobody ever thinks about blacks. Blacks think about whites 24/7.

>whites force blacks to commit crimes

You're animal who can talk.

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>Jow Forums
>jews force whites into servitude, criminality, and everything else we don't like

hip hop is the number 1 music in the world
swag belongs to the black men
style and flair

Why does the light in that image come from The top right and also the bottom left

disgust isnt an obsession, to dislike the stench of dog shit, isnt to be obsessed with dog shit

Don't put words in my mouth.

if you are so disgusted why bother...you are obsess with my blackness

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caucasians are obsessed with being guilty.


guilty of loving evrything about the blackman...you would think WE own everything and got all the privilege

Blacks are truly God choosing people not the jews

The problem is that you really can't tell anymore. People legitimately believe this and try to force this view on others.

Ok? I didn't say anything about Jews. Jow Forums is not one person.

You are a worthless darkie nigger

>No one is "obsessed" with blacks
said the incel cuck who pass all of his day shitting on black people on an image board. keep your cognitive dissoncance strong mate

>explain why the (((media))) is obsessed with promoting nigger shit everywhere
Gee I dunno

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Explain your obsession OP.

If whites didn't have something going for them

Why do they take up so much outrageous amount of conversation and interest?

Blacks are literally obsessed with them and know more about their culture than they do.

Based on this obsession, you would think they were the only race to exist aside from blacks.


Also whites aren't obsessed with blacks. We're annoyed by them (important difference). Because blacks are evidently disproportionately violent and dumb and us whites are footing the bill.

Lefties constantly argue how good and useful niggers are, of course we had to do some research to prove niggers are subhuman. No one is obsessed with niggers and if they would just go back to africa, people wouldn't talk as much shit about these monkeyfaced subhumans.

>See BLM which claims that "all lives matter" is racist.
BLM started as a phrase meant to signify that among all the other lives that matter, it's important not to forget that black lives matter too since it's dead black bodies being found in the middle of streets after police departments brutalize black communities. All Lives Matter was started by actual racists who are trying to ignore systemic racial inequities perpetrated by the racist policies regarding law enforcement and redefine BLM as some pro-black racist organization for BLM's attempt to highlight these obvious inequities that mainly affect BLACK PEOPLE simply because of the word "black" in their org title. The average white person, having little to no sense of what real racism is because the are advantaged by it daily while not having to think on it critically, are sways by the racist's redefining of the issue and take your perspective though it's clearly fucking ridiculous on its face.

To help you better understand this dynamic let's use the "hole in a bucket" metaphor. There's holes in a bucket. Many holes are filled but a few aren't. Saying one particular hole needs filling doesn't discount the rest that need filling. It's saying this hole should be filled along with the rest that already have been filled.

>muh systemic racism
Yeah, okay buddy. Lurk moar, you fucking newfag

Attached: black crime stats.gif (616x5370, 1.18M)

Black crime stats only reinforce the idea of systemic racism since we know that people with opportunities and wealth don't wind up in situations where criminality seems like a better option. I know you're a dumb motherfucker by being on Jow Forums and posting that but posting that image 100 million times might sway newcomers, but it won't sway people with actual historical knowledge and intelligence.

>people with opportunities and wealth don't wind up in situations where criminality seems like a better option
>dumb motherfucker
>actual historical knowledge and intelligence
Wow, you're so intelligent and historically informed that you neglected to tell the thread that (even when controlling for class/wealth) niggers are more violent. Eat a dick and lurk moar.

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>If blacks didn't have something going for them, why do they take up so much outrageous amount of conversation and interest?

It's human nature to laugh at a person/people that act retarded. It makes us feel good.

It is also human nature to point out abnormalities...like 13% of a population doing over 50% of the murders.

exceptions do not change the rule.


Attached: black crime in canada.png (850x812, 139K)

Dropping Redpill left and right. Doing God's work, user

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>understanding the effects of marginalization
pick one

>red pills
The guy's dropping crime stats with little to no argument about the conditions or laws that would allow for these types of outcomes. maybe they're redpills to idiots, but they're just another blue pill to me.

Niggers commit more crimes, are a huge drain on the economy of every country they reside in and have IQ's so low that they are borderline retarded. Literally every race on the planet is better than niggers. They are the worst of the worst in almost every category.

Despite making up 29% of the U.S. population, white males have accounted for 80% of the country's school shootings since 1982.

Despite making up 29% of the U.S. population, white males have accounted for 80% of the country's mass murders since 1982.


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>understanding being accountable for following simple rules like don’t shoot people or mug them

You know the rules


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>coping this hard

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Nice pivot,dipshit
People notice when 10 threads on the same topic pop up instantaneously...
You never get any better at this do u?

yet here you are on Jow Forums trying to convince humanity of inherent differences in populations without these slightest forethought about what they would mean with someone with such a low IQ like yourself

>know more about their culture than they do
Not hard when they are as thick as shit.

>inherent differences in populations without these slightest forethought about what they would mean
Yep, because genes actually have an affect on human behavior, just like other mammals -- who would have thought?
>b-but you have a low IQ!
Cry more.

In all seriousness, treat this as an opportunity to come to terms with the cognitive dissonance you are experiencing right now. Just because literal communists have infiltrated the media and academia to convince saps like you that we are all the same doesn't make it so. Come to the right side.

Attached: black and white iq distributions.jpg (600x405, 26K)

this is the side effects of having to live lies and live beside someone who is not equal and takes advantage of any situation they can .

just go back to Africa before the bloodshed starts.


black people are a joke

>come to the right side
If you don't think that the idea of inherent differences among populations haven't plagued mankind for generations, which has been typically class and family related within the same ethnic group, you're a dumb pos. Come to the right side? You ever notice how Jow Forums devolves into shitposting about white nationalities whenever they become bored when discussing niggers and the le 56% meme? Yeah. That's what you're arguing for- again, your foresight is lacking. Your time is coming.

why is it always memeflags

>plagued mankind for generations
There you go again, regurgitating that baseless propaganda that accepting REALITY is somehow a bad thing.
>[shitposting] . . . Yeah. That's what you're arguing for.
I'm arguing for my people to act in their own interests, as they should. Constantly pandering to others will bring about our demise, if left unchecked.
>Your time is coming.
Tough talk from a beta male whining about the validity of Black Lives Matter on /pol.

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you are correct , out time is coming. You see , the handheld device has opened the door to information to even the lowliest souls .

Truth shines bright wherever it lives and you can believe every single one of our nigger threads is a tool that we use to show any new person that we mean business here. this is not a game.

when a reality based man walks into a room full of truth, he also speaks truth, if he doesn't he's a faggot.

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Says Canada the weed smoking faggoty legal dog fucking cuck country that was built by and still dominated by the English. You lot are such an embarrassment seriously. You know it as well.

I hope you enjoy your last World War fellas. There will be dead white people everywhere.

>There will be dead white people everywhere
Finally, he admits what he really wants. Btw, quit larping as Captain America fighting the Nazis, you fucking beta. When the US fought in WW2, it was a white nationalist nation.

Whites literally have to kill dozens of people at a time just to stay even with blacks.

there won't be any world war, there will be mass migration 2, where everyone decides living with each other is shit, and they do it peacefully--

if not, all the whites, who work, will and have bought up all the guns and ammo just for this reason.

if you are tired of nigger threads , go to your safe place

>dead white people everywhere
You misunderstand. I'm saying your ideology is inherently misguided and will eventually create divisions among whites as they try to identify, isolate, and marginalize white individuals who do not represent the white standard. As mentioned before, you can already see this standard being applied to any number of different caucasoid nations in Jow Forums. It's a steady degrading that will lead to conflicts and existential crises.