Jow Forums Poll

Let's see who we're talking to!

>Do you ask for advice?
>Do you offer advice?
>Tell us something you believe.

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Don't reply, this is a marketer looking for demographic information

What makes you think so?

Nope, I work security and am looking for self knowledge.

I am an old timer adv/isor
I believe drinking a gallon of water a day will sove most problems.

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Age: 45
Sex: Never
Advice: I have 5 threads going. I like role-playing as male virgins.
Offer advice: yes, I respond to almost every thread
Believe: I believe the human ego is an illusion and we commit suicide every minute

>polls other people

If you're investigating the legitimacy of advice to your possible questions, you shouldn't bother. Ultimately you just ask for advice and hope that something someone says rings true.

>Do you ask for advice?
>Do you offer advice?
every once in a while, I mostly just lurk
>Tell us something you believe

Global warming is a Jewish hoax

>Attack Helicopter
>Hitler did nothing wrong

>>Do you ask for advice?
>>Do you offer advice?
>>Tell us something you believe.
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race



>>Do you ask for advice?
I did a few times, didnt really get specific help since my problems werent specific

>>Do you offer advice?
On stuff i am knowledgeable about, yes. I try helpful chap in general in my life as well.

>>Tell us something you believe.
I genuinely hope/believe i will find a relationship through this anonymous turkish kebap enthusiast imageboard. Somebody who will be dear to me..



>Do you ask for advice?

>Do you offer advice?

>Tell us something you believe
Empathy is the most human emotion, yet few of us exercise it. I believe the world needs more empathy.


If you're around 20-25 years old and lesbian, would you be my gf?

Yes, but I don't think it's very good
Human beings are inherently self-destructive and naturally spiral into loneliness and despair given the absurdity of life

give me an example of you showing empathy in the last week, feeding your cat aside

>Penis haver
>Rarely. I tend to get more shitposts and angry projection than I do getting decent advice
>When I can. I usually give advice for non social people on helping them open up to people

General word of advice: Discord voice chats/Skype calls are real good first step into learning to interact with people if you’re not good with social skills. It’s a good first step to learning to converse with others without any social pressure attached to it.

Also, FYI, stop listening to the retards on other boards trying to keep you from using discord because there’s “too many traps”. A) Just because you meet one or two trans girls is not gonna fucking kill you and B) you don’t even have to talk to them anyways if it that’s big of a deal for you, so why does that matter?

>t. discord tranny

>Do you ask for advice?
>Do you offer advice?
more often than i give it
>Tell us something you believe.
at some point in life, someone has experience the exact same emotions/feelings you have, although more intensely

Rarely, I'm more of a lurker.
Comfort is the enemy of achievement. (Memorized that line from some motivational post years ago; helps to remind me of always giving maximum effort.)

Being here and trying my best to understand others situations and give advice that I feel best fits that situation while trying to put myself into their shoes to think about how they might actually be feeling or going through, instead of relying purely off what's worked for me.
Similar to what actual therapists do, though obviously not quite.

This isn't the only thing, far from it. It's the quickest example that related to this board, however.

Some empathetic things I do, I tend to do without too much thought. Even small things, like making sure to stay out of peoples way when shopping because I know how annoying it is to have someone right in the middle of the isle, or relocating a bug I found in the house instead of killing it. Empathy doesn't always have to be this big thing you go out of your way to try to do, all it really is, is giving attention to what the 'other' being effected by your actions might be thinking, feeling, or going through.
Also, I wish I had a cat, but I don't have any animals currently.

Older women make better lovers

>sometimes, if its not dumb bullshit
>I believe people are stupid because they descend from a long line of serfs, and they should've stayed that way. the only way for the human race to flourish is to go back to a monarchy.

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>on very few occasions, on instances in which I want to know about personal experiences.
>I try although Jow Forums is currently trending on "shitty threads that don't even deserve a full sentence as an answer"

>I fully believe that the internet should be 21+. It is too much exposure for anyone young. The modern internet is a cesspit of vitriol and bitter crabpots.

I have a deep love of my fellow humans, the things they think and believe give me perspective on my own ideas.

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

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>do you ask for advice
Occasionally, only recently I've been doing it more since I'm in a post break up predicament
>do you offer advice
Yes. I feel the best when I'm helping someone else, or engaging with someone who maybe needs a good conversation
>tell us something you believe
I believe most people make shitty mistakes and decisions, and don't take the right routes to better themselves and improve upon the mistakes, even if they feel that they have improved.

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I like you

a few times
yes, whenever i can
i believe in a lot of things, be specific

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Thank you user
Give us a general morale that you believe in ferverntly

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Wow everyone on this board is female, what a twist.

It was an open opportunity, your answer is perfect, because it is yours.

thank you for narrowing this down.
this is likely a super simple belief if not outright cliche but i believe that everyone should have a chance at being treated equally. as long as you're not a horrible person (pedo, rapist, you know the usual) of course. i try to follow this in every day life.

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>posts a twitch emote
checks out

Cliches are cliches for a reason. But I think most of us here agree, considering how divsive this site can be, that all sides should be heard and treated equal, so long as it doesn't break the boundries of imorality.

agreed. the diverse community is actually a huge part of why i come to this site, and to this board specifically. i really enjoy learning about people from different walks of life. this board is the most "down to earth" one (aside from the sometimes edgy/purposely unhelpful advice) so it's really nice.

let me add a question to those who are reading:
>other than "to give/recieve" advice, is there another reason why you anons visit this board?

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Very rarely, maybe twice in the last 5 years
The ego and free will are illusions, you have bo control over your life, thoughts and actions because there is no "you" to begin with.

I agree, its always great to come to this board when I'm feeling down to get all sides of different stories. Some poeple are very genuine, and others will tell you very bluntly to grow a pair and walk it off. And everyone has their opinions from their own experiences.

>>other than "to give/recieve" advice, is there another reason why you anons visit this board?
Its one of the more tamer boards, with a good pace, fast enough to keep conversation, but slow enough to be well thought out.

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Sex: Never
Advice:I like role-playing as male virgins.

I think you‘ve misunderstood the term „role-playing“

If i need a reality check, yes
If i feel like i can help or add something of value, yes

Third wave feminism is destroying our society and we‘re not headed towards gender equality but males being oppressed instead. I guess in a few generations we‘ll have a „males rising up agains matriarchy“ wave and then the roles get reversed again. I just hope we will one day find a way out of this toxic loop and be able to understand true equality instead. And by that i CERTAINLY don‘t mean equality of outcome.

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>>Do you ask for advice?
I asked one relationship question years ago
>>Do you offer advice?
Yes. I legitimately try to help out if it seems like a serious question
>>Tell us something you believe.
I believe there's a real possibility that Michael Jackson didn't inappropriately touch kids and he might have just a been a guy with arrested development desperately wanting to stay a child. So, naturally, he greatly preferred the company of children and nothing more. At the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a pedo.

totally agree with you. guys need some real help in some cases, and they aren't being taken seriously enough

Lots of F s in the thread. Somewhat a surprise if i have to be honest..

A welcome one, but still.

I think the most dangerous thing is how girls get all the encouragement and support and guys are almost deliberately left out.
I have two sons and i can clearly see this tendency in the education system and have been observing the same with my younger brother. Female teachers who bought into feminism and man hate are a real danger to boys. Unfortunately, female teachers are often on the political left aide and that really shows. If my boys weren‘t so socially involved with their peers.m, i‘d definitely homeschool them. But then again, they will have to learn to be resilient enough to withstand it or they‘ll get destroyed in the real world. It definitely makes my mother heart bleed and i wish people would become a bit less fanatic and a bit more realistic.

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It's still a patriarchy and you're stupid if you think it's a matriarchy. Mostly men who hold powerful positions. Women still feel pressured and obligated for sex. Expected to dress a certain way, act a certain way, etc. Power is almost always in men's hands.

The fact that you can‘t understand „headed towards“ and feel the need to name call has clearly outed you as a feminist.

Not her but,

No, i disagree. Men as a class dont hold power. Some men, very few men hold a lot of power, and so their wives too by proxy.

Men and women both are expected to act a certain way and dress a certain way, but they are still expected. Different ways sure, but they are both hold to certain standarts..

>Sometimes, but it's pretty rare that I ask - honestly I rarely get good advice
>Yes, often
>I believe in ghosts and God(s) lol

>Mostly men who hold powerful positions. Power is almost always in men's hands.
Yes. And that‘s not exclusively because women get oppressed. Maybe those men have just put in the effort to get to where they are? The fact that there ARE women in all possible powerful positions clearly indicates that when you want to, your gender is not going to stop you from getting to the top. The issue is mostly that women naturally have different priorities and that isn‘t because they have been socially conditioned. Most of those priority tendencies have direct biological roots. You simply can‘t deny that there are biological differences between men and women without being willfully ignorant.

>Women still feel pressured and obligated for sex. Expected to dress a certain way, act a certain way, etc.

just browse this board for 5 mins and you‘ll see that men are exposed to the same gender expectations. I‘m not saying this is a good thing, if i could choose, i‘d want a world where everybody could be how they want without feeling to prove that they are „a real woman/a real man“. Sadly, society isn‘t that intelligent already, but the pressure is on both genders. At least that’s SOME equality i guess.

>Yes, lots, there is so much to learn about all of the facets of life, and so little time
>No, I wouldn’t consider myself wise enough. Though, I do know which direction to point people in to find good advice.
>What I believe
Unironically, arbeit macht frei. Work does set you free.

3 reasons I visit this board

1. Because it soothes a longing need of loneliness. I have friends, but when I'm not in a relationship their is this need for a presence at home that my pup can't mas completely, honestly it's something I don't even understand myself. But coming here and reading real problems, being able to help and responding/being responded to helps somehow.

2. To remember someone sucks at life worse than me

3. Because once you're on Jow Forums you never leave, been here since 08' -- I need to start lurking other boards more

I would like to say on a bit of a side note: I don't get how everyone and their mother thinks that Jow Forums is the normie board, I think /ck/ if anything is more of a normie board. Honestly Jow Forums is full of so many roleplayers/blogposters and down right angry, KHV/r9k/pol/ people, it's crazy to me. There is some really good advice here and there though.

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Lurk more newfag

yes please
>>Do you ask for advice?
>>Do you offer advice?
more than not
>>Tell us something you believe.
we will conquer the stars

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>Do you ask for advice?
Almost never.
>Do you offer advice?
Sometimes, generally I just try to give some perspective.
>Tell us something you believe.
That you have to make your own decisions, because it's your life and no one else can live it for you.

Things happen for a reason, faggot.

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14 words