Brit/pol/ - Doing Your Bit Edition

>but think of the jewish capital!
I'll consider, many beautiful places in UK I have not been to.

There's only one man with the moral authority to run the country now.

Attached: OWENS (1).jpg (615x922, 61K)

Not much, other than a small chance that a protest becomes the burning of parliament.
Probably won’t happen, but one can dream.

I am delighted to see the return of this meme in these troubled times

Attached: milkmanrising.jpg (1024x681, 286K)

Anyone listen to this?

Attached: talking-politics-podcast-icon-ita18ygd.jpg (3000x3000, 226K)

Don't worry about him, he's an outlier, most Brits would be ecstactic if London disappeared in a nuclear fire.

Gambling shekels from drug dealing and cannibal wog dictatorships is nothing to base a society on Yitzak


Attached: Drink milk every day.jpg (1291x713, 172K)

Calling the Saudi king to try and sell him more clusterbombs for the fifth time today. Already sold them enough to bomb Yemen and the entire ME ten times over but Tony's such a gifted salesman he managed to persuade him to stock up enough to also do Asia ten times over just in case.