I'm 18 and I started taking birth control as a last resort to my acne and it made it FIVE FUCKING TIMES WORSE.
I eat healthy, I'm like 120lbs, only drink water (haven't had soda for 3 years), don't take any other meds, change bedding all the time, use cleansers for my skin type.
Neither of my parents had acne when they were young. What am I doing wrong? There is no one else in my year with this issue. I hate it. It looks like I'm not taking care of myself, but I'm probably taking better care than most people my age.
Also get into the ocean or a salt water pool regularly.
Exercise helps a little too
Ryder Rodriguez
It's hard for me to imagine someone who exercises a lot and has acne
Christopher Howard
Don't worry too much about whether your parents had it. Neither of my parents had it. Look at it like it's a part of you and understand that it doesn't just go away completely one day. You have to make it better and try to not spend much time in the mirror. I'm 25 and ive had it off and on since I was 14ish. Try using cetaphil gentle skin cleanser in the morning and retin a or ziana gel at night. That's how I've kept mine under control The pst year or so. Remember not to wash it heavily and pat dry with towel. Good luck and love yourself! :)
Asher Walker
I do occasionally wear bb cream when I feel like covering the redness up a little bit. But most of the time, no. Not my kind of thing. I like natural beauty.
Nathan Adams
"eat healthy" may not be enough if you have an autoimmune response to something in your diet. Go get an allergy screening. They're not 100% accurate, but you can use it to help guide a trial-and-error elimination diet that will identify what the irritant is that causes your body to break out.
Grayson Hernandez
I do some yoga and I'm a waitress so I'm constantly running around at work. Once school ends, though, I'll try to get out and go on a run in the mornings. I'm currently using cetaphil at night and a rice water cleanser in the morning. I was given retin a by my dermatologist and that ended up making my skin peel. I'll ask about getting ziana gel! Thank you for the suggestions (:
Luke Ward
itll go away if you be my gf
Zachary Robinson
Acne forms from a variety of things, if you're fit you'll have a strong immune system and strong blood flow. Both fight acne.
Julian Sullivan
Exercise and sweat like a pig, take a shower afterwards. This will help you skin push the oils out along the sweat
Nathaniel Hill
>as a last resort Have you tried accutane?
Jason Baker
it can be stress related, also maybe change what face stuff you use to remedy it as you may be having like an allergic reaction.
Ryder Cruz
Try a different bc. It may be due to the level of hormones in the one you're currently on.
Jayden Evans
No, but it was offered to me. However I really don't want to take it. Too many nightmarish stories I've heard about it and a lot of unwanted side effects that to me aren't worth risking just to clear my face up. I've been told it has no relation to acne, but I do have anemia. This already makes me feel really weak most days. So I'd rather not mess up my system even more.
Austin Campbell
Try not drinking milk and eating milk products ( Yogurt, cheese... ) I'm in the exact same boat as you except male, 18, had acne since 14, tried EVERYTHING there is to try ( except accutane because I heard it can make you more depressed and suicidal and I'm already dealing with that ). Milk thing helped and also not overwashing it, if you have oily skin wash your face only once a day.
I still have a lot of acne but I THINK it's getting better, might just be placebo
Brody Scott
Hmm okay! I already use almond milk instead of regular milk. But I do eat yogurt a lot so I'll try to see if cutting back on it will do anything.
About washing your face, when do you do it and what do you use? I wash mine morning and night but maybe that's too much.
Christian Cox
I was mine before sleep with soap specifically designed for the face, then I put a gel on and ever 3/4 days exfoliate. In the morning I just splash my face with water without anything. I'm a big offender of drinking soda though, trying stopping and did stop for a few months but nothing changed so I started drinking it again.
Jack Lewis
Cooper Morris
Alright I'm gonna try that out. I'm starting to think I may be overdoing it because my skin type is oily, thus I feel the need to cleanse it whenever I can. But maybe that's wearing it out and causing more problems.
For soda, quit!!! I used to love vanilla coke but for my 2016 new year goal I decided to stop drinking any soda and start drinking more water. It's the only goal I've stuck with for so long and I feel great about it. I like bragging to people about not being hooked on soda, haha. Once you go a while without soda, it won't feel so weird and just gets easier. Plus, water is amazing.
Jackson Roberts
Exactly, that's the exact conclusion I came to as well, I think it works.
I drink water a lot, but I just live without soda man, I don't drink, smoke or do drugs, my one cheat thing is drinking soda, coca cola and fanta mainly.
Okay so I know what you are going through. I wish I could help you more directly but this will have to do. First of all, eating healthy does not influence acne. It's a myth. Cleansers can help but it's not professional help. You should go see a doctor before you screw yourself over permanently because of scars.
Adrian Foster
I have been to the doctor multiple times and dermatologist once. Doctor prescribed me several different pills and creams throughout the years. The dermatologist just prescribed me a less powerful version of retin a even after I told her it didn't work the time when my doctor prescribed it. Nothing has worked ):
Xavier Lee
check the comedogenic rating of your skincare products, especially moisturizer. if i use something with the wrong ingredients I will instantly get a huge breakout. that was probably my only problem when i was younger, but my stupid retard whore mother never taught me how to be a girl, and i only had the cheap dollar store products to use. milk, pillowcases, etc, that's all bullshit. i have perfectly clear skin now and drink a ton of milk. i hate my parents so much i wish i could go back in time and strangle them.
Ethan Collins
>ctrl f >zinc >0 results take zinc supplements op
Easton Lopez
I had cystic acne all over my face and tried everything to fix it. Towel over my pillow every night for years, every over the counter product, being gentle with my face, not taking hot showers, completely changing my diet, etc. My face simply produced too much oil, and nothing would fix it. I finally took accutane at 21 and that got rid of my acne 95%. The only permanent side effect I got is increased presence of floaters in my vision. Kind of a small price to pay for no longer having big red puffy cysts filled with opaque white yellow puss all over my face that would inevitably pop, start leaking, leaving a scar where the hole formed.
I wish I wouldve just taken accutane years earlier. If you're 18 though, it could still go away in a year or two, and accutane isnt worth it unless your acne is severe or it is scarring your face.
Ayden Murphy
My acne didn't start to go away until I hit 20, no matter what I did. Today, I use Lush's "Dark Angels" face wash every time I shower. It's the only thing that's cleared up my cystic acne, and I've tried it all.